Sharky and Kenny exchanged one last lingering kiss before Sharky helped his boyfriend up from the sand. The two held hands as they walked back to the car, the others following close behind.

The group stopped next to the two cars, Sharky and Kenny's hands still clasped together. "You guys want to hang out a little more after this?" Harry asked, glancing at his phone.

"Sorry, I am going home for a fat sleep; I have an early appointment tomorrow morning." Aj yawned, rubbing his eyes.

"And I have to make sure he actually does sleep." Chunkz said with a grin, wresting his elbow on top of Aj's head before it got slapped away.

"We also have a date planned for tonight," Sharky added, glancing at his boyfriend. "So we'll have to catch up with you guys next time."

"Well, I'm free if you guys are." Filly said, looking at the rest of the men. He received nods from Darkest and Niko. "Great, we might as well all get in the same car." He smiled, walking over to the other car.

"Wait!" Niko suddenly exclaimed, halting everyone's movements. "Uh... I've just remembered; I've got things I need to do tonight. Sorry." He looked sheepishly at the group, his face flushed with embarrassment.

"No worries, man." Darkest said with a shrug. "We can always catch up another time." He glanced at Filly, who nodded in agreement.

Niko actually knew Aj's appointment was another therapy session, and this time he wanted to be supportive and ensure he was awake if Aj needed any help again.

The group said their goodbyes and each got in a car. As Darkest, Filly, and Harry started to drive, they glanced back at the others, exchanging a knowing look. They knew there was something going on between Niko and Aj, and that may have been the reason Niko decided to stay.

The five left at the beach stood around the car. "Anyone else want to drive us back?" Chunkz asked hopefully, eyeing the group. Everyone thought it was a funny idea to pretend to sleep. Chunkz did not. He sighed and got in the driver's seat, with Aj following closely to sit in the passenger seat.

Niko got in the back, right behind Aj. Even this distance started breaking Niko's heart, and he couldn't bear the thought of even more distance due to their most recent conversation.

Kenny and Sharky sat together in the back, next to Niko. The car left the parking space, and everyone looked out at the sunset, the red, orange, and yellow hues painting the sky in beautiful patterns. No one said a word; each was lost in their own thoughts. Niko couldn't help but wonder what the future held for Aj and himself.

Sharky continued looking out the window, the soft hum of the music filling the car. He laid his head on Kenny's shoulder, receiving a kiss on the forehead in return. The warmth of his boyfriend's touch made him feel safe and protected.

The car ride back to the house was as quiet as a whisper, each person lost in their own thoughts. Niko's fingers danced across the screen of his phone, mindlessly scrolling through social media, his gaze occasionally drifting over to Aj. The other man was staring out the window, his expression unreadable, his profile lit up every now and then by the soft glow of the streetlights. Sharky and Kenny had fallen asleep in the backseat, their heads lolling against each other.

When they finally reached the house, Sharky and Kenny awoke with a start, yawning and stretching. Chunkz pulled the car to a stop in the driveway, and everyone slowly unbuckled their seatbelts. They all filed into the house, exhausted from their day out. Kenny and Sharky thanked Chunkz for the ride and headed upstairs together to get ready for their date. As they disappeared up the stairs, Niko and Aj found themselves sitting alone in the living room.

The silence between them was awkward, but neither of them knew how to address it. Before Niko could make a move to speak, Chunkz walked in, sitting up close to Aj. "Hey, you okay?" he asked softly. Aj nodded to his friend. Niko felt a twinge of jealousy but tried to push it down.

Sharky and Kenny finally emerged from their room, hand in hand. They both looked refreshed and ready to face the night. "We are off out now; if you need anything, then call us up." Sharky said, giving a little wave as they headed for the front door. "Night, guys." Chunkz called after them as they disappeared into the night.

"Chunkz? Do you mind if I stay in your room tonight?" Aj asked, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't bring himself to look at Niko as he spoke, focusing instead on his friend's face. There was a long pause before Chunkz responded, his expression unreadable. Finally, he shrugged. "I guess that's fine."

Niko felt a knot form in his stomach as he watched this exchange, his heart sinking deeper with every word that was spoken. He wanted nothing more than to be close to Aj, to feel his warmth and reassurance, but it seemed that tonight would not be the night for that. He forced a smile, trying to pretend like he wasn't hurt. "Alright, well, goodnight then," he said, standing up and beginning to walk towards the stairs.

Chunkz glanced over at Niko, a mixture of sympathy and understanding in his eyes. He knew how much Aj meant to Niko, and he could see the pain it caused him. But he also knew that sometimes people needed space, even when they didn't realise it. He wished there was something he could do to make it easier for his friend, but he knew there wasn't.

"Aje? What's going on, brother?" Chunkz asked, his voice filled with concern as he turned back around once Niko had left the room and headed up the stairs. Aj shrugged weakly, avoiding eye contact with Chunkz. "I talked to Niko earlier, and I just... I don't know, man. I think I ended whatever was between us. And I think he technically finally asked me out, and I said no."

Chunkz frowned, understanding the weight of Aj's words. "Oh, man. I'm sorry, dude. I wish I could make it better." He paused before giving Aj a hug. Aj didn't say anything, but he leaned into the hug anyway, burying his face in Chunkz's shoulder. Chunkz let him cry for a moment, rubbing his back soothingly.

Finally, Aj pulled away, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He wasn't thinking straight and suddenly felt as if he had been pulled from his own body. The two men sat facing each other intensely. Aj could see the sincerity in Chunkz's eyes and the depth of emotion that he had never seen before. And he suddenly felt himself leaning in. He couldn't help it. The urge to kiss his best friend, to feel that connection, was overwhelming. His lips met Chunkz's, tentatively at first, but then with more passion as they both gave in to the moment.

Chunkz's hands found their way to Aj's shoulders, gently pushing him away, disconnecting their exchange. "Aj, I'm sorry, but this isn't what you want," he said, his voice firm but gentle. "I care about you too much to let you do this to yourself." He paused, taking a deep breath, before continuing. "Our friendship means everything to me. I don't want to ruin that."

Aj ignored his friend's protests, pulling Chunkz closer. He didn't want to hear any of it. He didn't care about the friendship or the potential consequences; he just wanted to feel something new. With every ounce of strength he had, he kissed Chunkz harder, his lips demanding attention.

It took a few seconds for Chunkz to come back to his senses, and this time he forcefully pushed Aj back. His breath was heavy, and he looked Aj in the eye, trying to convey the gravity of the situation. "Aj, listen to me. I care about you more than anything else in this world. I don't-" His words were firm but gentle, trying to reach through the haze of desire that seemed to cloud Aj's judgment. But he couldn't finish because Aj was already standing up and rushing out of the room, heading for his bedroom, slamming the door shut.

Hello guys, want to say sorry about the big wait, exam season and mental health is taking its toll on me lol.
But I miss writing so here you go.
I'm going to see if I can get another chapter out either tonight or tomorrow.

Also I did go back to add Darkest to the last few chapters, but don't worry it didn't change the storyline at all.


The Waters - A Beta Squad Story (bxb)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें