26. Connected

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The moment the car pulled up to the house, they were off, up the stairs, and into Sharky's room. They didn't bother with much; just a few articles of clothing were tossed carelessly aside as they fell into each other's arms. Sharky's heart raced as he felt Kenny's lips against his own, their tongues tangling in a desperate dance of passion. He ran his hands over Kenny's hair, feeling the softness of it.

Kenny moaned into the kiss, his hand digging into Sharky's shoulders and the fabric of his shirt bunching beneath them. They stumbled across the room, their bodies pressed together, seeking contact everywhere. They fell onto the bed, tangled together, their breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Is your hand alright? Or do you want to stop?" Sharky asked between kisses. He didn't want to do anything to hurt Kenny.

Kenny shook his head, his fingers digging into Sharky's shoulders. "No, I'm fine. I want this. I want you." His hips arched up into Sharky's, seeking more contact. "You're a madman if you think I'd want to stop."

They rolled over, Kenny's back pressing into the mattress, his legs spread wide. This was so he wasn't leaning on his wrist. Sharky moved between them, kissing his way down Kenny's chest and sucking gently on a nipple before moving lower. He felt the hardness pressing against his abdomen, and he knew what Kenny wanted.

With a smile, Sharky hooked his fingers into the waistband of Kenny's boxers, sliding them down over his hips. He tossed them aside, revealing Kenny's aroused cock. He ran his tongue along the length of it, tasting the salty pre-cum on his tongue. Kenny cried out, arching into the touch.

Sharky took him in hand, stroking slowly at first, feeling the heat and the length of him. He sucked gently on the tip, feeling the head stretch his lips, before taking more of him into his mouth. He moved his head, taking more of Kenny's cock, his hand sliding up and down in a steady rhythm.

Kenny's breath came in ragged gasps, his hips bucking against Sharky's hand. "Sharky... please..." he moaned, the pleasure building inside him. He arched his back off the bed, his toes curling as he felt the familiar tightness begin to coil in his belly. He knew he was close, so close...

Sharky pulls away completely. Kenny whines at the loss of contact. "Ken, are you sure you want our first time to be tonight? I mean, we don't have many options for moving your arm."
Kenny looks at Sharky with a soft, loving gaze. He reaches out and cups Sharky's cheek, gently stroking his thumb over his cheekbone. "Sharky...I trust you. I know we don't have to. I just...want this. I want tonight to be special. I want to be with you, and only you. I love you." His voice is barely above a whisper, but it echoes in the room, filling the air between them.

Sharky leans in, his lips brushing against Kenny's as he speaks. "I love you too. I want this to be special too."

He moves up the bed, straddling Kenny's hips, their eyes locked. Sharky takes Kenny's hand, placing it on his chest and over his heart. "I want you to feel this. I want you to know that when I'm with you, it's you that I want. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

He then guides the hand behind him. Using it to help guide his hips, he slowly lowers himself down on Kenny's fingers. There's a brief moment of pain and then a blissful feeling of being stretched.

The room is full of the sound of their ragged breathing as Sharky slowly begins to move his hips, sliding down on Kenny's fingers. The sensation is unlike anything either of them has ever felt before, and it's almost too much to bear. Sharky bites his lip, his eyes squeezed shut, trying to focus on the feeling, trying to last.

Then, when Sharky deems himself ready, he pulls back slightly, looking down at Kenny. His eyes are wide and searching, and his chest is heaving as he fights for control. Kenny's gaze meets his, and he sees the love, the trust, and the desire there. He removes Kenny's hand, wiping it on one of their tops thrown on the bed.

Sharky leans down, his lips finding Kenny's in a gentle yet urgent kiss. Their tongues dance together, and the heat between them is almost overwhelming. Sharky laces his fingers with Kenny's good hand as their lower halves connect.

Sharky grinds his hips down on Kenny, feeling full of his lover. He looks into Kenny's eyes, their pupils dilated, their expressions hungry. He leans down, kissing him deeply, their tongues tangling together as they try to express the feelings they have for each other. Kenny moans into the kiss, arching his back off the bed. The friction between their bodies is almost too much to bear, but they both know it's what they need.

As they continue to kiss, their hips move in perfect sync, their skin slippery with sweat. Sharky reaches down with his free hand, cupping Kenny's cheek, feeling the stubble there. He pulls back slightly, their lips still brushing against each other, and whispers, "Ken, I love you." Kenny whispers back, "I love you too, Sharky." And with that, they lose themselves in the moment, their bodies moving together in a rhythm that feels both familiar and new.

Their lovemaking is a dance of tenderness and strength, of vulnerability and protection. As Sharky moves above Kenny, he leans down, his lips trailing across Kenny's neck, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses. Kenny arches his back, letting out a moan that vibrates through Sharky's body.

Their hips move in perfect synchronicity, and the friction between them is almost unbearable. Sharky's fingers dig into Kenny's shoulders, leaving imprints of his strength and passion. Kenny's good hand grips Sharky's ass, urging him down. Their bodies are a symphony of desire and need, and they play it together with a mastery that speaks of a bond that goes beyond mere words.

As they reach the apex of their pleasure, Sharky's muscles tense and his body arches, his eyes squeezing shut in a moment of pure bliss. He gasps out Kenny's name, his voice ragged and hoarse. Kenny thrusts upward, meeting Sharky's movements, and with a shuddering cry of Sharky's name, he comes as well.

Their bodies are locked together, sweat and saliva mixing as they breathe heavily. Sharky collapses onto Kenny's chest, his weight a welcome warmth. He nuzzles into the crook of Kenny's neck, their heartbeats slowing in unison.

Kenny's good hand runs through Sharky's hair, tugging gently. "You okay?" he whispers, his voice still rough from their passion. Sharky nods against his neck, feeling the thump of Kenny's heart beneath his ear. "Yeah," he breathes, "I'm good." He pulls back slightly, looking up at Kenny. There's a tenderness in his eyes that Kenny has never seen before, and it takes his breath away.

Sharky reaches into the drawer next to them, pulling out some wipes to clean themselves down. He then reaches down, grabbing the blanket from the foot of the bed. He tosses it over them, the soft fabric a welcome barrier against the cool air. He curls himself around Kenny, their naked bodies pressed together. Kenny wraps his good arm around Sharky's waist, feeling the heat of his skin. They lie there in silence for a moment, just enjoying the closeness and the afterglow of their time.

Sharky nuzzles his face into the crook of Kenny's neck, breathing in the sweet, musky scent that he's grown to love. He lets out a contented sigh, feeling a sense of peace wash over him. He's never been one to express his emotions openly, but with Kenny, it's different. He feels like he can be himself, flaws and all.

The weight of Sharky's body is reassuring and grounding. Kenny never thought he'd find someone like this—someone who understands him on such a deep level. It's as if they're two halves of the same thing.

They both drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms. The soft sound of Sharky's breathing lulls Kenny into a deep slumber. He dreams of their time together, of the way Sharky's body moved against his, of the way their lips and tongues danced.

Sometimes when I'm writing the POV of one group I always want to write the POV of another, so I write them at the same time. So if there's any timeline mistakes let me know.

Anyway hope you enjoy. If you don't want these type of chapters, let me know and I'll stop.

- B🎧

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