35. Let Me Hold The Burden

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In the first room, at the top of the stairs on the right, Chunkz sat on the edge of the bed, running his hands down his face. He was exhausted from trying to be strong for everyone. His heart ached for Aj, who had been through so much already, and for Kenny, who was constantly haunted by his past. His boyfriend, Sharky, was trying to handle the breakdown of Kenny's walls. And then there was Niko, who was just beginning to explore his sexuality and navigate the complexities of his identity. Chunkz couldn't help but feel responsible for all of them.

He felt so lost, knowing his boys were going through struggles on their own, and although he knew they had each other, he couldn't help but try to pile all their troubles onto his own shoulders to ease their pain even slightly.

Aj had always been the strongest. He was always holding in any overwhelming emotions or feelings, and it was something Chunkz admired about him. But recently, seeing Aj so visibly shaken and hurt was a reminder of just how fragile even the strongest of people could be. Chunkz felt a deep ache in his chest, a longing to protect Aj from everything that might hurt him. He wished he could give Aj the strength he seemed to lack at the moment.

Kenny's past haunted him in a different way. Chunkz could see the pain etched into his friend's features, the way he would flinch at certain sounds or smells, as if they brought back memories he wished he could forget. Kenny never told Chunkz the full story, but Chunkz had dealt with enough of Kenny's nightmares to gather some insight. He wanted to help Kenny find some peace, to help him move on from the things that had happened in his past, but the fear constantly displayed on his face from his dad being back in his life made that difficult.

As for Niko, Chunkz could see how much he was struggling with his identity. He knew that Niko was still figuring out who he was and what he wanted. The way he would look at Aj with those puppy dog eyes and the way he would blush and stammer when he talked about certain topics, it was clear that he was developing deep, scary feelings for his best friend. Chunkz wanted nothing more than for Niko to find happiness, to be comfortable in his own skin, but he also knew that navigating those waters could be treacherous, especially when you were dealing with someone as emotionally fragile as Aj. He also knew that if Niko continued to juggle two different relationships, he would end up causing harm to himself or someone else.

Someone who seemed just as responsible for the others was Sharky. Chunkz could see how much he was trying to be strong for everyone and how he was constantly putting on a brave face. It was clear that he was struggling with his own demons, and yet he was still trying to be there for everyone else. It was admirable but also exhausting. Chunkz wanted to help Sharky find a way to take care of himself and let go of the need to be so strong all the time. Which is why Chunkz wanted to be able to take the need to help from Sharky for himself.

Chunkz sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes. He felt so much responsibility for all of them, like he was the only one who could make everything better. He wished he could just make a decision for them to take away all the pain and suffering they were going through, but he knew that wasn't possible. All he could do was be there for them, to listen when they needed to talk, to offer a shoulder to cry on or an ear to confide in.

He knew that this mindset wasn't healthy and that he couldn't carry everyone's burdens by himself, but he couldn't help it. He loved his boys too much to see them hurt alone. As he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, Chunkz couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them all. Would they ever find true happiness? Would they be able to move past their demons and find peace? Or would they be forever haunted by their pasts, presents, and futures?

1/3 rooms
sorry guys for such a short chapter, I have got 8000 words written that just need grammar checking and finishing.
Maybe I'll post some more tonight.

The Waters - A Beta Squad Story (bxb)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن