Part 6

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Why do my nipples hurt?!


(Jondor, now with modest breasts and completely pale skin is at his desk and is wearing an oversized sweater)

Hey erryone, sorry I'm a bit groggy today. My junk decided to literally turn inside-out last night. Also my nipples still hurt so I'm wearing one of Francis's sweaters. I've also been having headaches from the psychic bullshit.

(Jondor takes a sip of coffee)

My binder and contacts are in the mail. While we've access to Nuna replicators, they guard them like their firstborn. But aside from all that, I feel fine...

(Jondor pulls out an octavio-sized book from off-camera)

I've been reading a fair bit these last few days... more than usual. I read the Sages, of course; and also the Renaissance Poets. But... I was brought back to what introduced me to Old Jaran in the first place. During my Q and A, I mentioned I saw an Old Jaran manuscript in a museum. It was on loan from Jaris: The original manuscript of The Song of Theia and Helios.

(He opens the book)

Now, our first contact was not with the Nuna, but with the Gondia. Specifically the Cult of Tera, who believe it's their duty to assimilate all of parahumanity. Their first invasion was a paltry hundred who were quickly dispatched by the Jaran army. And we were still an agricultural society at the time.

The eponymous Theia was one of these Gondia from the first assault and the only survivor thereof. She was captured and detained for questioning. Separated from other Gondia, she was severed from their de facto Hivemind and able to think for herself. During what the poem calls her "rebirth", she fell in love with Lord Helios, Captain of the Royal Paladins. Because the Gondia can communicate with plants and fungi, she ended up becoming an adept medicine woman.

But the Gondia returned in force. The poem tells how Theia wanted Helios to stay behind and hide from them; how it was a lost cause. But he took up his armor for King and Planet. It was completely one-sided. In the span of a single day, four-fifths of all Jarans were either killed or assimilated. Theia combed through the wreckage, providing what care she could to the wounded who hadn't been assimilated yet, looking for her love. She found Helios, severely wounded and with the spores implanted.

Theia and Helios were taken by the Gondia just as a Nuna ship entered the system area, forcing the Gondia into retreat. They were both taken back to the Cult's home world of Aiden. The last she saw of him was as he was taken away into a holding cell as she was taken aside to be re-indoctrinated. But she managed to somehow escape and hijack a ship for the Neo-Gondia on Iris-III.

The poem ends with a hymn about the the blessing and curse that is reincarnation. While we Jarans must undergo a vigorous ritual in order to speak with our past selves, the Gondia always possess said memories from since they were first assimilated. And with that, it promises that the two lovers will someday be reunited in their next lives, forevermore.

As the Grand Sage taught us "As above, so below"
The eternality of love is forever known.

(Jondor closes the book)

I've found much comfort in this text. When I was younger, I took from it a tragedy surrounding our entry into the galactic community. As yet another entry in the historical cycle going back to The Song of King Lawrence and Prince Andor. At university, I learned of the deeper meanings, the dramatic parallels, as well as even alternative tellings of the same story and the historical context of its diction. And now, as I too am being "cleft from my ancestors and the blood of my people" as Lord Helios lamented to Theia; I see so much of myself. Not only in Helios, but also in Theia as she was thrust into a world she did not know, a new way of seeing herself, and a love she never thought possible.

In spite of whatever happens to us, whatever cards the universe deals us, we have a choice: We can either give in, fold; or we can hold on. And although I've been dealt the shit hand of all this, (gestures wildly at self) I am holding on to who I am for dear life. I will never let go. And there is nothing that's gonna stop me.

(Jondor smiles semi-triumphantly as he reaches to turn off the camera)

I'll see y'all next time.

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