Looking Through Glass

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Glass wrote this!!!

Danny finished up a rough battle with Technus, He managed to get a couple bruises, but his ghost healing would fix that up no problem. The big issue with fighting Technus was all the wires and tech parts that would make it always a mess. Luckily, he had luck on his side and managed to get him in the thermos, he was about to leave until his ghost sense went off, he gave a heavy sigh expecting another ghost battle but turned and saw a surprise. It was just Glass sitting on the edge of the building, except she didn't have the makeup on to cover her skin like she normally did at school. She smiled and waved at him, and he couldn't help but return the gesture it had been a full week since she'd been suspended from school, and he did admit he needed to talk with her. "Glass what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be home?"

"What? and get yelled at by the bounty hunter that's constantly on my ass? No thanks. Besides i needed to get out the house, I hate being stuck in one place."

"You still never filled me in on why you're living with her in the first place. You said it was some kind of redemption thing?" Danny asked sitting on the rooftop next to her.

"It's more just to see if I'm a danger to others in the ghost zone so I'm sent here under strict guardianship to try and prove I'm a good person. If not, then I'm...well supposed to go to prison." Glass seemed hesitant on the last part, but he didn't have time to think on it as his ghost sense popped up again this time, they both looked up to see a very unhappy bounty hunter looking down on them.

"Glass, there you are, get back to the house, I'm not giving you another chance." Catcher glared holding out her chain ready to drag the girl back if needed.

"God damn you're so persistent I'm just getting some air, at least let me have that if you're going to make me live in a stuffy dusty apartment."

"Glass, you cleaned the whole apartment two days ago because you were bored, its anything but dusty."

Danny was torn, on one hand he should let Catcher take Glass back home to serve her grounding, but on the other he really needed to talk with her, and he felt it was something he couldn't wait on. within a moment Danny made a decision. He stood up and coughed slightly catching both of their attention. he simply grabbed glass by the hand making her stand up in confusion and spoke. "Sorry Catcher I'll explain later!" Taking off at great speed, leaving the bounty hunter far behind but still giving chase. Glass laughed and gained speed flying beside him. "Nice Danny didn't think you were a rebel."

"Don't think I did it for you, I need to talk with you and Catcher won't let me until you go to school again now come on follow me!" They manage to dive and maneuver through the city streets and buildings doing their best to lose the bounty hunter, and finally after about ten minutes of chasing they managed to lose her. and took a break to breathe by a dumpster in an alley next to the pier. Glass looked around the corner making sure they weren't followed.

"Okay I think we lost her; didn't know you could fly that fast Danny." Glass smiled walking to him to make sure he was okay. Danny finally after calming his breathe managed to get some words out.

"How the hell do you have the energy to keep being chased like that?"

"Heh, I do have the perk of being completely dead, so I have a lot of natural flowing energy. Plus, I know how to use and save it."

"Yeah well, next time don't expect me to run like that again, I might just give up. Regardless I have somewhere for us to talk it's just around the corner." Glass followed Danny around the corner as they walked into an old junkyard full of scrap metal and cars. everything looked rusted and old as they phased through the chain and metal fence, it had looked abandoned for a while, and no one seemed to be running it at all. Danny then sat on the hood of and old Camaro rusting away and pat the spot next to him encouraging Glass to sit beside him. Once she did, she took a breath and sighed knowing what he wanted to talk ab out.

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