The Pilot Part2-2

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Catcher wrote this chapter.

"Oh great, not her again." Danny said sinking into the bleachers.

"Whoa!" Tucker said

"That's her?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." Danny said rolling his eyes.

"Who are you?" Lunch Lady asked in a sweet grandmotherly voice.

"Cut out the babushka voice." Lovets said "I am here to bring you back to Walker."

"Walker?" Lunch Lady asked before getting angrier, her eyes started to glow "You little brat! Don't you know there's no fighting in school?!" she asked as piles of meat started coming out of places hidden around the gym. Lovets looked around at the meat filled air, being aware of the fact that she now had a fight on her hands. However, when she looked back at Lunch Lady a pile of meat smacked her right in the face.

Wiping her face with her arm she glared at Lunch Lady "Okay then, you are a stronger ghost, noted." Lovets said pulling the chain tighter causing it to glow "Uh!" Lunch Lady cried out feeling the chain get tighter, weakening her a little, however she still had control over her army of raw meat and was able to fling more at Lovets, a wave of meat smashed into her and even though she braced for impact, the wave tossed her back making her drop her chain as she was sent flying. The chains loosened around Lunch Lady and she was able to free herself getting her full power back.

"Danny what are you waiting for? Go Ghost!" Sam said looking at her friend.

"Why? Rapunzel down there seams like she's fine." Danny said rolling his eyes once more before noticing the glare his friends were giving him "Fiiiine." He sighed before transforming, thankfully the bleachers where basically empty now as everyone was trying to find a way out of the gym.

Lovets had pealed herself off the wall and was covered in meat. She glared at lunch Lady before seeing her chain on the ground "My chain!" she said before looking up in time to dodge more meat.

"Hey grandma!" Lunch lady heard before turning in time to be blasted backwards by Danny. "Why don't you pick on someone your own age?" He asked looking over at Lovets "You okay over there?" He asked.

Lovets looked at him before looking at Lunch Lady then flying at her with top speed, slamming into her and knocking all the air out of her. Lovets quicky summoned her chain to her before lassoing it around Lunch Lady once more, this time tighter. Making sure Lunch Lady was powerless now.

"H-hey! Let me-go!" Lunch Lady said trying to catch her breathe. Lovets grabbed the chain before looking at Danny.

"Look, you and I clearly have the same goals in life, going after ghosts like Lunch Lady and Box Ghost. But could you at least give me a warning about popping up next time? Or warning me about a ghost around?" Danny asked her.

Lovets just rolled her eyes before flying up with Lunch Lady before taking off her necklace and ripping a portal into the air with it and flying into it.

"You know you're very rude!" Danny yelled out as the portal closed.

With Lunch Lady gone, the doors and windows to the Gym where now open again, letting out all the students to run for their lives.


In the Prison Walker was making his rounds before someone was plopped down next to him, he looked to find Lunch Lady still wrapped in chains. Looking up he saw Lovets floating down to him. "Two ghosts in one day, I shouldn't be surprised." He said watching her drop. He could now see Lovets had raw meat all over her and in her hair. "Had a hard time?" He asked.

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