Chapter 1

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Bella entered  to her first college classroom at Oakwood University, her heart racing with excitement. As she scanned the room her eyes saw a shy looking guy sitting in the back row, eyes stuck on the phone.

He had wavy dark hair that partially covered his face with a beautiful jaw line. Bella couldn't help but feel drawn to him, wondering what thoughts were behind those deep, contemplative eyes.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, Bella found an empty seat nearby and sat. The classroom buzzed with chatter as more students filed in.

During the lecture, Bella's gaze kept drifting back to the shy guy in the back. Finally, she mustered the courage to strike up a conversation as the class ended but she got interrupted by a girl who jumped next to hear seat. 

Isa: "Hi there! I'm Isa. looks like we are in the same class want to be friends?"

Bella blinked, momentarily taken aback by Isa's enthusiastic approach.

Bella: "Um, yes ofcourse! I'm Bella. Nice to meet you, Isa."

as soon as Isa eyes beamed the mysterious boy has stood and left the class.

Isa: "Awesome! I love meeting new people. How's your first day going so far?"

Bella couldn't help but smile at Isa's friendlyb energy.

Bella: "It's been good, just trying to process everything."

Isa: "I totally get it! College can be overwhelming, but it's also so exciting. Have you met many people yet?"

Bella glanced back at the mysterious boy seat left to be empty, before turning her attention back to Isa.

Bella: "Not really, just trying to find my way around. What about you?"

Isa launched into stories about her own first-day experiences, chatting about her dorm mates, the campus events she was looking forward to,

Isa: "Oh, and have you tried the coffee at that little café near the library? It's surprisingly good!"

As the classroom emptied out, Bella realized she had missed her chance to talk to the shy guy. But as she listened to Isa's animated tales, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected friendship she made on her first day of college.

Little did Bella know that her encounter with both Isa and the mysterious Lacy would mark the beginning of a transformative journey filled with surprises and revelations.

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