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Harry was sleeping in his dorm room

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Harry was sleeping in his dorm room. Hedwig sleeping in his medal coated cage that somehow always stayed cold. Harry's eyes were aching all night because he stayed up studing for his potions class with professor's snype. The sun shines over the earth. A loud beeping noise woke up Harry, he shot up and glanced to the source of the sound. Outside. Rolling his eyes and getting up, opening up his curtains seeing the dullish sky brightly twinkle. He looked down to try and see if there was a student trying to prank victims of light sleeping but he didn't see any students or a loud bug or insect they had gotten to crush them make them squeal. "Bloody hell what was that?" He whispered to himself and rubbed his eyes. Leaning over to take a peer of the clock, breakfast? He tried to remember his schedule on the back of his head. "Ah whatever... " he quickly got changed into his clean cloak with the cold brown leather peering at his skin causing goosebumps.

Finally running out of his dorm room and going into the great hall. Seeing students at the tables eating and talking. He took a deep breath and took a look around for where harmione and Ron were. Spotting them In there usual spot. He headed over there and found a open spot next to harmione. "Ron do NOT. ask him that stupid question! " harmione hissed at Ron. Then turning to harry. "Ask me what?" Harry titled his head. Ron jumped in the conversation before harmione could answer. "Well l found this potion in the forest. And harmione says its INSANELY RARE-" harmione cut him off. "Ahem, missing a key word. MIGHT be. " Ron rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah what ever. And I was wondering harry if you wanted it! " harry rose a brow "Mhm, sure.. - is there a c-" Ron answered his question quickly "WELL. you have to do this easy so Chanellge. Then I'll give to you." Harmiones jaw dropped "your kidding? It's not easy harry. And plus, it's dangerous! Hanging out with HIM!? " harry looked both at harmione and Ron "what? What is it! " Ron coughed "well, you have to be nice for them the WHOLE TERM. No breaking, and NO even hinting being mean. " Ron took a deep breath. "To... Draco Maofly. "

harry bit his lip a bit. "Well, what does the potion do? " harmione cut in. "Right, so the potion I think it is, is insanely rare because of its ingredients. And, it can grant a person 2 wishes, If they drink it. And Ron was thinking, if you drank it harry, You could wish for a power or something to stop you know who. " Harry's throat tighted. He definitely could accept, I mean how hard could it be? Just get on draco's good side. No alarms or stop signs beeped in his head. "I'll- I'll do it!! " he says. Trumbling over his words before harmione could try and lure him out of it. "WHAT! NO -" harmione gasped. While Ron grinned and shook Harry's hand "alright man!" Harmione quickly got up. Pushed in her chair and ran out. Harry turned to Ron when she did this. Ron shrugged and mouthed 'I dunno. Girls. '

Harry rolled his eyes. "So when do l start? " he asked. Ron looked up, thinking. "Today. And remember, you have to hang out with him.not Just be SIMPLE kind to him. " Harry looked around. "Fine, I'll start at free period. Or if I come across him in the halls." The loud bell rang. And harry Potter got up, stretching a bit and walked towards the big gates to go to his first class. As he does, he bumps into draco. " watch it potter! " he says loudly. Shoving him to the ground. The crowd of students talking makes the yell quieter then it is. "Sorry, uh. Maofly-! " harry says. smiling weakly trying not to yell back or push back. He dusts of his cloak and walked away quickly. draco did a smug laugh and whispered under his breath. "Werid." harry walked quietly to his class. Potions,


Harry walked outside. His legs hurted from walking class to class. He sat down on the bench, his eyes searched for draco Maofly. Finally he saw him. Slightly, he got up and walked towards him. His "nice lines" circling in his head. "Uhm. Hello Draco! -" he said. Trying to seem happy or joyful. Draco turned around giving harry a disgusted look. "What do you need potter?" He said. Pushing/shoving him hard. Harry closed his fist, trying his best to act nice "uh. Was wondering if you wanted to talk, in private?." Draco's friends laughed the second those words left his mouth. He looked back to his friends then to harry. "Fine potter," harry started walking near a tree. He whispered quitley when he finally reached under it. "So? What do you need. " Draco hissed. His hand in his pocket, making sure if harry said something that he didn't like he could easily reach for his wand. "Uh, so do you want to be-" he almost gagged, but continued. "Ahem, sorry. Uh do you want to hang out sometime, Draco? " Draco laughed. His tounge clicked. "No. Why in Hogwarts fucking word would l hang out with YOU... " Harry took a step back. He looked around and tried to think of something that Harry had that Draco would want.

Finally, something clicked in his head. "If you hang out with me I'll tell you my darkest secret. " he was straight forward. Draco's face wrinkled a bit. Trying to think what he could do with that information. "Fine. But I choose where we hang out. And you BETTER. Not be lying. " the second he said better he quickly shot up his wand. And pointed it near harries center neck. "I will- never mind." He pointed his wand a bit more rougher in Harry's neck and whispered a spell. Harry didnt feel anything but a small brush of air. "What was that? " Harry pointed out. But Draco out down his wand and put it back in his pocket and walked back towards his friends. Not responding to potters question. "I'm going to die in my sleep tonight. . . " Harry whispered. He puts his hand over his neck, rubbing on it making sure it's still there. "What did he do though?? " Harry shook his head and then lightly let go of his neck. Seeing Ron and Hermione talking outside the door. "Hey guys-" Harry said. Waving to them slightly. Hermione gave him a side glare but didn't say anything. "So, hows the challenge going? " Ron asked. Holding his books. "Fine. I set up a hangout event with him but I forgot to ask where, when, and time. But so far Im good."Hermione rolled her eyes. Sighing, " hes going to HURT you Harry! You know how he is. And plus, one wrong move and your alone with a dude that DESPISES YOU! " Harry was about to tell them about the spell that Draco put on Harry, or to be specific his neck. But Hermione would probably freak the hell out. But, then again, hes not mad about it either. Shes right, although hes not doing this for himself. Hes doing it for his destiny. "Well... I might stop, but. I don't know, Draco put this spell on my nec-" " WHAT?" Ron and Hermione said at the same time. Harry quickly realized where they could been taking this. "nonono- I'm fine though. I just want to know what it was, or I'm curious.. " Hermione shook her head. Ron seemed a bit more calm. "Well there are harmless spells out there..." "Still! He casted a spell on him. Either way, its bad. What spell was it harry? "

Harry tried to remember. "Right, okay. So it was like... Actually, I didn't hear it. He whispered it and I didn't feel anything. Only a brush of an air. " Hermione tried to think of a spell that could be like that. But nothing popped up in her head. "Here. I'll try my best to search it up in the library. And I'll let you know what I get. " harry nodded. Ron looked over harries shoulder and saw Draco giving him a glare. "Lets go. " Ron said. Harry smiled and went back to his dorm. Spending the rest of his free period trying to see if he could find any spell that matched up to it. Although.. His neck started to hurt. Badly, "agh! What the hell?! " he kept on scratching, I didn't until he felt sharp pains of blood. he weakly walked out of his dorm trying to maybe see if he could catch Draco again. He would have gotten Hermione and Ron but they didn't know anything ABOUT the spell. And it seemed like the spell was a convrux. "Can only be redone by the caster of the spell. " which Harry hoped and prayed in his mind that if he didn't run into Draco this was not the case.

Finally, Harry saw Draco leaning on a bench. With other kids walking around to class since free period is almost over. Although, his neck stopped inching. It was strange, and he couldn't go to Draco to ask what the hell that was about, because free period was over. and before Harry could go up to him a crowd of kids blocked his way.

1572 words!
Authors note: I don't know if I am intending this to be a ship book, or not. You guys can't decide if you wanted to be or not if it's not, I'll make a separate book. Cya later!

(Next chapter coming soon)

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