Chapter 4: I lost my job

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Today was just another Sunday in the store .People coming and leaving,spending excessively and shopping numerous bag.I
Oh how i wish i was rich.

One thing about me is i like looking good, my clothes might not be from expensive brands but they will look good and that's compulsory. Plus Meghan works as a fashion designer at some fashion company and she most buys both our clothes at discount code.

Awww how lucky am I to have such a best friend.

Today i was not at the reception meaning i had to help around the store.

The day was pretty good and tiring helping out customers where needed and all that.

A certain man asked for my help to take him to where to find LV handbags.He was fine and looked like was in his late thirties and also seemed off with the he looked at me.I pushed my thoughts in the back and headed to the handbags as he followed close.

We were almost there when he abruptly groped my butt and as I angrily turned to look back,he was too quick to pin me to a nearby wall as he tried to kiss me.

I was angry as tried to free myself which made end up slapping him. He was taken back by my action and I could see in his green emerald eyes that he was annoyed but I didn't mind him .I gave him a dissatisfied look and told him to never dare touch me again.

"You'll pay in a hard way for this slap baby girl " he said in an authoritative tone

I was so annoyed to even pay him a glance.I headed to the employee's cabinet to cool off which took me almost five good minutes to get back to work .

On my way out ,i met my coworker Lisa who told me I was needed by the boss in her office.That was enough to make afraid of what could come out from this ordeal.

Our boss was nice loving woman and thinking of her like that made me have a little hope that i was not about to loose my job.

I knocked on her door and entered inside.
I could see a pity's look on her face but the words that followed had me stumbling back.

"Why did you do that? You could have the situation in a better way and now you leave me no option.I saw on the CCTV what happened and i know you did what you thought was best at that time but he threatened to close my store if I don't fire you. Mr Miller is a powerful rich man and am so sorry I can't risk my store for you." She said

I couldn't even form words to respond or say anything.Just like that the only thing that i was afraid of , happened in a blink of an eye.I had lost my job despite trying hard all the time I worked here.I kinda loved it here but what am I even going to do, getting a job is not that easy. Even my degree in Information Technology (IT) may not be able to help soon enough.

I went to the employee's cabinet to collect my stuff,said my good byes to every coworker and left.

Once inside the uber i let all the cry i was holding in .My life was making a turn and I don't know how to come back from it. I had no job .

Today being Sunday and tomorrow not having any job to go to , i decided to stop by the club along the way home because what could be better than getting drunk at this state of mind?

I headed to the counter and ordered whatever heavy drink they hard and drunk all my stress and fears away.

After what seemed like two or three hours I could not even see straight let alone stand up.I was too wasted to even think straight.

A guy came by the counter to take me and I couldn't even oblige but soon after I sensed another guy taking me out of the first guy's arms and i think something like a commotion happened.

At last i was taken out of the club and to God knows where.

I woke up a very painful headache and comfortable surroundings.The room seemed cool and chilled the type to make you easy your mind. I abruptly woke up after knowing enough this isn't my room.

How did i get here? What happened to me? I was pleased to find out that I still had my clothes on that's refreshing at least but whose place is this and how did i end up here and not my place.

Fear was taking the best part of me and this headache wasn't helping in any way.I was taken out of my head by a knocking on the door.

Aww my abductor has a sense of humor by knocking. I said to myself

The door opened to a smiling old lady who carried a bowl of soup , a glass of water and Advil tablets.

These are for your hangover she said while handing the tray to me.

I wasted no minute to ask her where and why was i here.

" As to why I don't know but we are in Nate's mansion south east of New York. He called this morning and told me to tend to you till he comes back and that I shouldn't let you leave or else i will lose my job." She said smilingly

Why is she smiling when talking about losing a job I would be crying if it was me. But again who is this Nate guy and why does he have to keep me this far away from my place am I really abducted?? This place is almost an hour drive from my apartment.

I kept all the questions to my self and went along with the old lady.

A part of me was kinda happy because at least am not in confinement of my own room crying my eyes out.

I took my phone from the handbag just to find several calls from Meghan ,mom and my sisters.They must be worried and I guess Meg called my mom to tell her I wasn't home till now.I called them back to let them know i was safe and that I lost my job but I would tell them more about it later.
Which i know I won't be doing except to Meg because she has a way of getting information from me.

The old lady was sweet ,caring and loving and to my surprise i liked it here in the stranger's house

Isn't that strange?

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Netha Nathan

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