inside. #1

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Dust. That's the nightmare I had before waking up. The ground cracked and crumbled beneath me until it couldn't last anymore. At last, I felt like I was at HOME again. In the dark and cold abyss. Yet I still wonder what life is like outside of the place I call my HOME. I guess I'll never know. Or maybe so, only time will tell.

I open my eyes, looking forward to the day ahead, but I realize I'm not in the same place as before. I try to move my limbs, but they're stuck in some kind of fleshy material. I attempt to break out of my binds, but the humidity of this foreign place stops me from doing so. It's almost like I'm trapped inside someone's heart..

I begin to become a bit antsy- unsure of where I am or how I ended up here. I can only imagine how I was brought here, but there was no time for overthinking. In a desperate attempt to escape once more, I slowly rip small parts of the foul-smelling material from one of my arms until I'm finally able to free it. Each time I free one of my limbs though, the area around me begins to shake more and more, keeping me on edge as to what might happen.

After what felt like forever, I finally managed to free myself, making me feel a bit more relieved in the situation I'm in. This relief didn't last long though; because before I knew it:

I was falling.

Maybe this was just a dream after all. Hopefully, I'll wake up and that'll all be over. Nothing can hurt me now. I'm HOME.

~In punto di morte

~1:  At death's door

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