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The night  come it almost  midnight..
And everyone  in the house  was sleeping  . . Except  me and kanae .

2 AM

I was laying  on my bed completely  naked .. I was softly  touching  my self  in loving  sexual  memories of kanae my eyes was closed  .I was imagining  her in all the bad was I can and going  up and down  slowly , moaning  kanae name softly  ..

While  I was busy  with my self... kanae enters the room 

She slowly  open the door  and see me like this ..she didn't  disturb  me she close  the door  behind  and move towards  bed as slowly  as possible   making  zero noise..

As It was midnight  and the room  was silent  she can her me saying  her name and stroking  my Dick up and down  ..

She entire  the bed 🛌  making  zero sound  and lay down  beside  me

As my eyes was close  and I was so into her memory  I can't  notice  anything  until  she slowly  mive her hand towards  my Dick and garb it softly  ... and I suddenly  moans
" ahhh"

As her and touches my Dick  I open my eyes I seen her naked  wearing  her black   laces bra and panties  barely  covering  anything   ..

She was too close  as I can feel her breath  . The air in the room started  getting  thick .. as she was stroking  my Dick  so softly  I was getting  shiver in my spine.. I can feel  the softness  of her hand .. that feel so incredible  ..

Slowly  she  her head moves towards  my lips and our mouth  meet each other  .. the tongue  was colliding   .. we can feel each  other  So well ..

It was the kiss I never had before  in my life . The kiss was passionate 

I kept  moans in her mouth  as she was so good  with his soft hand .. she slowly  increases her  speed making  me more  addicted to her..

She broke  the kiss .. although  it was so good  that  she also  didn't  want to but she pull her self off and started  get up and sit on me .

I can fell her wetness  on my Dick  through  her panties  and she moans  when she sit on me .. she was feeling  my rock hard Dick   on her pussy .

She look  at me .. I can see the lust & love for me in her eyes  as she slowly  moves towards  my lips and wildly  started  kissing  again ..

She also started  moving  her big hips  forward  and backward  rubbing  my Dick  through  her clit making  herself   moans in my mouth  ..

While kiss I.. I grab her big chest in my hand those ve so soft and big .. I grab them and started  crushing  them with my hand she started  moan more hardly but making  sure that her voice  did leave the room  ..

I continue  playing  with her boobs .. and slowly  moves on her back opening  the not of her bra and through  it on the floor  ..

Her breast was completely  naked  in front  of me ..I took  a pause  for a second  to admire her big boobs  ..and them again  started  crushing  them more passionately  .. she keep moans

" fuckk bleyz ..I also  dream about  me your hand feel so good ..fuckk **"

Suddenly  I threw  her in the empty  space  in the bed and know  she is under  me ..

I looked into her eyes.. telling  her all ths things am going  to to with her ..
I started  kiss her beauty  chubby  body..
Slowly slowly  going  down  on her .. she started  bending  her back and making  it arc .. The shivers  was going  throughout  her spine while I was doing  it ..

I slowly  get better  her leg .. I look  up into her eyes  and started  pulling  her panties  .. making  her complete  naked in my bed at the night  ..

I seen  her juice water dripping  pussy  in front of me I couldn't  control  and touch  my mouth  on it .. she moan hardly  " fuckk bleyz  .. yesss "

I continue  with my mouth  I tried my best to  make her feel pleasure..

I was kiss her , biting  her , Licking  his pussy  .. she started  pushing  her nails  in my back telling  me not to stop.

"Don't stop  plz don't  don't..."

And she reached  to the climax  and cum in my mouth  ..

" fuckkkk.."

She collapse  in the bed .. she will never  forget  this night  .. I made her cum so hardly  .. it was the best  pleasure  she ever  get in her fucking  life ..

After rest  her head on my chest for few minutes  she stood  up and sayed

" fuckk bleyz  .. thx you for this.. I loved it but I think  it's time I should  go in my room  other wise someone  will notice  me "

I nod to her and get get up and walk put the room

While I was seeing  her ass from  behind  and think  when the next time me continue  it..

As she left the room  I see that she forgot  her panties  in my bed so is took those  and snif it.. and get hit in my mind that what we have just  did ..

Her smell was all in my room I couldn't  control  and started  masturbating  rapping  her panties  on it and after few minutes  I can in her panties  .. and goon to a good  after pleasure  sleep ...

step family  : step mom and 2 step sister Where stories live. Discover now