Chapter 6- Mall

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-Diandra pov-

Everyone woke up a while after and went off, doing their own things.

Gergio and Xander had work.

Nick and Teo went out with their friends, so it's just me and Tony at home.

I'm sitting on the couch right now, scrolling through TikTok, when I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Tony.

"Heya, sis."

"Hey, Tony, what's up?"

He jumps over the couch and takes a seat next to me.

"I wanted to talk to you about earlier," he says.

I look at him, confused. Earlier? What does he mean?

"Umm... your tattoos," he says, clearly seeing the confusion on my face.


"It's your body, so I'm not gonna say you should remove them but maybe, like, tell us if u want to get more. I personally don't have a problem with them, you look really badass, but I don't know about the others."

"Well thanks for saying that but I honestly don't care how they feel, because like you said, it's my body and they don't really get a say." 

"Well, since we're all alone, how about we go shopping. It's some sibling quality time, and you can get some stuff."

"Mm ok, sounds good, just let me go change." I say, heading up the stairs.

I change into some low waisted, black flare, leather pants and a black halter top with an oversized leather jacket, a white purse and black boots.

Grabbing my black sunglasses as i head out of my room.

I go outside to see Tony waiting in his G Wagon, so I walk over and get in the car.

The whole drive there, Tony and I were singing Tate Mcrae. We love her so much.

We sang Greedy, Exes, You Broke Me First, 10:35, and a few more

We got out of the car once tony parked and walked into the mall.

Tony suggested that we go to a bunch of designer shops. We went to Gucci, Versace, Prada, Dior, and then I dragged him into Sephora with me.

"Why are there so many little kids in here?" I ask.

"Are they old enough for makeup and skincare?" Tony replies.

"Why am I scared of them?" I say, wanting to leave.

We decided to go to the food court and the whole way there, I was laughing at his traumatized face.

Some girls started flirting with him but the best part is they were probably like 9 years old. Oh my god, I cant breath from all this laughing.

We walk up to a McDonalds in the food court, and order 2 big macs with some fries and a coke.

As we walk around looking for a table, I hear someone yell Tony's name.

I look around the food court, trying to find the source of the voice when I see Nick and Teo. They're sitting at a table with some other people, looking at us, motioning for us to come over.

I walk over with Tony, who puts an arm on my shoulder to lead me there.

"Hey guys whats up? " Teo says.

"Me and D decided to go shopping" Tony

"Who's the chick? " One of the friends asks.

"Yeah, she's hot," another one adds.

"Whoa, nope, shes of limits" teo says, seriously. "This is our little sister, Diandra."

"D, these are our friends, Trey, Leo and Romeo" Nick says, pointing to each one.

"Um, hi, i'm Diandra, or you can call me D for short. It's nice to meet you all."

After we ate, we decided to walk around the mall. We stopped by Victoria secret and I went in, but my brothers stayed outside, flushing in embarrassment since so many girls inside were eyeing them.

Trey and Romeo however, came in with me and were flirting with every girl they saw.

Leo wanted to come in, but Nick held him back.

Once we left, we all decided to play basketball together, at a nearby park.

When we got there, me and Teo got out of our car and watched Romeo, rummaging through his car to find a basketball while nick and the others were laughing .

I see something move in my peripheral vision and I look to my right side.

It can't be.

Oh my god. There's a guy there looking straight at me with a scowl on his face.

But that's not what scares me.

He has a Hydra tattoo on his arm.

A:N she will explain hydra in the next chapter. And yes i chose the name hydra where my marvel fans at?

I suddenly tense and stand up straighter.

Teo must notice because he starts tugging on my arm and repeating my name.

I turn in the opposite direction of the man and walk as fast as I can, with the guys hot on my trail, asking me what's wrong.

Suddenly, another man with a Hydra tattoo shows up in front of us and grabs my arm, making me turn around to face everyone.

They're all looking at the tattoo, and seem to recognize it.

"Diandra, we have to go right now. Don't ask questions, just get in the car," antonio says, rushed and almost...


Before I can answer, he picks me up and tosses me in the car.

Like literally tosses me in the car. Like what kind of sicko-... anyway, we drive home. Way over the speed limit I might add.

Tony tells Nick to call Gergio and Xander, while Teo is trying to make up an excuse of what happened, trying to convince me it was just a game or something.

Maybe I should tell them that I know.

Maybe, but not just yet.


Word count-1027

Well that was a longer chapter

Im sorry kept you guys waiting for so long but i hope you enjoyed this chapter
Anyway i look forward to hearing what you guys have to say about it

Bye my loves , stay safe luv you

Vote. Comment. Share. Dont be a silent reader ( this is coming from a silent reader so I guess I don't really get to say that lol, Ill be better i promise)

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