"But... how could we..." Garima hesitated.

"Amma, he wants to be an example to this society. We should respect his intention. I don't want anything... let it happen as per his wish" Khushi said.

Arnav smiled.

"At the same time, I don't want your property, Sir. I agree a girl needs security but if she gets assurance from her husband, it will be the best security in her life. I trust myself. Money and property can't be the measure of my confidence" she said firmly making everyone feel proud of her.

"Now, I understand why my son liked her...she is not less than him..." Arvind said that brightened Arnav's smile.

Shashi and Garima felt honored to be Khushi's parents.

"We will be here for a few days. Is there any chance for you to fix the wedding within?" Arvind asked.

Shashi and Garima looked at each other not knowing what to say.

"there are a lot of arrangements to be done"

"Simple marriage is enough," Khushi said and all of them looked at her.

"I don't want to spend money for a one-day occasion. We can give the money to helpless" Khushi said looking at Arnav.

"I'm so much fine with the idea. I too am not fine with spending money on weddings" Arnav said.

Shashi and Garima sighed because they didn't know Khushi would have such a thought in her heart but Raizadas were not surprised. Arnav spoke to them about it many times.

"Is it fine for you?" Arnav asked Shashi.

"If youngers are so much concerned about the helpless, we should encourage you. On that day, I will provide food to all the orphanages and old age homes in our district," Shashi said looking at Garima who nodded ok, without thinking.

Arnav nodded ok smiling.

"So, we can fix the wedding sooner," Arvind asked.

"What about next week?" Ratna asked.

"We have no problem," Shashi said.

"Shall we give Shagun?" Ratna asked.

Arnav nodded, smiling at Khushi.

Arvind stood up.

"I will bring them" He went out.

Shashi and Garima looked at each other confusingly. Arvind brought a bag from the car. Removing a plate from the bag, Ratna kept a few boxes on the plate. She gave them to Khushi. She looked at Shashi perplexed who was speechless. Did they come with Shagun?

"Take it beta..." Ratna said.

Khushi took it from her. Ratna blessed her.

"We will let you know the wedding date," Ratna said.

Shashi nodded ok.

"Chotte, shall we go? Or, do you want to talk to Khushi?" he asked teasingly.

Arnav looked at him plainly.

"Ok, Shashiji, we are leaving. Come to our house tomorrow. We will fix the date"

Shashi nodded ok.

They took their leave. When they came out of GH, neighbors of the Guptas were standing outside to know why the great collector came to Gupta house with his parents. Arnav intentionally stopped and talked to Akash and NK. Ratna walked to the car with Arvind, pretending not to give heed to people. Without getting in the car, they spoke,

"I like this town very much," She said as she knew she was being listened to.

"Yes, this is not like Delhi but so calm," Arvind said.

"Didn't I say Khushi must be a nice girl?" Ratna asked.

"Yeah, but how did you understand she must be a nice girl by seeing her photo on Facebook?"

"I'm following the district site. She got an award for social work. I liked her very much and asked Arnav about her. He didn't know many details about her. Don't we know how busy he is...! After that, I got her parent's number through Aman and talked to them. They agreed"

"Finally we find a Bride to our Son..."

"Thank God, he accepted the proposal. I was so nervous until he said yes to the marriage"

"He agreed to marry her only because she is a social worker..."

"You are right... see, now also he is discussing something"

"What to do, our son is a collector after all"

"Yeah... but still Khushi is calling him SIR... I felt laughing... how would it feel if she continued calling him SIR after their wedding too?" Ratna laughed.

"WE JUST FIXED their wedding... she used to call him SIR. She will change it after their wedding"


They saw Arnav coming.

"Let's go, Dad... I have to go to the office"

They looked at each other and sighed. They knew people heard them. Sitting in the car, they left.

Even before the news was published in the magazines, it spread in the area. It reached those who wanted to spread a piece of indecent information about them.

Shyam disconnected the call wrathfully, knowing the news. He rushed to Dev Sinha.

"Dev, sir..."

"What happened? Why are you looking tense?"

"Arnav and Khushi were engaged"


"He came to Gupta house with his parents and finalized the proposal today"

Dev was shocked.

"What the hell was happening? Did Arnav and Khushi got engaged? Then how our plan would work?"

Shyam stood silent. They didn't expect their plan would be flopped.

"Why are you silent?"

"What could I say? How do I know this matter would take such a turn? We thought of one and happened is one..."

"We should hurry up our action before their engagement news spread. We will make people believe that they are getting engaged only to cover up the issue..."

Shyam nodded ok half-heartedly.

"Call Sulthan...." Dev said.

On the other side, Sulthan smiled delightedly seeing Arnav and Khushi's engagement news in the newspaper. He knew Arnav would handle the issue however but he didn't know he would engage Khushi planning in an overnight. He wanted to show the news paper to Dev. At the same time, someone called him.


"Baba is calling you..."

"Coming..." Sulthan went to Dev with the newspaper.

To be continued...

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