11. kate

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eleven         .        kate
[ narrative ]
JUNE 29TH, 2024
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

"RANGER, DON'T kill me... but Kate is coming into town today. I didn't wanna tell you super early so you wouldn't panic, but I didn't want you to freak out when she showed up."

My jaw drops. "I'm sorry, what?! You invited Kate Woods to camp?!"

He sends me a smile. "Yeah, I thought it was a good surprise. Please! She'll love you."

"No, no, no. I absolutely cannot talk to her! How am I supposed to function?! She's my favorite artist ever, Mal!" I shout, and he laughs softly.

"It's okay, Ranger. She's just another teenager. Treat her how you'd treat your friends." He comforts, and I send him a disbelieving look.

"She's Kate Woods, Malachi! I can't!" I yell, and he gives me another sympathetic expression.

"You can, Lizzie. She's my best friend, and it didn't take much to convince her to come meet you since she knows I'm into you, but I promise you she's cool. You'll become friends in no time, Ranger." Malachi tells me, but I continue to internally panic.

What if I freak out and she thinks I'm weird? How could he ask her to come and not tell me?! I'm gonna murder him after she leaves... unless it goes well, then I'll be really grateful, but for now I'm just insanely nervous!

"Lizzie, chill. I can see your mind racing. She's nothing special, I promise." He tells me, his hand making its way to mine, and he intertwines our fingers. "Okay, that sounded bad, but I just mean you have absolutely no reason to be intimidated. She's just Kate. You'll love her."

"She'll love who?" Kate asks as she walks up, and my eyes widen slightly.

Malachi's face lights up as he sees Kate, and he immediately hugs her. I'd this were any other girl, I'd be jealous, but I've seen how they act around each other, and I know Kate's deeply in love with her boyfriend of nearly a month, Connor Noon.

"Katorade! It's been too long!" Malachi tells her, and she laughs at the nickname.

"Hello, Malachi." She answers, but turns back to me a second later. "You're Lizzie, right?"

I open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. Malachi gives me a sympathetic smile before saving me from embarrassment.

"Yeah, this is Liz." He answers, placing his hand on my shoulder.

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