2. arrival

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two          .         days late
[ narrative ]
MAY 20TH, 2024
"Late" Arrival
lizzie's pov

✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩

"ELIZABETH, YOU need to head to camp! You can take your stupid phone, but I paid money for you to go there, so you must go. You're already a few days late!" My mom shouts as I sit in my room once more.

Surprisingly, my plan to stay in my room for a week had worked, and I'd gone a little too far when I decided I didn't want to go to camp. My mom didn't know, but the date of starting had actually been pushed back a few days, so I wasn't late to camp... plus she knew the date the whole time and she knew it was the 20th, but whatever.

Maybe it won't be bad at camp, who knows.

"Alright, alright..." I mumble, grabbing my insane amount of bags and walking out of my room.

I don't give her any of my attention, I just walk straight past her and into the car. She drives me for the hour drive that's needed to reach the camp and we both don't say anything as I get out at the entrance. Okay bye I guess...

She drives off immediately, and I sigh before rolling my bags into the camp.

The counselors were required to arrive a day earlier so they can get settled in before having to deal with kids.

I see a few of the others hugging their parents, and my eyes are drawn to a boy with bright red hair. It's dyed, obviously, but it looks surprisingly good.

I've never seen anyone actually pull that off.

We're supposed to drop our stuff off in our cabin and then head back to the main logs so we can get to know the other counselors.

I walk to go drop off my stuff, and when I reach the cabin I see a black shirt with the camps name on the front and the word COUNSELOR in white on the back. I slip it on and walk back out of my cabin, seeing that most people's parents are leaving now. Too bad my mom didn't even say bye to me.

Not that I wanted her to, I'm glad she's out of my hair for a little while.

The group of us sit in a small circle and everyone's being sorta awkward before one of the girls speaks up.

"Let's all introduce ourselves and say or first name, preferred name, and age?" She asks, and we all nod. "Alright. I'm Aurora, and I'll go by any form of my name. Aurora, Rory, Rors, whatever you can think of I'll respond to. Im 16."

𝗝𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝗠𝗬 𝗧𝗬𝗣𝗘 (M.B) ⁴Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora