A guest..?

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This is my au so there will be no hunters and yes they have defeated white star and cale is enjoying his life forgetting something VERY important but don't worry he will remember it ^^. In my au there will be only be kim dokja from orv and his adoptive parents hades and persephone but in my au they are his biological parents. I might add yoo jonghyuk .

Now! on to the story!!





It was a normal day.

The kids were happily playing in the garden accompanied by some of the family members.

Some were chatting with each other while some were having tea time and snacks with our beloved commander.

and today our shinning sun of the raon kingdom was also enjoying some time off with his paper work.

Talking about our commander he was enjoying his slacker life, but soon he had a feeling that he forgot something but brushed it off.





After a while roan came flying to cale with a communication device and said "Human! it's from grandpa! "

This attracted some of the family members attention.

cale "connect it.." says while patting roan's head 'I have a bad feeling'.

after connecting it duke deruth's face is shown which is very serious making everyone straighten their back unconsioucely .

"cale" "yes father?" cale was having a conflict inside his head though he was making a poker face 'now what?.. is something bad gonna happen'.

"there is someone who wants to talk to  you but I think you might remember her so all of us and the guest will be there in a minute as it is very important  do you understand?"

hearing this he was suprised a little but still answered.

"alright."  "and be presentable cale your life depends on it."  

At this cale sweat dropped and said "I understand"  "good."  after that the call was disconnected.

"Ron" cale calls out "yes young master?"  "start the preparations as fast as you could" "I understand"

 after that ron went his way to make preparations such as telling baecrox to make something for the guest and prepare cale's outfit.

Being curious alberu asked " do you know who the guest might be?" because he also wanted to know who is the guest to which cale's life depend on and if she is a possible enemy. that was also the same thoughts in everybody's head right now to protect cale if it's dangerous.

Making a thinking gesture cale started to think who is it as it was mentioned 'she'. "human! human! who is it ? do you know who it is?" "nya~ who could it be?" "nya~ right".

just right then cale  face changed into something like realization and panic but he soon changed it to poker face when ron came and said that the preparations were finished, hearing this cale immediately stood up from his chair which suprised the others and said "yes I think I do.. now if you'll please excuse me hyung-nim" without waiting for a reply he followed ron to change his attire.

"Unlucky bastard" said our dear goldy gramps.

This behavior of cale made others a little curious as to who is this to make cale act like that.






After everyone got ready and the delicacies were placed everyone waited for the guests to arrive.

cale was looking even more elegant today as he was wearing a beautiful attire not that he didn't always look elegant, but today was something else. (i don't know how to describe outfits so i'll leave it to your imagination)

Then there was a teleportation circle indicating that the guests have arrived. cale stepped forward to receive the guest, bowed and said "greetings your highness persephone. It's been a while ".

 The guest which was a very elegant and beautiful looking woman looked at cale with a peirceing gaze which after a while later was subsided said

  "It indeed has been a while cale henituse".

so this was the first chapter. I hope you like it ^^ .

please don't forget to leave a comment and vote it if you like it dear readers! see you in the next chapter.

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