First Scandal

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"Tsukai's P.O.V"

I woke up to the sound of Niko, my roommate, screaming at my face, rocking my shoulders back and forth. "What do you want?"

"Why do you wake up so late!" Niko shouted. Well, I don't know if he was shouting. I was half-asleep.

"It's 8am..." I wiped my eyes. "What happened?"

"Check the chat page on the school website,"

I checked my phone, which was bombarded with messages. Huh? I looked at the chat page and oh my...

You won't believe this... I caught Tsukai and the new girl, Nora on a date together at Rowans's Ramen just in front of the academy! – Cruze Joyce

What? Tsukai has a girlfriend? – Vivianne Liu

That boy is a sociopath... How is this possible? – Mark West

I was having dinner there with my girlfriend, and I saw them, all lovey-dovey, smiling and enjoying themselves. They were mainly bickering, but it still counts as a date! – Cruze Joyce

Tsukai was smiling? I've never seen him smile before... - Vivianne Liu

I just smiled, knowing they got it all wrong.

"You're smiling..." Niko smirked cheekily. His eyes suddenly widened. "Tsukai, is this true?"

I cleared my throat. "Oh, no it isn't. So basically, I challenged Nora to learn our dance for competitions in two days and if she did, I owed her a meal. If she didn't, she owed me a meal. She learnt it in one day, so we just ate ramen together and I paid,"

Niko crossed her arms, still thinking about something. "Rowan's Ramen is a romantic restaurant... There are dozens of restaurants around the academy, yet you chose that one... Did you want the public to see you and Nora as a couple or something?"

See, I didn't really think about that when Nora asked me... But when Niko asked, I began thinking... I only picked it because it had good reviews, and I knew that it was a romantic restaurant. I didn't consider that though because I didn't think Nora would care. She doesn't seem like the type to care about such little things. "I only picked it since it was rated 5 stars online..."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. Who knocks at 8 in the morning? "I'll get it," I sprang out of my bed, opening the door. "Nora?"

"Have you seen the chat page? People think we're dating now because of you!" Nora whined. I chuckled, letting her in. "Why aren't you caring? Is this not your first dating scandal?"

"No, it is," I sat on my bed. "Does it bother you that much? That people think we're dating?"

"Well, I just don't want people to think the other way... You're known as a cold, sociopath, who doesn't interact with others. You suddenly getting in a dating scandal despite what people think of you, does that not bother you?" Nora wondered, sitting on my chair. "Hikari went crazy over it. She was jumping on my bed, screaming. If she didn't have class early, she would've been on your face, demanding this whole thing to be true,"

"Well, I'll deny it first," I grabbed my phone and began texting.

This is Tsukai. Just to clarify, me and Nora aren't dating. We made a deal about something, and she won, and the outcome was that I owed her a meal. So, we ate together, and I paid. I looked at the reviews of several restaurants beforehand, and Rowan's Ramen had the highest stars. I didn't know it was a romantic restaurant. Sorry for the confusion. – Tsukai Kuroda

"Why are you apologizing as if you're a K-pop idol? Also, you're 19, an adult," Niko burst into laughter.

"How else am I supposed to apologize? People are messaging me, asking for confirmation," I ruffled my hair. I walked up to Nora, towering over her. "Why isn't Mousey doing anything about this?"

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