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They sat together on the floor, their food placed on the small table. Travis was very impressed by the food she had made; even though he hadn't taken a bite, it at least looked edible and smelled good.

"Why aren't you eating?" Han-Bada asked as she took a sip of the beer beside her.

"Oh, I kinda dozed off. Alright, let's dig in," he said, with a hesitant yet eager bite. Flavors exploded in his mouth, sending him into a blissful reverie. Each chew revealed layers of perfection, igniting a symphony of taste on his palate. In that moment, Travis experienced the epitome of culinary delight, savoring every delectable sensation as if time itself stood still.

Travis's taste buds danced in delight as he savored another mouthful of the delectable dish. "Wow, this is good," he exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident in his tone as he reached for another bite. Han-Bada flashed a proud smirk in response.

"That's not surprising, I mean I made it. Now tell me about yourself. I've been questioning myself since yesterday about you," she said, her curiosity palpable.

Travis chuckled mischievously. "Oh, so you thought of me all day and night? Wait, is that a confession? So early?"

Rolling her eyes playfully, Han-Bada retorted, "No, I'm not confessing. It's just a play of words. And you know that, so stop teasing me," she said, pouting slightly.

Travis couldn't contain his laughter. "Okay, I'll take it seriously. What do you want to know?"

"Well, where did you live before you came here?" she inquired, genuine interest coloring her voice.

'Funny enough I've been living here for, but I doubt she'd believe that,' he thought.

Travis hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much to reveal. "Seoul," he finally replied, opting for a simple answer.

"Oh, that's nice. Um, I already know you're 20. How did you get so, umm, jacked?" she asked, a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

"I work out, of course. How did you get so hot?" Travis quipped back with a playful grin.

"I was naturally born like this; sadly, I can't relate to hard workers. I'm joking, um, let me think. Do you have a girlfriend?" Han-Bada asked, her curiosity unabated.

"What? Of course not. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be having a woman over at my place, and dressed like this at the same time," Travis replied, his tone laced with amusement.

'Good, wait why is that a good thing. I don't like him, right?'

Han-Bada nodded, seemingly satisfied with his response. "Well, I'm out of questions, for now, that is. Let's just eat and talk," she suggested, gesturing towards the tantalizing spread before them.

So that's what they did. They enjoyed a well-balanced meal while chugging away at some cold beer. After some time, Travis noticed that Han-Bada's responses no longer sounded very well-thought-out. Before long, she was fully drunk.

Han-Bada's words slurred slightly as she leaned in closer, her cheeks flushed from the effects of the alcohol. "You know," she began, her voice carrying a drunken lilt, "I'm not gonna beat around the bush or anything, but you're pretty hot." She giggled softly, her inhibition fading with each passing moment. "I just wanna have you for myself," she confessed, her words tinged with a boldness born of intoxication.

"That's nice. But I'd rather hear that when you're fully aware. I should take you home," he said.

As Travis moved to get up and assist Han-Bada, her drunken coordination failed her, and she instinctively grabbed onto him, pulling him down with unexpected force. Caught off guard by her sudden action, Travis stumbled, finding himself tumbling over towards her. With a swift reflex, he managed to halt his descent just inches away from her face, their breaths mingling in the close proximity.

In that split second, Travis felt a rush of adrenaline as he steadied himself, his hands braced on either side of her, supporting his weight. He gazed down at Han-Bada, their faces mere inches apart, her eyes glazed with the effects of alcohol. Despite the precarious position, a flicker of amusement danced in his eyes, tempered with a hint of concern for her well-being.

Han-Bada's drunken giggles filled the air as she looked up at Travis, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and intoxication. "Your eyes are very beautiful. I could look at them for the rest of life and I wouldn't get tired," she slurred, her words muffled by her slight intoxication. She then passed out, which surprised him.

Travis couldn't help but smile at her playful demeanor, his gaze softening as he reassured her, "Same with you."

With gentle care, he helped her sit up. He then got up and fixed himself, then picked her up, this time making sure she didn't do something. He put her on his shoulder so that if she puked, it wouldn't be aimed at him.

'Time to take her home. Where does she stay though,' he thought. He grabbed her phone and used her finger to open it. He searched up her home location and found it. Luckily as she had said, it wasn't far. So he got his shoes and left.

'The things I go through for pussy. I always wanted to say that. I wonder how it'll feel. Hope I don't cry like Kaneki,' he thought.

Remembering how Kaneki bawled his eyes out when getting some of Touka's pussy made him laugh for a moment. Though he sort of understood why he did that.

'But damn, me personally I'd never cry in front of a woman. Especially if they're not family. Luckily Touka wasn't this generation of woman, she understood, bro, and honestly that probably made her love him more since he dropped his guard down after so many years of being wary of everything. Tokyo Ghoul was honestly a good anime, I pray it gets reanimated, by Mappa, maybe even Ufotable,' he thought.


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