Story info( summary)

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I am writing this part for all the lovely reader who are ready this story. It is for your convenience and in order to avoid confusion 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂.

Katherine Celeste was arrogant but was not a bitch until the entry of the heroine. After the entry of the heroine she desperately tried to get the male characters attention. But she never tried to kill the heroine. It was the heroine who framed Katherine which led to Katherine's death.

Roy Celeste was Katherine's brother, the best friend of crown prince.He was also not well treated by his parents but as he was a boy he was provided with all the privileges. He always wanted ad sister but because of Katherine's attitude and after the entry of heroine he began to hate Katherine very much. Despite all of this he tried once to save Katherine from Adrien (demon king)but later gave up thinking of Katherine's  evil schemes.

Kevin Ludwig , the crown prince of the kingdom and the best friend of Roy. His first impression of Katherine's was an attention seeker, arrogant bitch. But after attempts to gain attention from him and 'hurting the heroine ' made him despise Katherine more. He particularly led Katherine's execution.

Aiden berkshire, the best friend of Adrien calista(demon King). He was the only one who could see through the heroine 's scheme but as Katherine has Done a lot of bad deeds he couldn't help her.He didn't fall for the heroine 's beauty.

Adeline flamings, the heroine of had  story. She only framed Katherine because she was jealous of her beauty. She already had all the male characters except Aiden. (Note she only does it out of jealousy,there is no bitchy attitude. I am planning not to give any bitchy attitude to the main characters). But she was also not tooo innocent.

Adrien calista,the demon king. Adrien's main hatred for Katherine was their forced marriage set up by their parents. Secondly because of Katherine's character and of Adeline.

Katherine's power - dark abilities+fire magic.

Adrien's power - dark abilities+ice power.

Roy's power - elemental powers.(Earth and water)

Kevin's power - elemental powers.(Lightning and earth)

Aiden's power - elemental powers+tiny(1%) dark magic.

Adeline's power - holy magic.

Celeste family was a neutral family , they neither love or hate Katherine.

Calista family on the other hand loved adrien.

Ludwig family were generous and kind.

Berkshire family was a loving family.

Flaming family is a bit complicated but loved Adeline.

Despite of this adrien and Aiden maintains a cold demeanour in order to avoid all the fake ones.

And there is a twist coming soon about adrien. So stay tuned.

Unraveling The Misconceptions Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora