part - 7

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  “Don’t laugh tell me, I want answer,” Hkoni asked. 
  “What’s the relation of being single and helping? Who said you will get kiss if you help, every single start helping strangers, if such a sweet gift you are going to receive from stranger. For your kind information hkoni, nobody kisses in return of help, everyone says thank you, you think I help and I receive a kiss from stranger? Skowi started laughing, no hkoni and if you are going to help again to a stranger by thinking you are going to receive a sweet kiss on your check then forget about it, today what happened with you it was just a coincidence. I think you just grown up in your own world, no one does such things for strangers,” Skowi said.
  “Okay stop laughing, but skowi why don’t you ever kiss me on my check am I stranger to you?”
  “let’s go somewhere, here are other human’s too,” Skowi whispered.
  Skowi saw nobody is there and skowi slapped him in his check.
  Hkoni said, “I don’t ask you again, let’s go house, I will take ice-cream for you, we watch a movie that was released last week, it’s new,” hkoni hold skowi’s hand and they both gone to hkoni’s house.
  It’s different when you change not by yourself but because of others and you became a good hkoni. Hkoni is also changed a lot because of skowi, she never said him to don’t do this, don’t go there she accepted him as he is. Then what is that thing which transformed a devil into a good hkoni? Human come and go in our life but some stay with us forever even they are not with us physically, they always with us with those memories that we spent with him. Some human’s actions, words are so effective that make us energetic.
  For hkoni from the day hkoni met skowi he always drawn towards her. Whenever she does something she do it by giving her all and looking at such human gives anyone hope to do something in their life too. Hkoni also wanted to give his all in whatever he is doing.
  Skowi didn’t said any word but hkoni listened everything, how such things are possible? Such things only possible when both are involved in one thing, for example. skowi wants to teach hkoni how to paint effectively without saying a word and hkoni want to learn how to paint from skowi, both discussed and they are assuming each other are talking without words. Before started this act they discussed that they are going to do this to see can they actually talk like this. anyone can learn from anyone by making that hkoni your teacher, you have to follow everything they are doing and without any conversation you can learn anything, difficulties may come you will learn from it. It’s not like only hkoni learn from skowi, skowi also learn from hkoni.
  When hkoni paint, skowi lost herself looking at him, it’s like she is in heaven, once skowi asked why don’t you show your talent of painting to world, then hkoni said some talents are not for world they are just for ourselves. Skowi don’t know hkoni learned painting only because of skowi for skowi not for world.
  When hkoni wash his car, when hkoni play with his dog, when hkoni play video games” he lost in those activities and looking at hkoni, skowi lost herself in hkoni. Skowi and hkoni just trying to help each other to experience their youthful days, they promised each other when they became apart from each other, they don’t try to put much efforts to meet each other, when time comes we will meet. Life without each other will be more interesting, hkoni and skowi said to each other. ‘
  Skowi has many hobbies, one of him is dancing, she like freestyle, as song starts she dance on any song, along with this her favorite hobby is singing. It’s not like she didn’t give audition; many times she gave but because her base is not strong she always came last in audition but she never gave up on her dream. Before some months she gave audition for dance and singing, she received a call that she passed audition and selected in final round.
  “oh my god, I selected,” Skowi is happy.
  She thought her one of dream came true of becoming singer and yes she can see future because she believes in herself. This is just first-step towards becoming the singer of her dream. Ways and opportunities coming to her and getting selected in audition is first step opportunity claimed.
  Skowi need to shift to other city for some days for final round. She was thinking how to tell this to hkoni and she also telling herself how can she go far away from hkoni. hkoni is in ill condition and he is sick but this final round also important, she can’t stay with hkoni even when she want to stay, she go to hkoni’s house to told him that she passed audition and she have to go away from him for some days. As she goes hkoni’s room she saw hkoni was on his bed sleeping. She goes there, she was thinking, “how I told him, I don’t, can say directly to hkoni … I don’t think I can.”
  I first practice while he is in sleep, she starts saying she told everything and many things she never told hkoni but she was not aware that hkoni just closed his eyes he didn’t sleep. He listened everything she said. When skowi finished saying, she was about to leave and hkoni stopped her by saying, “is there anything remained,” I was not sleeping. Skowi suddenly wake up. He said he listened everything.
  “What you listened,” nervous Skowi asked.”
  As if he is a kid and don’t know about instant reactions of humans, how they react when they said truth which they always wanted to say but hiding because of nervousness.
“nothing,” Hkoni said while laughing. As if he nothing listened anything, just to not make her more nervous.
  Both know what happened some time before but they are denying it as nothing happened but their eyes know that’s why they’re not even doing eye contact because they were lying to each other.
  “You know very well what’s important for you, you go and give your all. Don’t think much about me. before you came to my life I was alone, you are leaving me for some days but the day will come when you permanently leave me, from that day I will be permanently alone. I don’t think much about that future day but I have to keep in mind that you will leave me,” Hkoni said.
  While saying this hkoni’s eyes get wet and his voice becomes too low as he come to last two words of last sentence “leave me.” Thought of losing her one day scared him. Skowi don’t want to leave him but she has to leave, there is big purpose behind leaving him. If she will not leave him she might not able to find out that purpose. Even after finding what she wanted   to do there are more possibilities that she will find something meaningful which is not possible by staying with hkoni because hkoni’s love comfort her, hkoni’s love protect her. No one can do great things by staying at their comfort zones. 
“Why you think I will leave you, I’m not going to leave myself, this time also I’m not leaving by myself audition’s result forcing us. I’m afraid that you will leave me,” Skowi said to hkoni.
  She never wanted to leave him for a second but life give us some situations which separate us from our loved ones. We receive a beautiful gift in the absence of him, they teach us even though physically we’re not together we’re always together, distance helps us to grow. Being alone is good for growth, it may hurt but it’s worth it.
  “No, never, I’m not going to leave you. Don’t afraid on things where you don’t need to afraid. I’m here not going anywhere, it’s you who’s leaving me. You are going what will bring with you for me,” Hkoni asked.
  “I’m not going to buy you anything,” Skowi declared.
  “Why, skowi,” he asked.
  “It’s because hkoni is rich boy he has everything why he need anything. Tell me one reason and I will buy it for you,” she asked.
  Hkoni don’t like to share his core thoughts about her that he has to her but if she is asking that’s why he take step to say. He’s not even a stubborn but when it comes to work he become stubborn and don’t listen to anyone, she is nothing different.
  “I have two reasons, first reason is if you buy for me, those sellers they will get money and I want to give him money even if I’m not there through you I’m helping him because for buying me gift I’m going to give you my money”
  By listening this skowi got impressed, she said ohm, “now you are my perfect friend, you also have humanity in your heart. What about second reason?” she asked.
  “Maybe you don’t like this reason but I want this gift from you and the reason is, I want to keep it to myself as you gave it me, every time I miss you I look at that gift”
  “Okay, okay but what you want as a gift,” she asked.
  “I want a boy and a girl looking each other like a couple. When I look that statue that girl is you and that boy is me” skowi interrupt him, “what you said, what hkoni I will not buy it for you find another girl to buy this for you.”
  “I want it from only you and you will buy it for me”
  “I will buy a statue something else, because this boy and girl statues are couple oriented and we are not couple, and how you said without thinking anything, hkoni?”
  “I know we are not couple, it’s just a statue and I want it, I’m just asking it from you”
  “Go and buy it by yourself,” Skowi said.
  “Don’t you trust our bond? this small statue will not affect our bond and I will only see it when I miss you and you are not around and I don’t think that gift will come out of from wrapper,” Hkoni said.
  Skowi asked why.
  “Because I’m not going to leave you neither you so why I open that and look at him,” hkoni said and as usual both started laughing.
  No matter how they fight they always laugh at the end of conversation because they are connected. When one human gets connected with another thing like this happen and it’s not a rare thing only known by those who have experienced beautiful bonds. Every bond is beautiful in their own unique way but human make it worse in their own unique way and only those know who have such bond. Only difference is good bonds get cherished and bad bonds remain uncherished. 
  Skowi is preparing for her final round she is not with hkoni but she’s remembering words of hkoni said to her, “give it all, for the first time and last words was, I know you will win this completion because I saw you’re your passion, don’t think much even you win or not, it will not be going to decide that you will become good singer or not, you can do anything and I believe in you.”
  On the other side hkoni is missing skowi. hkoni pick up phone to call skowi many times but he didn’t he don’t want to be distraction and distract her mind towards him, so he didn’t call her. It is a big competition and from worldwide there are many participants who are well trained by their coaches came but skowi was the one from him who trained by her life, and when life train a human, human become a good player of any field, if human just put their mind to it ... everyone came there with their close one but skowi was alone looking at him from minutes, skowi also wanted to come with hkoni but hkoni was so sick and she don’t asked him otherwise he will not listened skowi and came with her in such ill condition, that’s why she don’t said him to come.
  When bond like skowi and hkoni exist it can be example for all boys and girls that a boy and girl can become friends. It is society who stops youngsters and they are doing a very big mistake. Youngsters are most powerful, if someone try to stop them, they will do that work with more power. Maybe that work can be good or bad, they think everything is right whatever they like, once they do and face difficulties they learn from it, society must not stop them, they will learn by themselves and when society is also supporting them, they listen and try to avoid bad things they will try to focus on good things. But I don’t know why society look towards youngsters through eyes of guilt, as generation grows up human changes as youngsters too, why elders expect youngsters to be like him.
  They don’t want to do things their ancestors did in their era, if someone teaching daughter how to cook, they also teach their son how to cook but society sees it from different eyes, and this are only those humans who are illiterate and still living in past era, illiterate. And yes definitely all are illiterate. No matter how educated a girl is she have to do both works after she get married it’s a different thing that she can hire cook to cook food but she doesn’t want stranger came in their home and cook for him. She wants her husband do it for her. she’s just asking for equality not taking revenge on those man who behave like they are the master of woman and without him woman are nothing. If she is capable of doing both the things why he is not capable. Men always tried to have control over woman, no matter who is, it can be a father, a brother, a husband, all men are same except hkoni.
“woman must take revenge on man”
  The day came skowi is going to give final round test this will decide how talented she is. Program is running on social media, live. Hkoni is on his bed waiting to watch her singing. One by one consistent giving outstanding performances, now it’s turn of skowi she performed very well her performance was unique, not any love song or sad, usually everyone selected such songs while performing but Skowi selected a song that song was written by her and she composed it, song was for her and other youngsters like her who are struggling to make their dreams come true. Judges got really impressed by her performance and her hard work in creating her own song.
  Hkoni is lying on his bed, thinking which song is this? he searched on internet but he didn’t find this song. After some time, all performance over and now results will come and hkoni already know skowi come first. Song was in English language” he tried his best but his hard work gone in vain.
  Everyone’s eyes on judges and judge’s eyes on skowi. without declaring winner everyone gets to know who is winner. Judges declared skowi first but skowi didn’t accepted first position because the boy who came second was five years smaller than her and he got sad because of skowi he didn’t came first, there was only two positions.
  Skowi always respect younger with love as she knows being second is not bad, she told she don’t want to be winner. Looking at her, “why,” he understands she is doing for her.
  “Why you are doing this for me,” boy asked.
  “I know you are younger than me how can I make you sad by becoming first, you are like my younger brother.”
  He got emotional but he doesn’t want to be her brother” he didn’t like it. He didn’t say anything just said thank you” he became winner. After that incident that younger boy got impressed by skowi. He wants to get noticed by skowi so he was trying to make plans with skowi” he was so much impressed by skowi. Skowi was in very cool mood because she made someone happy because of her actions. That boy can’t stop himself from thinking about skowi.
  All the participant has contact of each other. Skowi also have number of younger boy, she called him and gave him invitation for party on celebration of this happy movement.
  Younger boy is excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow will finally he will say to her that how he feels. He falls so fast for her, it’s not his mistake. Once someone saw skowi they fall for her because of her nature and charisma.
  One thing about today’s generation, they really fall fast in love. For him love is a game, especially for boys who think girls are born for that to get used. In the age of playing they play with girl’s feelings. There is no mistake of girls. Nature designed girls/women in that way, emotional and falling for words. Here, boys take advantage of this, using flattering words, giving fake promises and leaving girl one day. Exceptions are always their such as this younger boy he truly falls in love with skowi but some only meet to fall in love not to be with him together.
  Skowi is preparing what to wear on tomorrow’s party. A big market is in front of her. hkoni bought every good dress he saw in market just for her but skowi is a girl and girls are like this. Even whole market is in front of him they don’t like a single dress from him. She’s asking hkoni what I wear then suddenly call of that younger boy come. Hkoni pick up call of younger boy.
  “Who are you,” Hkoni asked.
  “I’m the one who will come to skowi’s party tomorrow and I want to say something to skowi give her phone but who are you and why you’re receiving her call,” younger boy said.
  “it’s none of your business,” Hkoni said.
  hkoni got jealous, thinking in his mind who is this boy.
  “What’s your name,” younger boy asked.
  “Whatever my name, tell me why you called skowi?”
  “I’m coming right now to meet skowi and I’m going to stay with her tonight,” younger boy said.
  “You don’t need to come here, I’m here for skowi,” Hkoni said.
  Skowi thinking, with whom hkoni is talking. Skowi said, “give phone to me who is on call” hkoni put phone on speaker.
  Hello skowi, “I’m the one who came first because of you.”
  “Hello, younger brother why you called me,” skowi ask.
  Listening word brother from skowi to that boy, hkoni got calm down but that boy said please in his mind” he wanted to said skowi that he doesn’t like being called brother, but as he is smaller than her he can’t say anything or dare to do such kind of things.
  “I’m coming to your home right now, because I’m missing you” he asked can I come”
  “Okay,” Skowi said.
  Hkoni was listening all this” he got jealous by their communication, hkoni said, “why you are saying yes to someone who is a stranger for you and you just meet some days before.”
  Skowi ignored hkoni ... after some hours that younger boy came to skowi’s home. First time hkoni is felling like, a third wheel came between skowi and his friendship. Skowi welcomed younger boy in her house. She introduced him to hkoni ...
  “Skowi is this boy is your real brother,” Hkoni asked.
  “looking at hkoni,” younger boy.
  “No,” Skowi said.
  “Then why you are introducing me to this boy to me,” Hkoni asked.
  “I met him yesterday at champions trophy,” Skowi said.
  He asked more questions like, why she call him small brother and this was genuine question from hkoni” he always wanted to know this question’s answer.
  “Because he is five years smaller than me,” Skowi said.
  “But he doesn’t look like … he looks older than you,” Hkoni said.
  “Oh okay, so that’s the reason,” Hkoni said.
  Everybody is busy in work, everybody means skowi, hkoni and that younger boy too. Skowi wanted to decorate her house by herself. Skowi put a camera in corner to record all this thing.
  That boy and hkoni forget their jealousy, they are enjoying, eating, doing fun. Hkoni got a call and he said I’m going I’ll come after some time, till you two doo work, before going hkoni said to younger boy, “help skowi, after me you are the only one whom I can trust”
  “Okay,” younger boy said.
  Boy was finding a chance to say his feelings to skowi. he is decorating flower pots, in his hands there is flowers of rose. He thought it’s a good idea.
  “Why you call me brother I don’t like it”
  “Why don’t you like it,” Skowi said.
  “you are not my sister, I love you, will you be my girlfriend?” younger boy asks skowi.
  “Skowi go near him, her hand on his chest, checking his heartbeat, it was too fast, she gets to know he’s saying truth and if she says something wrong it can break his heart.
  “Falling in love is a beautiful thing, I respect your proposal but I want to ask you something. This is not your age to fall in love and you are too young to come in relationship, you wait, you will get a girl of your age,” Skowi said.
  “No, my feelings I shared with you I can’t share with anyone,” younger boy.
  Saying no and move on was easy but she don’t want to heart of small boy. Not because he is small it’s in her nature. Even if this boy was older than her, she did same with him too. She doesn’t have many eyes, only two and they see everyone same.
  “I love you too but as a small brother, I don’t want to heart you,” Skwoi said.
  “Why you don’t want to be in relationship with me?” he said while crying.
  Skowi got emotional, trying to stop him from crying. She goes near him. she holds his hand. She knows words will not be going to helps in this situation. She knows what to do but she is not doing because it’s going to hurt his feelings. There is no option than teaching him with feelings.
  “I’m sorry, try to understand me,” Skowi said.
  The intimacy he is feeling when skowi hold his hand was different for him” he wants to be in touch with skowi, she was taking away her hand from him but he didn’t let go her hand.
  “can I kiss you on your check,” he asked.
  Skowi is feeling nothing, except she was worrying what happen if she says anything wrong” he will get hurt, for her he is still her younger brother but to clear his mind once again she said, “you are still my brother and I love you as my brother”
  “I’m kissing you but not as your brother,” Skowi’s hand is still in his hand” he goes close to her and kissed her on her check. Skowi took that as small brother showing his care for her elder sister.
  “I’m sorry skowi but I didn’t stop myself ... I ‘m hungry where is kitchen,” he was unable to have eye contact with her, but skowi can’t look away from him. She said, “wait.”
  She wanted to clear all this matter, because it’s not good for him if he got more feelings.
  “One day it will hurt you a lot,” Skowi whispered.
  Skowi don’t know what to do because she can’t even say yes and not even no. by saying yes she don’t want to be in relationship and by saying no she don’t want to hurt him.
  “I know why you are not accepting my proposal but don’t hurt yourself because of me, I know it’s impossible for me to stop myself from loving you. I’m happy at least you are not saying no to me, thanks for that,” younger boy said.
  Now skowi don’t know how she is going to handle this situation. That small boy said must do something now, because he was not listening to of. Skowi after thinking a lot said that I also love you. After saying I love you skowi thought, that little boy gets convinced confirmed that skowi also love him and she don’t hate him. She was trying every situation he never gets hurt by her words, because he was smaller than her if she will not care for him who will care. He said if you love me then why you not agree to come in relationship with me.” he said I know you just saying because I didn’t get hurt, but I’m already broken when you didn’t accept my proposal and not even rejected. And he starts crying so badly, it’s like he was begging in front of her to show some love for him that he want not that love which she is showing.
  “I can’t survive like this,” younger boy said.
  To divert his mood. Skowi asked him his name he told his name is ‘ayush’. Skowi complimented him and said she liked his name. he is smart” he said I like your name, I like your everything, I love you skowi.
  “Will you listen me?” Skowi asked.
  “You know ayush, what’s that you really want right now and that’s me right?” Skowi asked.
  “Yes,” Ayush said.
  “Before meeting me you were happy it means I’m the reason of your sadness, don’t you think I have to leave your life,” Skowi trying to convince him.
  “you are correct; I was happy before you came in my life but I became happiest after you came in my life. I’m sad because you are not with me,” Ayush said.

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