part - 5

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Girl - what you do
  Hkoni - I’m a singer
  Girl - oh my god, are you kidding with me
  Hkoni - no
  Girl - how I believe you
  Hkoni - just believe it
  Girl - okay bye, I have to go
  Hkoni - wait
  Girl - for what
  Hkoni - will you come tomorrow?
  Girl - yes
  Hkoni - I will wait
  In night girl thinks about hkoni, after thinking she remember and connect everything and she gets shocked this is hkoni or what.
She messages him, “hkoni you came here?”
  Hkoni saw skowi’s message and say, “yes, I came here and sorry I didn’t tell you. I find a girl; your countries girls are really cute.”
  She kept her phone down. The boy she was talking was hkoni. Oh my god, the one who is close to her and she dreamed about meeting him, she did fight with him on first meeting.
  “Ohm my god, how I face him tomorrow, I’m so shy,” Skowi is in trouble.
  They meet next day!
  Hkoni - hello girl
  Girl - hello
  Hkoni - how are you?
  Girl - I’m shy
  Hkoni – why?
  Girl - can I ask you something?
  Hkoni - yes
  Girl - are you hkoni?
  Hkoni - yes
  Girl - wait a minute, I need to call someone.
  Hkoni – sure
  Hkoni don’t know that skowi and girl are not two different species but they are one. Skowi is girl and girl is skowi.
  Skowi call hkoni, “where are you?”
  Hkoni - at temple. I’m with that girl whom I met first, where are you skowi?
  Girl - I’m with hkoni.
  Hkoni - girl!
  Girl - yes                                          
  For a while both stayed silent, looking at each other, they smiled and then they laughed. They felt happiness with each other. A movement come when you feel euphoria and it’s true it doesn’t last for long time.
  Hkoni received a call, a call from his country!
  His face changed suddenly and the tension on his face get seen by skowi by looking at his forehead. On his forehead suddenly three lines appeared, it’s clearly showing he’s worried about something.
  “Wait for me, I will come again,” Hkoni said to skowi and run from there. Skowi didn’t stopped him. She knew something messed up. Her gift is in front of her but she can’t open it. She thought that gift is not for her and it’s going back to the right holder of it but then why hkoni said he will come again.
  Skowi always do overthink and create possibilities which are not in her favor. Everything is in her favor even she does overthinking.
  “If my and his bond is strong, if he also doesn’t want to loose me he will come back to me,” Skowi said to herself.
  At a distance she saw a small old lady who is trying to cross the road but not able to cross it. Before she goes there a boy came from somewhere and said, “mom I told you to don’t cross road until I come.” Looking those uncaptured short film with her eyes, her sad face became normal and normal face into smiling lips when she saw hkoni’s message came. 
  “Sorry but it was my lovely human’s call and I would leave everything to see her happy.”
  Wondering who is she, skowi asked…”is she okay?”
  “Yes, she is okay” Hkoni said.
  “what happened to your favorite human?”
  “she got a heart-attack,” Hkoni whispered.
  “omg, thank god, she is okay now,” Skowi whispered.
   Skowi asked to hkoni, “is she your lady-love?”
  “I tell you when you come here,” by saying … wait for me, I will come again … hkoni ended conversation.
  Even if he has girlfriend, skowi don’t have any problem, because she thinks there is nothing between him. Hkoni is not her lover and she don’t consider herself as his girlfriend.
  Hkoni was one who always encouraged her but something is bothering her. She is worried “what if hkoni’s girlfriend told him not to talk with me, who is going to inspire me, who will be there for me” she did overthinking always.
  “What will I do when days come when we stop texting”
  Sitting in a clean colored white room skowi predicting her future with hkoni on the basis of previous incident with hkoni, like she is a master in astrology. Looking at dog named ‘dogu’ sited near her.
  “dog is sadder than me,” Skowi said.
  “let’s go we go somewhere together my dogu,” Wearing a cap and her black shoes they go in a quiet place.
  In a quiet place skowi’s inner voice came out, “don’t be afraid I’m always with you if he leaves you” he also misses you the way you miss him and he will come back to you again.”
  Skowi said, “but what if he never came again.”
  Inner voice - it’s never going to happen. 
  Skowi - just tell me what if?
  Inner voice - then history will get repeated again, as dronacharya was not there for ekalavya, still ekalavya learned everything by observing him. You have to do same.
  “I will not repeat history I will create new one,” Skowi said. Ekalavya was a boy but I am a girl. Her humor pop-ups at wrong time.
  It’s not a bad thing her humor pop-ups at any time without invitation because it makes her life good. If a human has humor, then human is a real human and she proved skowi is a human too.
  Pop-up came, “hi skowi what are you doing.” It was hkoni’s message. She lost her all imaginary clouds which she was imagining. She took a long breath as she saw his message.
  Skowi want to dare again to ask, who is your lovely human and she did, she asked. Hkoni denied by saying again, “you come here then I tell you.”
  “You will be here tomorrow in my country with me,” another popup came from home.
  “But I don’t have visa!” said skowi.
  “You don’t worry. My hkonial plain takes you here from there,” Hkoni laughed.
  For skowi it will going to be a new experience. She never travelled by plain. It’s not like she is being nervous. She loves trying new things, being adventurous. Instead of being nervous she is excited!
  Her dog loves her so whenever she goes somewhere he always go with her. her mother said not to take dogu with her but she didn’t listen her mother and came to hkoni’s country with dog. Hkonial piolet was looking at dogu when he saw dogu first time as he didn’t saw any dog in his life. She also loves him. When it comes to protecting dogu always comes first.
  Hkoni’s words proved that he is a predictor. For the first time skowi put her first leg on his land.
“welcome, welcome,” Hkoni greeted her.
Skowi smiled.
  Hkoni is happy. As old boon companion talks without hesitation they talked a lot once they finished their dinner.
  “Tomorrow I’ll take you with me to show you beauty of my country,” Hkoni declared.
  “Yes take me where you want,” Skowi said.
  Skowi said yes, but!
  Things she always wanted to do from her childhood such as … playing like a kid, enjoying by forgetting everything but somewhere she lost that spirit because she is no more remained a child according to world only.
  “Listening to world takes you nowhere scow, you better know it, you have still that child within you” skowi’s inner voice came out.
  Let’s go!
  She wanted to take “dogu” with her but she thought it’s not a good idea so she leaves him with “kitta,” hkoni’s dog.
  Hkoni put cap and mask to hide from toxic fans, skowi imitated him.
  “See the beauty of my country,” said hkoni.
  “So beautiful and cute,” My eyes always wanted to watch such view.
  “In dramas I saw, when friends go out they capture their photos in photo boot. Hkoni take me there, I’m so excited for that because in my country there are no photo boot.”
  “This will be going to be my first photo with you hkoni”
   “Yes, my too!” Hkoni imitate her words.
  “We will take two copies,” Skowi said.
  “two copies for what?” Hkoni asked.
  “one is for you and extra one is for me,” Skowi said.
  After enjoying, on the way of returning home they come near a shop which was five minutes’ way from hkoni’s palace.
  An old lady whom he calls a grandma. Once hkoni saw, she lives with her small grocery shop. He saw very rare customers come to her shop it’s equal to nobody. From that day hkoni decided whenever he passes through grandma’s shop he will meet her, greet her and buy something from there and give money for her expenses.
  “Skowi you wait here I will back in five minutes.”
  After he go she stayed there. Nobody on road because it’s not main road, everybody is in their home after returning from work and sleeping after they finished their dinner.
  It’s sudden for skowi but some boys were following him from a time ago. Those boys started coming towards skowi seeing her alone, seeing all this from distance hkoni called skowi and said “just co-operate me.”
  Hkoni came near skowi before those boys.
  “Stop where you are otherwise I will harm this girl,” he said while holding skowi.
  She said, “harm me, I’m tired of this painful life,” hkoni looked in her eyes.
  “Why you are so far … Before this boy came, you all also wanted to harm me just like him,” boys listening to skowi emotionally.
  Boy’s wish was to stole purse of skowi but after seeing emotional skowi they said “no we were trying to protect you because you were alone.”
  “Really! Then why you are waiting, protect me from this boy who is claiming he will harm me.” hkoni looked at skowi with big eyes.
  “Just co-operate me hkoni,” Skowi said in small voice.
  Hkoni fall on road after one by one those boys punched him. Giving a helping hand is all that skowi can do in such a funny situation.
  “I was not aware you have ability to handle any situation,” I know you very well now, skowi.
  So tell me how I’m?
  “Skowi is squashy girl, cute, innocent, shy but nobody dares to mess up with her. Her hkoniality is like an angel. Nobody dares to mess with her because she knows all things but she stays quiet and if somebody try to mess with her, that hkoni doing a big mistake, they don’t know result of their mistake!” this is you skowi.
  “but,” Hkoni interrupted.
  “what but,” Skowi asked.
  “I saw pain in your eyes, when you said you’re tired of life,” Hkoni said.
  “that was just acting,” Skowi said.
  “no, it was not acting,” hkoni told.
  Skowi don’t want to talk about her pain. She diverted hkoni by saying…
  And I know how hkoni is…
  “Interesting, tell!” he said.
  “Hkoni is a boy who is totally opposite of skowi but same as skowi” he is like a devil who always treat human badly and if somebody ask why you treated him badly he say human deserve this, yes, human don’t know anything about him and not even he show to world, but mysterious thing is that, from world we both hide ourselves.” Skowi said.
  Nobody said a word after this.
  Talking about their deep hkonial academic life, both are well graduated from a well-recognized university. Skowi took a break from studies. Hkoni took a break from him, when he was in school he doesn’t like studying” he says, “if you have a dream instead of wasting time in study work for your dream.”
  Skowi also don’t like studying but she doesn’t have option. She wishes for a man who is not a hero but a villain because she knows good human are too good anyone can harm him and Skowi don’t want anyone harm her man. It was all her imagination about her man but she even doesn’t know where is he.
  House of hkoni is not less than a palace he lives alone there. It’s not palace from money of his parents. hkoni owned it by himself but nobody knows it. He is artist who likes singing through singing he earned his palace. He forgets every pain when he come in palace but today he is remembering skowi. He was thinking only he have pain but after sawing skowi’s eyes he get to know how much pain she hides. Pain which hkoni feel every day that pain he saw in her eyes.
  In a moonlight night hkoni sitting on top of his palace he saw how human live around him. View from top became soothing to his eyes as he saw skowi. Her rented room which is in a big house, not far away from him. He said many times skowi to live in his palace but she said, “I’ll manage by myself.”
  He decided to go there, in night he walked steps towards her house” he saw she is not there. Gate was closed so he is returning but then as he turns around he saw skowi is coming towards him by carrying bag in her hand, she saw him.
  As she asked who are you, hkoni said, “the one who saved you from those boys.”
  “And got beaten by him,” skowi laughed while saying.
  “What are you are doing here hkoni”
  He said, “I saw you from top and I was missing you so I move approach”
  “Why you are missing me?”
  “I, I, don’t know!”
  “Come when you know, now go,” and she go inside by opening gate by leaving him in a lurch. Hkoni was talking to himself, “why I said I am missing her, am I really missing her?” and he walked towards his palace. When he goes to his palace he asked himself, “why I am missing her” and he again walked towards her house, she was not sleep yet she’s walking near her house, she saw him.
  “I came with answer”
  Skowi laughed.
  He asked, “why you are laughing.”
  “Where is your answer, I can’t see, hehehe,” Skowi said.
  “I take care myself because I know how pain feels and nobody have this much pain as I have. I was wrong, you are in more pain than me so I care for you and that’s why I was missing you.”
  “Okay so what you are going to do now, you care about me, how much you care about me show me.”
  “Skowi I hold your hand?”
  “Once you clasp my hand you have to hold it many times,” would you?”
  “No, I would not hold many times. I hold it once and then never leave it,” Hkoni sigh.
  He was crazy from childhood and now became more because of her.
  “I need to wear gloves then,” her humor!
   Both laughed.
“Innocence was there but they was not child”
“they was adult … without lust only love”
  Both talked many things, and after there talking finished they gone on their way to sleep in their own house. They both don’t want to lose each other. For her, devil came in her life and for him, angel come in his life. They both forget their pain when they are with each other. When they are with each other, they lost him selves and when not they remember their memories. 
  All the things which was unable to share with anyone they shared with other, which was hurting him and giving him pain from a long time ago. They didn’t know what type of relation is between him, they are happy and forgetting everything and want to just spend their time with each other because that time is so precious for both of him.
  “Much time passed since skowi came here but I didn’t even show her my palace. I must invite her and this time I will convince her,” Hkoni decided.
  On the way of going to market they both meet ... skowi said, “much time passed I’m here, I want to ask you something.”
  “I also want to ask you something”
  “What it is hkoni?”
  “First you say skowi, after that I will say”
  “My is not that much important, you say first,” Skowi said.
  “For me your everything is important; you say first”
  “Too much time passed and I’m here but I didn’t find any work and it’s not good to take money from you, I need money only to survive my life”
  “My money is yours skowi, how many times I tell you”
  Seeing skowi in this mood” he felt sad and he thought, “she will not come if I invite her.” She asked him, “it’s your turn.” Hkoni denied her by saying, “there is nothing, I was just kidding.” After much plea come from skowi he not able to decline it.
  “will you come to my palace?”
  “What palace? Do you live in palace hkoni!”
  “Yes, I live in palace with too many facilities that you never saw in your whole life.” Skowi said, “you are inviting me but sorry I can’t come.” Hkoni become sad and asked again, “please come I want to show you something.” Skowi said no again.

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