Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 155

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Qarek unleashed a relentless barrage of swings from his war axe, each strike crashing into the earth with thunderous force, while Varen deftly danced around them, narrowly avoiding the destructive onslaught.

With a swift and calculated move, Varen retaliated, slicing through Qarek's defenses with precision, leaving deep wounds across his upper and lower body, eliciting a pained groan from Qarek as agony seared through him.

"Argh!" Qarek's cry of pain echoed across the battlefield, but Varen showed no mercy, pressing on with his attack, his voice cutting through the chaos as he urged Qarek to surrender.

"Don't fight it! Embrace the end with dignity, spare yourself from further suffering!" Varen's words carried a mix of determination and compassion as his blades continued to strike true.

Initially on the offensive, Qarek found himself forced into a defensive stance, desperately parrying and dodging Varen's relentless assault, the twin dao swords wielded by Micah and Killian adding to the overwhelming onslaught.

As the clash unfolded, Eldritch stirred from unconsciousness, rising swiftly to his feet, his gaze fixed on the ongoing battle between Qarek and Varen.

"What... What happened? I was tossed aside like a novice fighter. That man... he possesses strength and speed nearly matching Zach's," Eldritch muttered to himself, his eyes locked on the fierce confrontation before him.

Spotting Micah and Killian not far from the fray, Eldritch hurried towards them, concern etched on his face as he checked on their condition.

"Micah! Killian!" Eldritch's voice cut through the din of battle, urgency evident in his tone.

Rousing from their stupor, Killian slowly blinked his eyes open, confusion clouding his expression before awareness dawned, prompting him to leap to his feet.

"Eldritch... What's...?" Killian's words trailed off as he shook off the remnants of dizziness, his senses sharpening as he prepared for the continuing struggle.

Meanwhile, Micah rose to her feet with a swift grace, rubbing her head to clear the lingering haze of unconsciousness.

"The fight isn't over yet. We still have to contend with him and the aftermath of the village assault," Eldritch's words carried a sense of resolve as he too regained his footing, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"From the looks of it, this almost seems like a one-sided fight with Varen having the slight advantage over Qarek," Eldritch remarked, his voice carrying a note of concern as he observed the intense duel.

The intense clash between Varen and Qarek unfolded before them, Killian and Micah couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment at the unequal struggle playing out. Their eyes widened in shock as they observed the rapid exchange of blows, each strike resonating with a resounding clang as metal met metal with bone-shaking force.

Noticing a peculiar tattoo adorning Qarek's forehead, Micah voiced her curiosity, her words tinged with bewilderment. "What's that tattoo  on Qarek's forehead? I don't recall seeing it before."

Killian, equally perplexed, nodded in agreement. "You're right. He definitely didn't have that earlier."

Meanwhile, Eldritch remained silent, his gaze unwavering as he pondered the significance of the mysterious tattoo, its purpose shrouded in uncertainty.

In a quiet murmur meant only for himself, Eldritch couldn't help but wonder about the tattoo's enigmatic properties. "What exactly does that tattoo do to them?"

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Eldritch rallied his companions, his voice firm with determination. "Come on, Killian, Micah. We can't just stand by and watch Qarek struggle. We need to find a way to even the odds, especially considering what's at stake in the village."

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