Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 154

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"Furthermore, consider the specific actions of the rulers. In the case of Solaria, the king's pride led to a brutal act: the murder of Thorne's wife and child. His arrogance and sense of superiority drove him to eliminate any perceived threats to his power, regardless of the consequences. As for Elysium, their king's envy led to the theft of the prestigious title of 'Lone Knight' from Drakonium. The ruler of Elysium coveted the honor and recognition associated with the title, seeing it as a way to elevate their kingdom above others. In their pursuit of status and prestige, they resorted to deceit and manipulation, betraying the trust of their fellow kingdoms."

Varen continued his explanation, delving deeper into the intricacies of the relationships between the kingdoms. "You see, the alliances forged between the remaining kingdoms now are often nothing more than a facade, a cloak to conceal their true intentions. While they may appear to be united in friendship, beneath the surface lies a web of deceit and manipulation. Each kingdom seeks to exploit the strengths of the others for their own advantage, much like a wolf in sheep's clothing."

The four stood in stunned silence, each grappling with the weight of Varen's revelations. Their minds raced, attempting to process the implications of his words.

"The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, can't it?" Varen remarked, his tone laced with a hint of sympathy. 

Varen observed the expressions on their faces, noting the turmoil within their eyes as they grappled with the harsh reality he had presented. It was a moment of reckoning, a confrontation with the raw truth that had long been concealed beneath layers of deception and denial

"Well, that's the extent of my knowledge on the matter. It was this revelation that ultimately led me to renounce my position as a royal knight. From then on, I dedicated myself to a life of questioning, seeking answers to the mysteries that surrounded the downfall of the kingdoms. I harbored a deep-seated resentment towards the kingdoms, fueled by my belief in Jerreck the Deity and the notion that there must be a greater meaning behind their demise—a message, perhaps, hidden within the sins that plagued them," Varen  spoke, the gravity of his words further solidifying the unsettling truth that lay at the heart of their world.

"You've said too much for crying out loud! Let's end this fight, right here, right now!" Qarek's voice echoed across the empty grassland field, his determination cutting through the tension in the air.

"Eldritch, Micah, Killian, follow behind me!" Qarek commanded, his tone firm and resolute.

In an instant, a tattoo appeared on Qarek's forehead, its symmetrical patterns and central eye marking him as a formidable opponent.

With a swift movement, Qarek surged forward, his eyes fixed on Varen as he aimed to shatter his defenses with a powerful strike of his pike

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With a swift movement, Qarek surged forward, his eyes fixed on Varen as he aimed to shatter his defenses with a powerful strike of his pike.

"Just as expected! You'll parry it!" Qarek remarked confidently, anticipating Varen's defensive maneuver.

True to his prediction, Varen deftly deflected Qarek's war axe, but Qarek's relentless attack proved too much, shattering Varen's pike with an overwhelming display of strength.

"SHIT!! He still has that much strength?!" Varen exclaimed in disbelief, leaping backward to gain some distance.

"Now! Eldritch, Micah, Killian!" Qarek called out, signaling his comrades to join the fray.

With determination in their eyes, Eldritch, Micah, and Killian charged forward, their movements synchronized as they closed in on Varen with remarkable speed.

"Heh," Varen muttered quietly, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he anticipated the unfolding events.

Eldritch's eyes widened in alarm as he sensed an unexpected turn of events on the horizon.

In a swift motion, Varen seized both Dao swords from Killian and Micah, swiftly disarming them with a calculated move.

Eldritch launched a barrage of spear thrusts at Varen, but Varen deftly parried and evaded the attacks with practiced ease, his movements fluid and precise. With a swift kick to Eldritch's stomach, Varen sent him hurtling through the air, his body tumbling across the grassy terrain.

With a swift and calculated motion, Varen drove the point of his blade into Micah's left leg and Killian's right, causing them to cry out in pain as they collapsed to the ground. In a swift follow-up, Varen delivered a combination of punches to their solar plexus and temples, leaving them gasping for air and disoriented.

Qarek, fueled by rage and determination, surged forward, his war axe cleaving through the air with thunderous force.

"ARGHHHHHH!" Qarek's battle cry echoed across the field as he unleashed a relentless onslaught of swings, each blow carrying the weight of his fury.

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