Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 154

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"Damn, what went down in that village? It's like a smoke bomb went off out of nowhere," Varen exclaimed, his eyes fixed on the hazy scene before him, where Killian, Micah, Qarek, and Eldritch stood, visibly drained from their recent skirmish.

The quartet panted heavily, their bodies drenched in sweat from the relentless battle they'd just endured, yet Varen showed no signs of concern.

Qarek's voice cracked with intensity as he continued, his chest heaving with exertion. "You think you can just waltz in here and wreak havoc without consequences? Our captain, Zach, he's not one to let injustice slide. He'll hunt you down, mark my words. And when he finds you, you'll wish you never set foot in our territory."

Eldritch's words followed, each syllable laced with defiance and determination. "Zach's not just a leader, he's a force to be reckoned with. You may think you've won this round, but he'll turn the tables on you. He's got the skill, the strategy, and the sheer willpower to overcome any obstacle. And when he sets his sights on you, there's nowhere to hide."

Varen's lips curled into a smirk as he turned his gaze towards the defiant fighters before him, his expression one of amusement tinged with a hint of superiority.

"Heh, you really put all your faith in Zach, don't you? Almost as if you think he's some kind of deity. Heh, humans have a remarkable knack for transcending their limitations, wouldn't you say? It's as if we possess this innate ability to elevate ourselves to godlike status. Take Zach, for instance. He didn't simply inherit godhood; he forged it with his own hands, shaping himself into something divine," Varen remarked, his gaze drifting upwards towards the inky expanse of the night sky.

"What nonsense are you spouting? Have you lost your mind?" Qarek interjected, his tone tinged with disbelief.

"No, I'm not high. I'm just speaking the truth. There's something divine at play here, something beyond our comprehension," Varen replied calmly, his words carrying an air of certainty.

He continued, "I've heard Thorne mention a name, 'Jerreck'. It's been on my mind lately, and the more I think about it, the more it feels like there's some truth to it."

"Jerreck? The deity?" Eldritch murmured, his eyes widening in realization.

"Jerreck?! Are you out of your mind? He's long gone! And don't even mention his name in the middle of this chaotic mess!" Killian exclaimed angrily.

"Heh, you see? Some of you still hold onto the belief in him, just like I do. Because, in truth, he's the one who forged the seven kingdoms and assigned the seven sins to manifest in seven individuals, like you guys, Qarek," Varen replied, his tone calm yet confident.

Qarek, Eldritch, Micah, and Killian stood in stunned silence, struggling to comprehend the implications of Varen's words.

"That's correct, it's exactly as I said. Each of you, the seven of you, aren't merely ordinary humans, but rather manifestations of the sins that plague each of your respective kingdoms. Every kingdom has its own sins, festering within, and these sins ultimately turned against their own realm, leading to their downfall and ruin. Zach and Thorne, they were the ones who orchestrated a similar fate for the kingdoms, inflicting upon them the very pain they had unleashed upon others," Varen explained, his words laden with complexity and revelation.

"In Sun Ridge, it was the sin of lust that consumed its ruler, driving him to indulge in pleasures at the expense of his people's welfare. Drakonium's downfall was rooted in greed, as its king hoarded wealth and power, heedless of the suffering of those around him. Elysium succumbed to envy, with its monarch consumed by jealousy and resentment towards those who possessed what he desired. Aurelia's demise came from gluttony, as its queen indulged in excess, squandering resources while her people starved. Solaria's downfall stemmed from pride, with its sovereign refusing to acknowledge any flaw or weakness, leading to arrogance and downfall. Celestria's ruler was consumed by wrath, lashing out violently at any perceived slight, sowing chaos and destruction. And finally, Aetheria fell victim to sloth, as its king neglected his duties and responsibilities, allowing the kingdom to languish in stagnation."

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