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Regardless of the fact that it's been years since Louise was last here in twenty-first century Ipswich. The world outside my range rover holds no interest. She's staring out the front window from the passenger seat, but I can tell she's stuck in her own head.

Matt is in the back seat and he hasn't said a word since he came back through the wardrobe with his mum. I don't know if he's angry at me or what, but I feel so crappy right now. The only thing stopping me from crying is Louise and how important this visit is to her.

When we pull up at the retirement home, we all take a moment before getting out of the car. Finally, Louise takes a big breath and opens the door. She looks so young in jeans and a jersey. But totally natural, it's almost like she never left.

"I'll wait here for you," I tell them.

"Oh, no you don't. I need all the moral support I can get," Louise says.

I feel really uneasy about intruding on this family reunion, but I don't want to stress her anymore than she already is, so I go inside with them.

Nobody bats an eyelash at us as we walk down the hallway to Cora's room. She's out of the hospital section and back in her own room. It’s good that she's fully recovered. It'll hopefully make our visit less of a strain.

When we enter, I look around and am shocked at the amount of paintings on the wall—Lotties paintings. They're beautiful, but somehow make the room feel tainted.

Cora Montgomery looks up from her book—still Sense and Sensibility, and takes off her glasses to look at us. I'm not sure if she recognises me and Matt from the other day, but it doesn’t matter anyway, because she only has eyes for her daughter.

"You finally came," she says, holding her hand out for Louise to take it. The smile on her face is enormous.

Louise sits in the chair next to her and grabs on tight. Tears are streaming down her cheeks as she nods.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I got held up." Louise knows all about what happened now. Matt went straight home yesterday to tell her. "I hope they've been looking after you here," she says.

"Oh yes, my darling nurse, Lottie is always looking out for me. She even throws in a cheeky extra teaspoon of sugar in my tea when no one else is looking. Such a blessing she is," Cora says.

I can't tell how Louise is taking that piece of news. She has a total poker face. Me, on the other hand, I'd be pretty livid. I know Lottie only had good intentions, and never pretended to be anything other than a carer to Mrs Montgomery, but it does kinda sound like she stole Louise's life. And Cora is none the wiser—which probably isn't a bad thing.

"I'm very happy they're treating you well. And I'll have to thank Lottie personally for the extra sweets," she says. No venom in her voice, just relief.

"You'll like her. She reminds me of you sometimes, always trying to save the world," Cora says with a smile. "Now tell all about University—I hope you're not being distracted by boys."

Louise laughs and when I look up at Matt, he's gesturing for me to follow him outside. Good, because I was feeling like we're imposing on their time together.

We walk in silence down the hallway and out into the garden. Today is such a contrast to the last time I was here. The weather is beautiful and sunny, making the flowers look bright and enchanting.

It's a shame my heart is about to get shattered into a million pieces. This place gives off such a magical feel—typical.

"I apologise for yesterday," he says and stops in front of a small water fountain with two cupids in the middle, cuddling together.

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