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Finally, I'm done cleaning.

It's been a week since I brought this little gem and what an eye opening week at that.

I had multiple plumbers, electricians and builders laugh in my face after inspecting my humble abode. Bunch of pricks.

Then just as I was about to lose faith that someone would help me fix this place up, along came Frank.

He loves restoring old buildings to their original glory. He's agreed to take on my precious darling, and has multiple contacts that would be up for electrical and plumbing refits.

I'm all moved in too. The rest of the house is still a big shambles, but at least my room is immaculate, apart from not having power due to rats chewing through the cables. But luckily for me, I found a bunch of old lanterns in the attic.

It's almost dark outside so I have a few going in my room at the moment, and all I can say is, how bloody romantic it feels.

It's totally me in building form. The emerald green wallpaper matches my eyes-well, kind of. Anyway, green walls-green eyes. Then the mahogany wood matches my long curly hair, with flecks of blonde, which is represented by the gold velvet curtains that I had a nightmare cleaning. And the curved wardrobe reminds me of my hourglass figure. My above average height evens me out a bit, but I've definitely got a decent sized booty and boobs, just like that cupboard. I'm like the total opposite of Becks with her straight man-body. The poor girl may lack boobs, but she can eat whatever she wants and still be thin. Such a cow!

"Alright, I'm all done," Becks says, walking back into my room.

"Thanks so much for all your help today."

"All good, but that means you have to help when it's time for me to move," she says.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here until the cottage is ready?" I ask.

"Wy, I'd rather lick fungus off a month old dog shit than stay in this house, no offence."

"Um, offence taken."

Becks's cottage won't be ready for another two weeks, and has agreed to stay in her flat until her flatmates find a replacement for her. The annoying cow refuses to stay with me or accept any more money. So she's using her savings to pay the last of her rent and set up her business. To be fair, she was already saving for the day she could go out on her own.

"Are you sure I can't help with the rest of your rent?" I ask one more time, even though I know it's futile.

"No. And to be honest, I think this pile is going to need every penny you have."

"Ah, excuse me, it's not that bad," I say, defensively.

"Wy, you have no power, your pipes need replacing, the wiring needs doing, every room except this one needs stripping, the gardens are atrocious and don't get me started on that ancient kitchen with that manky iron stove. Good luck cooking on that thing. "

Actually, I thought the iron stove looked in pretty good nick. I'm going to try making my tea on it, I just need some wood to fuel that colossal beast.

"I think take out will be my friend for the next few weeks. But the kitchen is one of the first things on our list, you negative Nancy," I say and cross my arms and legs as I lie back on my pillows.

"Our?" She inquiries.

"Me and Frank. He's a top bloke. You'll love him."

"Is he single?" She asks.

I scrunch up my nose, because, gross. "He's fifty something and been married for like, thirty years, so no, he's not single."

"Shame. I do like them older, but I'm no home-wrecker. Maybe he'll have some hunky guys on his crew?" She says, wiggling her eyebrows at me. She's such a muppet.

When we were in college, she always had a thing for the male teachers, she even got suspended once for trying to kiss one. She learnt her lesson about teachers, but her obsession with silver foxes is as strong as ever.

"Anyway, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow and we can start getting rid of all the junk," she says and heads out the door.

I grab a lantern and follow her down the stairs to see her out. Once she's gone, I lock up and head back to my room. The house is fully dark now and feeling slightly creepy. It's my first night sleeping here, and during the day, I was fine, but now, I'm a little unsure.

I stand on the threshold of my room and take a moment to admire it once more, on the other side of the space sits my curvy wardrobe and I realise it doesn't look right. I stare for a moment and realise it's off centre.

I hate wonky pictures on the wall, so I know this is going to irritate the crap outta me. I survey the area and notice some faint indents in the carpet. That must've been its original spot.

I get on the other side and start pushing. Oh my lord, it's heavy. I turn around and put my back into it, and dig me bare feet into the floor. It moves across suddenly and I almost fall on my butt.

Now it's too far the other way and there's a deep indentation on the other side. Dogs bollocks!

After some back and forth, it's finally in the right spot and I can rest easy knowing its centre. I grab a box of my shoes off my bed and dump them in there for now until I can find a better solution.

Right, time for sleep. Luckily I have working water, so I can brush my teeth, wash my face and use the loo. If I'm really keen, I could heat a couple of jugs of hot water to have a bath, but I have to clean the bath first, so that can wait.

I carefully extinguish all my lanterns, because the last thing I need is to burn this whole place down (perhaps I should get battery ones tomorrow? Probably safer). I'm so shattered it doesn't take me long to drift off.

Suddenly, I'm startled awake. Did I hear something?

Looking at my phone, its brightness makes me squint. It's almost midnight, so I've been asleep for a few hours. I listen for a few minutes-nothing. I should go back to sleep, but I'm hungry. There's a few groceries in the scullery surrounded by rat and mouse traps. If I go grab something, I can check out the house too. Good idea Wyatt.

I lean over by my bedside table to grab the cricket bat Becks lent me. Bollocks, it's not there, I must have left it downstairs. Better get that too, for peace of mind.

Rather than fluffing around with a lantern, I use the light on my phone. It feels so weird walking through such old halls. This place is apparently over three hundred years old, I wonder who used to live here? And who built it?

I'm not even at the top of stairs when I hear what sounds like footsteps. I freak as it sounds like they're getting closer and faster. Trying to light up the space I fumble with my phone and drop it on the floor. The torch is facing the ground and I can't see a bloody thing.

Leaning down in a rush to pick it up I'm bumped from behind and fall face first onto the wooden floor.

"I'm terribly sorry, but I must go," a deep male voice says to me in the darkness as he rushes down the hall.

I quickly scramble for my phone and hold up the light. Before disappearing into my room, I see a tall man wearing an old school white long sleeve shirt, brown trousers and knee-high boots.

What the hell!

I run after him into my room, but he's vanished. Quickly I check under the bed, behind the curtains and then in the wardrobe. Nothing. But oddly my clothes have been pushed to one side and some of my shoes are on the floor. I take another look inside, nope, nothing.

Then realisation hits me. Did I just see a ghost? Oh my giddy aunt, Becks is gonna freak!

Word count: 4178

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