1. Permission to Russia

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First chapter is written from Siya's POV
(Please spare me if my english is too hard to understand 🙏🏻😭)


I could feel my heart thumping in my chest as I stared at the screen, waiting for my exam results to load. When I saw that I had passed my 12th exams, I let out a scream of joy that probably startled the neighbors. Rushing to share the news, I burst into the living room where my family was gathered.

Entered like a Bollywood star, announcing the release of a blockbuster movie.

"Guys, guess what? I passed!"

I exclaimed, practically bouncing with excitement. My elder sister Anshu, who's always busy with her job in Pune, was home for the holidays, so it was a full-house celebration. My younger sibling, Akshat , was probably internally cheering but playing it cool on the outside.

Papa flashed that proud smile, par mummy? Oh boy, her expression could freeze the sun!

"If only you didn't treat your phone like a long-lost lover, maybe you'd be topping the charts," she said. Seriously, Mom, can't we celebrate first, nag later?
(Siya got 80.4% 🙂... Aur kitne % chahiye mummy ko?😭)

"So, Siya beta, what's your next move?"
Papa asked.

"I want to study computer science from Russia . I want to study there"
I responded without even thinking

Silence. You could've heard a pin drop. Mom's eyebrows shoot up to her hairline, and dad's face goes from proud papa to concerned citizen in 0.5 seconds flat. I'm sweating bullets, wondering if I just unleashed World War III.

Mom breaks the silence "Russia? Are you out of your mind?"
"Nah, that ain't happening" Father said while agreeing with mother .

Anshu, my unlikely ally in the sibling rivalry arena, came to my defense. She whips out the ultimate trump card
"Come on, Mom and Dad, lighten up! Let Siya spread her wings and study in Russia. Besides, isn't Tanvi, our cousin, also studying there?"
(Tanvi , maasi ki beti , jo Russia mein padh rahi hai)

After the mention of Tanvi, the family huddled together in a mini-conference. Talk about intense! I was sweating bullets, wondering if the queen bee of the household (aka Mom) would give her royal approval or not. The suspense was killing me!

After what felt like an eternity of anxious nail-biting, Mom finally cracked a smile-a rare sight indeed. She looked at me with a twinkle in her eye and said, "Alright, Siya, if that's what you really want, we'll support you."

After Mom's surprising agreement, the next step was figuring out when I'd jet off to Russia. Obviously, it wasn't going to be an immediate departure-there were visas to sort out, flights to book, and probably a crash course in Russian survival phrases.


So, with the excitement still buzzing in the air, I sat down with Mom and Dad to hash out the details. Anshu, the master negotiator, joined in too, adding her two cents.

"Siya should study at the same university as Tanvi," Anshu suggested, flashing me a wink.

Mom nodded in agreement. "That way, you'll have someone familiar to show you the ropes, and we'll have peace of mind knowing you're not navigating this adventure alone."

I nod my head in response since I will study the same course as Tanvi
(Siya will study BSc. Computer science as Tanvi)

"Tomorrow, I will start by applying for your visa and passport....it will take at least a month for that , so no need to rush for packing your stuff right away" papa said.

After all the discussion Mummy call pe mere result ka dhindhora pitwa-te hue..she didn't even left that my eyes were set in Russia
Some were genuinely happy for me and some were jealous .

Random relative no. 4 on the call "kahi beti haath se na chale jaaye"
(Siya was also listening to the conversation)
Hearing this, I felt something in my heart.. Am I sad ? ......NAH ! just kidding! I just smell jealousy from this relative's voice

Mom shutting that damn relative's mouth in her way "don't worry ji , our daughter is not dumb , and I have full confidence in her abilities. Besides, a little independence never hurt anyone-it builds character!"

The conversation continues and I went to my room (the room shared with siblings , I mean , no way asian children can have their own room ? ╥_╥ )


1 month later

Sleeping peacefully until the clattering of utensils woke me up ...(Seriously, who needs an alarm clock when you've got a kitchen symphony?)

I groggily sat up in bed, my mind drifting from the universe to... well, nowhere in particular. A wave of realization washed over me-today was the day! The day my passport and visa were ready, paving the way for my grand Russian adventure.

I freshened up myself as fast as I can .... I went to the living room , seeing papa already holding my passport and visa . He was smiling at me and I was at him.


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