ꕥ Chapter 8

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The Year 2057                                                                                                                                                Presentation Day

"I finally realized the blessings are not just from a button it's from being grateful, kind, helpful and living we didn't need to rely on a silly button to feel blessed we just need to be kind and live everyday with care and love everybody around us.... and that although i did make a groundbreaking discovery on The Cactus legend, The love i felt after talking with my mum and helping my neighbors, friends and family can never be replaced, even with my historic discovery. I've realized it wasn't the button in the Cave or the Laser that blessed me, i think i just had to believe in myself. I'd like to end off with what cacti represent. Cacti represent, endurance, resilience, and inner strength! i think we can all be like a cactus as long as we believe!" i took a bow and looked at everybody in the room, even my parents in the back. "That was amazing Lizzie you are so amazing, we'll talk about that Cactus Cave and its legal issues after school, but thank you for that amazing presentation, on the blessing we can feel all around us!" Mrs. Diana was so proud of everyone, especially me but i think that even though my amazing cool adventure report didn't get presented, my new one about blessings and the representation of cacti, was by far the best.

I realized I had become a new person I told josh all about what had happened in my class and how my presentation went. our family is happier than ever living for the amazing blessing on this world. although mum and i aren't as trusting as we were, i love that we can talk with each other and feel happy, we even went and got our nails done together. even if our relationship can never be the same, i feel that being alive and healthy is more than enough. Even when we don't do good deeds in a week. Good things happen and we still think the blessing button is working to help us be a kinder, better and newer people.

"Want to go for some ice cream?" dad asked me and josh nodded excitedly as we exited the school. we arrived at the park where the small ice-cream cart and ordered our usual flavors, "Wow mum, you still remembered i love choc-mint chip ice-cream!" she smiled and said, "I could never forget what my daughter loves!" i smiled and happily ate my ice cream, me and josh brought along our bots. Juniper was with josh dancing, and Oxford was in my lap sleeping as i licked away at my ice-cream. when we were done we walked though the park and talked about my discovery, "i got an email from the news reporters, they want to interview you and maybe even get a look at that, Cactus Cave of yours." i looked at dad in shock, "no ways!" i looked at josh and smiled, "i told you we would get featured on the news!" he rolled his eyes, "thanks for reminding me." he said sarcastically. i laughed at his sarcasm and walked to the car hand in hand with mum. when we got home i felt lighter than i had ever been in years, i hand forgiven mum, found out where The Cactus Legend was and got to eat my favorite ice-cream after my presentation! this was that best day ever no doubt, i went up to my room and sat on the edge of my bed, and let out a sigh. "You know what Oxford?" he floated up in front of me and replied, "What?" i laughed at his tone of robot voice, "I think that no matter how hard and boring school is, if i find a poem about what happened today. I'll never forget the blessings of that cactus. i went on my laptop and found a poem that i liked it was definitely going to be a great reminder on this Memorial Day. i even wrote it down on my calendar, '10th of May 2057, i found The Cactus Legend, and the true blessings' i looked at it form afar and realized today was also world Cactus day. "Huh, what a coincidence?" i smiled and print out the poem and decide i should hang it in my room, and now everyday before i go to school i read it to remind me of the true blessings. and what i had discovered that day, when i went round the circle on my bike and the next morning i was exploring it and finding out the hidden secrets, i am so glad that i decided to get a bike when i was 6, because without that old bike, i don't think my life would be the same. i hung up the poem and got in bed, Oxford switched off the light and i fell asleep dreaming of the Cactus Cave, and all the upcoming adventures...

Its called a blessing, (Lizzie's Poem)

You call it coincidence.
I call it a blessing.
It's the gift of life.
It's the splendor of the universe.
The lilies of the valley.
The glory of the sun.

You call it opportunity .
I call it a blessing.
It's the education that is ever so free.
It's the freedom that was fought for the upcoming generation.

You call it chance.
I call it a blessing.
It's a mother's love, that I still have.
It's the wonder of friendship.
The people that hold you up.
The strength of your best friend that sticks closer than a brother.

You call it a big break.
I call it a blessing.
It's the job that is perfect for me.
The material benefits that I enjoy.

You call it luck.
I call it a blessing.
It's a life partner that stands when you want to fall.
The love that is available to us all, if only we ask for it.
It's called a blessing, a blessing that we don't deserve.
Not coincidence, opportunity, chance, a big break or luck.

It's a higher power, bigger than anything of this world...
It's called a blessing.

~ by Gabbriella.

The next day-

TV: "Now we have Lizzie, Brightman. on scene at the front of her house at the legendary cactus, Lottie over to you." "Thanks you so much Jamie, this here is Lizzie she is a 13 year old girl that study's at a school nearby, she has recently discovered Edmond Richie's cave. the exact one historians have searched high and low for. Lizzie how did you feel when you uncovered this mystery?" "I didn't really feel anything till i actually turned on the light and looked at the amazing Laboratory Edmond had created, i have found many different objects and notes that he had written, a lot of them look like the robots and technology we have today! me and my brother were so surprised to see that this man from the year 2024. had created such clean and advanced designs." "That's Amazing. What are you planning on doing with this cave and knowledge?" "I think i would like to seal the cave with one on my dad's advanced technology locks and never go down again, unless it is completely necessary." "But if you were to lock it, how would historians gather intel on your discovery," "They won't, i will definitely send pictures to those historians that reach out, but i am not willing to let any man or woman into this cave that i have discovered," "Well, there you have it, Adventurer and gardener Lizzie, Brightman has officially said that no man or woman can enter this sacred cave she has found. what about you family?" "no, i myself am restricting myself to go in, so definitely no. nobody is going in to this sacred spot i have found."

Gregory: "I have searched high and low for that cave, and a kid has beat me to it! i will not let this kid stop me from going and stealing all the work of that Edmond Richie, he will pay for what he has done to my ancestors."

Neil: "Mr. Greg?"

Gregory: "I'm in the TV room, what do you want bastard!"

Neil: "I-I i wanted to ask why that girl is being interviewed?"

Gregory: "She's found Edmond Richie's Ca-"

Neil: "Who is Edmond Richie Mr.-"

Gregory: "Silence! why do you dare interrupt me...do not speak to me again, go to your room and don't come out, till supper time. i don't want to see your lazy, good-for nothing face again."

Neil: ". . ."

Gregory: "i will find that girl some day and i will steal Edmonds plans, even if i have to die! i will get those Plans...even if i have to take her whole family down..."

TV: "Now time for a short ad break-"

Gregory: "Technology will be mine, and i will be superior over all human and robots, I'll have to lure that Lizzie child to me. maybe in a few years' time, when she finds interest in my little son Neil. and when she gets caught in my trap, I'll force her to give me those plans." (even if one of us has to go down...)

Neil: (all i really want is a true friend, just someone to love me for who i am.) "Oh, how i whish mum was here..."

The Cactus BlessingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ