ꕥ Chapter 1

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 The year 2051 

6 years ago....

"Here let me help you Joshy dear." Nana helped Josh pour the water onto the freshly planted seeds, "Mum...I told you not to influence the kids, i bought Ben to do the work" Nana shook her head at Mum, "These kids don't have to rely on the robot Ben, if they want to do it themselves then let them have a go at it, even if they get a little messy they can clean up." mum clicked her tongue and said, "it's not just getting dirty and cleaning up, they also get hurt day in and day out. getting down on your knees for some silly seed that's not even living is a waste of time! Mum the world is evolving and I hope you'll understand that someday." Mum scooped up Josh and took him up to the bath to get washed up. I heard him cry as they went up the stairs I stared at Nana who was Pitifully looking, as Josh wrestled Mum trying to get out of her grasp, but a toddler's strength was no match against Mum's muscles. Ben, our brand-new personal robot came and continued watering the seeds. Mum bought him so he could do the garden work, mum was always like this, she never accepted us gardening because she bought Ben for exactly the reason to do the 'dangerous' dirty stuff, and also be a second supervisor. our dad left for another one of his month-long business trips. he left often because he was part of evolving and designing the looks of robots around Europe, and it takes a long time to get professionally working technology around all the 44 countries of Europe, dad says that after Europe has explored the physics of technology. Europe will expand its amazing knowledge to the rest of the world. "Soon our amazing robots will be flying themselves to different places, but it takes time and money, I hope you understand that what dad is doing is very, very important..." it is always sad when he leaves without us to cool new places, this time he went to Poland, I heard that Poland has warm sunny days petty much all year round. It was kind of sad he was gone again but Mum says if he never went to work we would be like one of the fellows you see on the street, and I did not want that.

"Sorry about' mum, Nana" "No need to be sorry for anything my little angel. Mum is just being a bit stubborn" I smiled at her kindness, "I honestly fink she's always so stubborn." Nana laughed at my terrible pronunciation. "even if she is a bit-" "Stubun." I interrupted laughing, Nana shook her head smiling. "Even if she is stubborn, listen to what she says even if I don't agree. One day you'll be able to make your own choices and maybe show the world the blessings of hard work." I nodded in understanding. I put my hand on my heart and said, "I'll do my best and listen to Mum." I knew wasn't always going to listen to Mum but I said it anyway because I didn't want Nana to be upset with me,

mum came down with Josh who looked exhausted from crying I winced as he pulled on Mum's hair, hard. "Now," Mum put Josh in a high chair to keep him in place, then continued, "Liz, please get back inside the house and let Ben water your seeds." Mum tried to put on a smile but she clearly wasn't having the best time with Josh who was squirming around while she was buckling his straps in. I looked at Ben who was refilling the watering can, he hovered over and continued watering the seeds. I looked back at Mum with pleading eyes, "No, back inside now. Ben can do it." I looked at Ben, "Do not worry. I can do it." Ben said in his very low-pitched robot voice. Robots were slowly taking over, there are now robots in school, at the beach, in the libraries, and even at the zoo basically any simple job, robots can do. The robots of now can do anything a normal human can do, except for using the bathroom or breathing. Dad was one of the few who helped with the design of the robots we have now, he helped with the colors, shape, and digital expressions of a robot, he always tells me about what's inside of Ben and tells me a secret here and there, I enjoyed hearing from him after a trip, he often brought back a spare part or mini sculptures of the project he was working on. one time he brought back a big sculpture, the size of my head. (it happened 3 years ago I was really small at the time.) it was a model of a garbage truck but more modern and instead of wheels it was hovering with turquoise rings, it was automated and had a digital face instead of seating for the driver. it was the coolest thing, and Dad said in a year or two we would see the new and improved truck, Garby. Come and take our garbage! I loved being with my dad he was the exact opposite of Mum, the one person who encouraged me to do what I wanted, not what fit the modern standard. he wanted me to be free and be whatever I choose to be. And whenever he leaves and we're left with Mum, it feels like forever until he returns.

my relationship with Mum is on and off, I never really remember a time when I agreed with her or felt like she wasn't forcing the modern day upon me. I wish that our relationship could be better but when I was a kid, my priorities were play, eat, sleep, and garden, the same routine over and over. but looking back our relationship could have been a lot better if I had done my part and been a little bit less bratty, but hey! bratty and sassy are my middle names. I didn't want to talk or ask my mom about anything because I knew everything I wanted to do was the opposite of what she would want me to do. I know that kids should listen to their parents but I can't sit around in a bubble for 18 years, I was going to make my life happier even if it meant getting scolded every day.

I went inside looking back at the garden, through the glass door. how I wished mum would just accept us for who we are, but she wanted us to fit in with the rest of the world, which I didn't want. "thank you for coming inside Lizzie, I really appreciate it. now go upstairs and have a bath." this time Mum was actually happy, I went upstairs and started my bath, I know she wanted what was best for us, but even if the kids nowadays played with VR sets, PS 10 and their phones, I and Josh loved gardening and getting dirty although we did get really bad bruises, as I came down a grumpily ate my dinner mum looked at me apologetically. "I don't want you getting hurt every day, you get hurt by thorny bushes you scrape your knees when kneeling on the concrete, I just want what's best for you." "I know, but I fink you make us sad when you try and help us," I whined. She shook her head and muttered, "I'll never understand you kids..." After dinner, Mum put me Josh to bed. "no matter what," Mum said as she tucked me in. "know that I always love you, even if I might seem very bossy." she sighed and traced her finger on my cheek, "I'd never trade you for the world." I stayed grumpy and said, "Even if Ben is more well behaved, and fits your standards." she laughed and said, "Nothing could replace you, Lizzie..." She kissed both of me and Josh goodnight and turned off the lights, I thought about what Mum said, "Nothing could replace me..." I fell asleep before I could finish my thought.

every day since we got Ben Mum would tell us off if we got dirty and if we got hurt we wouldn't go into the garden for the rest of the day. life was miserable but after a few months Josh got used to it, finally, Dad came back, "Dad!" I shouted when he came through the door, I and Josh came running into his arms. "hello my little green thumbs!" we pouted, "Mom hasn't let us garden all week dad," Josh crossed his arms and huffed. I nodded in approval he looked at Mum who was standing behind us, "Jess, why can't you let the kids go out to have some fun?" he kissed her after asking, "They've been getting hurt and Ben has been doing their garden work anyways" dad looked back at us and said, "go on, I'm here so you can play for as long as you want today," our faces lit up. "YAY!!" Dad laughed and before I left I heard Dad start talking to Mum in a disappointed tone. "let them go and play, if you don't want them to garden." Mum crossed her arms, "It's not the garden, it just times have changed and..." "Come on Lizzie let's play tag!" I decided to forget what Mum and Dad were talking about and just have fun while it lasted,

but one thing for sure Mum didn't want us getting hurt, and no doubt hated the idea of getting dirty while gardening.

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