Mutasim: What is this?! 

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Mutasim: What is this?! 

???: Not what. Who.

That same deep voice spoke again. Hold on... Was this goo sentient?! 

???: Yes. 

With that said, my body moves towards the end of the hallway, still blocking all the bullets. The end of the hallway was a dead end with the exception of a window. But we were around 50 stories high! Unable to control my body, I leap out of the window and begin to plummet. I scream as I fall. Right before I hit the ground, tendrils shoot out of my left arm to another building, pulling me towards it! Once I reach the side of the building, my hands and legs stick onto it with the help of the tendrils. Heavy breaths leave my lips as I recover from the near death experience I just had. 

Mutasim: I hate heights. So much. 

???: Get used to it. 

Mutasim: What the hell are you? Some kind of parasite? 

???: Symbiote is the correct term. 

Mutasim: They're the same thing, aren't they? 

???: No. Far from it. No wonder you're flunking your tests. 

Mutasim: Who the hell are those guys? What do they want with you?

???: The CCG. Or better known as Ghoul Investigators. I'm sure you've heard of them. Their weapons consist of using quinques, kagunes from Ghouls who were killed. When they found me from a crashed meteorite, they believed I could be used as a weapon against the Ghouls. 

Mutasim: Which is why we were able to kill that Ghoul back on the train. 

???: And how we were able to escape from Tsukiyama's arena. I've been with you for a long time now. I refuse to let go of you. Of all the hosts I've had, you are my favourite. 

Mutasim: And why's that? 

???: Because you are the most natural. You're young, strong and there's room for potential. 

Mutasim: Well, I'm so glad you think that highly of me. 

I stand up on the side of the building and begin to run up the side of it before reaching the roof. To my dismay, a helicopter hovers off the edge of the roof with gatling guns pointed right at me! My eyes widen in fear. 

Mutasim: Oh shit. 

Instead of running away, my body moves towards the helicopter, charging it! The guns fire at me and I scream at the suit to stop, but it doesn't listen to me. I reach the other side of the roof and my arms stretch out to the helicopter. Giant tendrils blast out from my arms, grabbing the helicopter. I then begin to pull it down before finally smashing it on the roof. The helicopter explodes from the impact and I'm sent flying off. Another scream leaves my mouth as I fall. Once more, I use my tendrils to swing through the streets, attaching the tendrils to the buildings. After awhile, my fear of heights was cast aside and I began to cheer from feeling the breeze. 

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