Caleo and Percabeth headcannon Pt.1

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The Jacksons had arrived on their holiday, finally, at Montauk.

They were a family of 5, with 4 children. But obviously, they were no normal family: They were children and grandchildren to the Gods.

Percy Jackson was with his wife, Annabeth Jackson, unpacking their things into the old cupboards; they were staying for a week.

Suddenly, they heard a scream, and Annabeth rolled her eyes. 'Not again.' And with that, she walked out, settling the dispute between the troublemakers, Ethan and Silena.







'WHAT!' Annabeth Chase had had it with their arguing, and grabbed both their hands, and lead them to her bedroom, where she put them on the bed, next to their 2 year old brother, Charlie.

She rummaged through their suitcase, and found what she had been looking for.

'Ok you two, lift your hands up, around 90 degrees.'

And so they did, their arms sticking out, a confused look that soon turned to terror after they saw what was in their mom's hands.

'Mom, no-'

'Please mom- anything but this-'

' Nuh-uh. I am going to do it, and I'm doing it now.'

And with that, she handcuffed Ethan's right hand to Silena's left hand, and told them:

'These will stay on for a whole 5 hours, or longer if you complain, or fight. Deal?'


'I didn't hear you.'



'DEAL!' They both shouted, and started giggling, and soon, they ran off, trying to runaway from the other, which wouldn't work due to being handcuffed, but they didn't really think it through. Just like Percy.

Annabeth sighed, and went of to find her oldest child,

Luke was the oldest, at 14, Silena at 9, Ethan at 7, and Charlie at 2.

She knocked on Luke's door, and was met with a 'Come in.'

Luke was on his bed, his blonde hair covering his sea green eyes, reading a book on Architecture.

'How are you doing, Luke?'

'I'm fine, Mom, you?'

'I'm just great. Your siblings are causing me mental pain, no matter how much I love them.'

He chuckled at that. 'Silena and Ethan are a deadly combination, you should know that.'

Annabeth smiled at that. 'You used to be like that too, running around the place, bossing me and your dad around, being my a kid, like them.'

There was silence for a while, as they both reminisced.

'Come, give me a hug.' Luke sighed, and closed his book, walking up to his mom, hugging her tightly.


The day passed, with the Jackson's unpacking, and strangely, the two troublemakers getting along just fine.

And then bedtime came, and so Percabeth had to put their kids to sleep, Luke going to bed on his own, Charlie in a cot in their room, and the remaining in a bunk-bed.

Once tucking Silena and Ethan in, they walked to the door, before hearing a voice.

'Daddy, Mommy pleeeeeeease can we have a bedtime story? Pleeease?'

And so they turned around, and sat on the edge of Ethan's bottom bed, and asked them: 'What story?'

'Oooh ooh the one with the fire hero, the Commander of the Argo-II!' Silena whispered excitedly.

The two adults looked at each other: Leo Valdez.

'W-Well,' Percy started, 'There was this kid. Called Leo Valdez. But he was no normal kid, no, he was a fire user, the first for many years. He went to this Camp, and met his best friends, Piper and Jason-'

'Like Uncle Jason and Aunty Piper?' Ethan asked.

'Yes,' Annabeth smiled, 'Just like them.'

'And so,' Percy continued,' The trio went on to join the 7 on a quest, a dangerous one, to defeat the evil Primordial, Gaia.'

Percy looked at Annabeth, unsure if he could carry on. Annabeth nodded, and continued.

'In the final battle, after defeating Giants and Cyclops, the final battle was with Gaea. The Super-Hot McShizzle took it upon himself to defeat her, and after convincing his comrades, he shit into the sky on his metal dragon, f-for one last fight, and summoned a fireball bigger than any, and defeated Gaea, saving the world.'

'What happened to him?' Silena asked.

'He- He had earned his place in Elysium, and is up there, watching over us.' Annabeth finished, and kissing the kids goodnight, She and Percy left their room, the kids not noticing the tear running down her cheek.


The next day was relaxed, and Percy had left Luke to his room, with the promise that he'll come in 30 minutes, and he carried Charlie on his bare shoulders, the family in their swimwear, off to the beach, the "twins"
- even though they weren't, Silena and Wthan acted like it- far ahead, screaming and running into the water.

They played races, in which Percy always won,
Silena coming joint second using her budding water powers, Annabeth with her, Ethan third, Charlie in an air bubble in the water, protected by a school of fish.

Luke joined for Marco Polo, in which Annabeth always won, Percy left muttering something about water being his area of expertise.

Soon, the adults were left on their own, the twins allowed to roam around on the beach for a bit with Luke, on the promise that they would come back home in 30 minutes.

So there they were, at home waiting for the twins and Luke to arrive, when the doorbell rang.

Percy opened it, to see his children standing there, grinning at him, covered in sand, soaked in water.

And there was a boy.

He was tan/ brown, with curly brown hair, and a cheeky grin. The striking similarity to Leo brought back a wave of pain to Percy.

Silena wasted no time in introducing the boy to Percy and Annabeth, who had just arrived, holding a spatula and a bowl.

'Mom, Dad, I found this boy at the beach, he's on holiday, just like us!'

'Is he now?' Annabeth says, a little shaken, due to the similarities to him.

'Yeah! Apparently, this place reminds him of one of his old friends, so they come here now and then.' Ethan filled them in.

'Well, aren't you going to introduce him to us?'

'I can do that, no worries.' The boy says confidently, sticking out a hand for them to shake.

'The name's Nick, Nick Valdez.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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