part 1

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You are here new in the big city. You don't know anyone except the one guy who helped you a lot. He met you when the robber snatched your purse, and the man (Kihyun) came in at the right time and asked if you were okay. You just nodded yes. Then he punched him roughly, and he collapsed right there. You thanked him a million times. Then he took you to his home and offered you coffee. Next morning, you woke up and he said with his sweet smile, 'Breakfast is ready. Go freshen up and come to the ground floor so we can eat breakfast.' At first, you thought how can someone be really good and so helpful. You thanked God, opened your bag, and headed towards the bathroom. When you were done, you came to the dining table. You saw he was making breakfast in the kitchen. He asked you to sit there, and then you both talked normally. Are you here alone? You said yes. He is so friendly towards you. He even said, 'I helped you find a home so you can live there.' You were shocked, then he said it's normal to help someone when you are.

He said it's normal to help someone when I am well rich. He said very calmly, 'you start to smile and hide your face of embarrassment.' You thought he is a really nice guy. When time passed, you didn't realize, and after one month, you got a job. He congratulated you, and you thanked him, smiling happily, and said, 'Thank you for helping me.' He said, 'You are really aeygoo; it's not a big deal. You asked me for anything; what do you want?' You said, 'Yes, you are my really bestest friend ever; thank you so much.' When he heard the word 'friend,' he smirked, then he said, 'Yes, we are.' Then you come outside the huge building; it's your office workplace. It's your first day going to work. You find Minhyuk. He said, 'Hey, it's your first day.' You said 'yes.' Then he said, 'Don't be stressed; it's all normal for everyone; all going good, okay?' You find he is also a nice person talking really softly towards you. Then the tall guy is coming, and he said, 'Hey, new employee, you come to my office you nodded.

In my office, you nodded yes, then you started to follow him. He said, 'Hello, Miss Y/N. I am giving you work here. All the files are there. Make new ones because there are some mistakes in these files. Correct them and create new ones. If you need any information or have any queries, ask me or Minhyuk. He will help you with the new data.' You nodded and said yes, then you took a ton of files on your table. 'Minhyuk, oh my gosh, how many files did he give you?' You said, 'It's 50.' 'Ohh, shit,' he said. 'He's really mad or something. It's your first day.' But you said, 'It's okay. I will finish them.' He agreed with you. Then you started working at your table. After half an hour, everyone started to panic and said, 'Oh my God, he is coming. Please do something, or he will fire us.' You also wondered what happened here. Then you didn't understand. You asked Minhyuk. He said, 'Our boss, I mean the owner of this CK company, is coming. So we better not do anything stupid, or he will make us pay for it. He is really a psycho type. I don't know what he will do in the next minute. His mood ch...'

You are really nervous after hearing about him. How is he? Doing his work really makes you stressed. What if anything goes wrong? What would you do then? Try to focus on your work.
The man you and Minhyuk were talking about, when he arrives, everyone starts greeting him with 'good morning, sir,' but he just nods coldly. Then, observe how he looks.
You notice he is wearing a white shirt and black pants. His body features show he is not thin; you can see his muscles through his shirt. He is wearing black shoes that look fancy and expensive, and the glasses he is wearing suit him well. He is properly wearing a suit, looking very official.
He doesn't show a single sign of smile; his gaze is fully cold, which makes you also scared 😳.
Then, he comes towards you and looks at you from head to toe.
Then he ignored you as if you were nothing to him. You sighed after he left. I think everyone seemed tense. After 5 minutes, everyone said it's time for the meeting. Get ready. If we make any mistakes, we're doomed. So, please, guys, don't make any mistakes in the meeting room. All employees are coming there. Minhyuk said, 'You are new. You don't need to go there now. We're going. So please, take coffee in the meeting room.' 'Okay,' you said. 'Okay, I will go to the nearest shop, then I will come,' he nodded, then left. You hurried to the cafe to buy coffee, bought all coffee, and moved to the meeting room. Then you saw Im Changkyun, your boss, sitting in a big chair. The look he had right now really attracted you. You can't deny it. Also, he is handsome. Then you knocked, and here you come. You put the coffee on the table. He keeps looking at the file, and you look at him with your eyes. He suddenly looks at your face. You turn your head the other way, bow, and leave. After some time, you get a call from Wonho, He says your file work is done.

You asked me if I am almost done, then you said, 'Okay, bring them to the boss's office; he is waiting.' First, you thought, 'Why me?' Then you said, 'Okay, I will mentally...' You cursed yourself and prayed nothing bad happened. You gave him the file without him asking you anything. You made your way towards his office. After 5 minutes, you were on the last floor where his office is. Then, you went towards the door which had 'Im Changkyun Area' written on it. So, you asked the receptionist if the boss was inside the office. She said, 'Yes, please wait, someone is also there.' So, you waited. After 5 minutes, you heard his loud voice scolding someone. You heard his words... 'What are you doing, Han? This work you gave me, I pay you for? How can you make this silly mistake? It's not allowed here. It really makes me angry. I am telling you, you are fired. Get out now...' You listened, your goosebumps stood on your skin. It's terrifying what he's doing. Like he's going to eat you alive. You prayed to God, 'Please keep me safe.

Then you enter the room, he looks at you, then checks your details on his tablet, which show you are Miss Y/N. You bow and nod, 'Yes, sir.' 'Ok, leave the file here,' he said. 'Stay still, stand there,' he started reading the file you worked on. He keeps looking. You see his face as he turns the page, making you more tensed. He looks at you, asking if you are doing this work. You reply, 'Yes, sir.' He says nothing, then adds, 'Meet me after your work is done at 5 p.m., okay?' Your heart races wondering why he asked to meet again. Your heartbeat won't normalize; you nod, bow, and leave.

Time skip.

You remember what time it is. It's 4:55 PM. You're going to be late if you don't leave now. Also, your heart is beating like it could pop out any time. You grab your files and start walking towards his office. You knock on the door and hear his deep, cold voice saying 'Come in.' 'Oh, Miss Y/N, you're here,' he said. 'I like your work. It seems like you have great knowledge of this. So, if you don't mind, would you like to work with me?' You get a sudden offer that makes you weak but also happy because he likes your work. Then he says, 'Be my personal assistant and manage all my remaining work. Would you like it?' His dominating voice makes you weak, and you can't deny or ignore it, so you say, 'Yes, sir. I would like to work for you.' He thanks you for accepting his offer. 'I mean, you're working for me. It's the first time I've made a decision really fast, and I'm right like always,' you nod in agreement. He offers you a high salary, and you think it's a great deal, so you accept it, forgetting or ignoring his dangerous anger. He says, 'Okay, leave now. Go home.' Then you bow.

IM changkyun pov:

The CEO already signed you as his personal assistant when he looked at your profile resume, but the manager mistook it and gave you the position of back office coordinator. That's why he fired him today.


Well, hello guys! How are you all? I am back
with a new story. I write really fast because I
am not a slow writer. A few things happened
here really fast, so please read it like a story. I
apologize if something I wrote is not your style,
so please enjoy the chapter. I will make the next
update tonight, okay? If you like this fan fiction,
please click the little star ⭐. Thank you guys for
your support. 'Married to My Rude Boss' is my
previous story. Thank you all C. Love you guys.

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