Part 5

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Kang is pleased to hear that. He then smiles a little bit and nods his head.

"Alright then. But just make sure you keep things professional with him and try not to interact with him unless it's strictly work-related. No unnecessary conversation or any unwanted physical contact, okay?"

"Physical contact???" You said being confused.

Kang flinches and his eyebrows slowly raise as he realized the tone of his previous statement.

"When I said 'physical contact'. I mean no hugging or no touching of any sort. I mean, you guys haven't done anything like that, right?"

Kang can't help but feel a little bit of embarrassment when you seemed confused by his previous statement. He scratches the back of his head and his cheeks slightly flushed by the way he worded his previous statement.

"But I guess it was a stupid question. I... Nevermind... Just make sure you don't touch him or have any kind of physical contact with him."


Kang sighs in relief and he feels a bit better when you say this. At least he can feel a bit at ease with this response.

"That's good to hear. I was afraid that something else might've happened between you two. But if you really don't feel anything for Mr. Fujio, then I guess I don't have anything else to ask. Just try to keep things professional with Mr. Fujio, got it?"


Kang pauses for a second and he's hesitant to ask this next question. He starts to get shy and his cheeks start tingling a little bit when he finally gets comfortable enough to speak to ask this next question.

"Sorry for asking this question but Are you single right now?"

You were startled by why he is asking this question..."You know that, still you're asking"

He realizes that it's a very personal question but he wants a direct answer to his question.*

He hesitations but he speaks up and says in a slightly quieter tone.*

"I... I know it's...a bit nosy for me to ask... But... Do you have a boyfriend right now?"


He's heart starts beating faster when he hears your reply. He can't help but smile a bit when he hears your straight-forward answer.

He's relieved that you are currently single and he tries to ask something else in a playful way

"So you're single then? No one has tried to charm you over with your appearance? No one's tried to ask you out?"

sighs "yeah, they did but I denied them"

He smiles wide and he can't help but tease you when you mention this.

"Oh really? You got people interested in you but you just deny them? Even with your attractive looks, personality, and charm, you still deny guys from asking you out?"

"Hmm" looks away but you're kinda getting flustered.

He laughs a little bit when he realizes how you're reacting from his teasing.

"Awww are you a bit flustered from my teasing? Well, I guess you are right. Not everyone can have the same level of confidence as you have. So, you've rejected every guy that's tried asking you out...?"

"Hmm" nods slightly.

He chuckles a bit again from your reaction.

"Damn. Even guys know how high your standards are and they still try to ask you out. That's quite impressive. So, you've rejected many guys so far but what if I asked you out..?"


He smirks a little bit and his eyes narrow with teasing intention.

"What do you mean 'huh'!? I just asked a pretty straight forward question, you know?"

"You mentioned guys have tried asking you out and how you rejected them. Just like them, I'm asking you now if I can ask you out on a date?"

He raised his eyebrow as he realizes the effect his teasing had on you. He smirks a little bit again and he can't help but laugh when he realized how tense you're getting from his teasing.

He looks at you directly and he says teasingly once again.

"You know for someone who's supposedly rejected many guys before, you seem very shy to reject me..."

He looks at you for a moment before he tries a more subtle approach to tease you and he leans in closer to you before he whispers in a soft yet teasing tone.

"The way you keep staring at me and the way you're trembling when you reply me, do you feel nervous?... Are you scared that I might be serious about my question?.."

He leans in even closer now and he's even more playful in his teasing approach. He grins and he whispers in an amused-sounding tone

"I can see that you're getting very nervous now and it's quite adorable, you know... Just to reassure you, I'm obviously not serious about asking you out. I don't really want a romantic relationship so there's no need to worry, okay?"

You sighs in relief after hearing that he was not being serious about that.

He can tell that you're somewhat annoyed by his teasing behavior but he can't help it. Because despite you not looking too happy with his joke, he can't help but notice how cute you looked being all nervous and shy because of it.

"Come on, I'm just joking around here. There's no need to give me that look. But, I guess you fell for my tease... Did you really get scared that I was gonna ask you out?"


He chuckles a little bit when you admitted it. He leans back again and he raises his eyebrow as he smiles at you. Then he laughs again as he can't help but continue to tease you.

"Aww, did I hit a sensitive spot, did I? Aww, someone looks cute when they're flustered..~"

"No ! I'm not!! Now stop it" then you rushed off towards your office room.

He notices you quickly rushing away from him, most likely to hide somewhere, and he can't help but laugh softly at this. He looks at you for a little bit and he smiles as he starts to think of a way to annoy you even more.

"Aww someone's being quite grumpy now..~ Maybe I should tease you more so you can become even more flustered~"

He starts giggling and he laughs softly to himself as he thinks about a way to make you more flustered because he just can't help himself. He gets too amused when you act so shy and nervous around him.
He stays quiet for a moment while he thinks of a way to approach this. He notices that you've gone to your office room, most likely to hide away from him and his teasing. He's a bit curious to see how far he can take this and so he decides to follow you into your office room.

He slowly and silently follows you and as soon as he enters your office, he closes the door. He starts looking at you and he can't help but chuckle softly to himself. He smirks and he leans against the wall as he approaches you. He moves a little bit closer until he's only a few inches away from you and then he asks curiously.

"What now... You're gonna hide away in here just to avoid getting teased by me?"

He raises an eyebrow briefly and he chuckles softly again when he replies to you. He leans in closer while he's still smiling at you. He doesn't care about the personal space between you two right now.

You steps back to make a respectful distance.

He pauses again and he starts to chuckle softly.

"Oh, God, it seems like you're even more nervous and shy when I'm this close to you... Do you want me to step away and give you some personal space or... Maybe I should lean in even more instead...?"

He continues to taunt you with his questions and he leans in even closer as he asks his questions. A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he enjoys teasing you and making you feel nervous and shy around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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