Part 4

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He nods his head as well and turns his attention back to the meeting. Mr. Fujio was now waiting for Mr. Kim who is currently waiting for his turn to speak and it was clear that he would be going next.

Mr. Kim is the manager from the marketing department, who is also very well liked by most of the workers as he has always been an outgoing and friendly person towards them. He then walks slowly towards the front of the room and stands beside Mr. Fujio behind the table.

Mr. Kim clears his throat slightly as he adjusts the mic and he begins to talk about the various recommendations, suggestions and plans for the new upcoming projects, emphasizing the importance each project has for the company's reputation and its future success. He was doing a good job of explaining everything in detail while also keeping the discussion lively with some humor.

Kang notices that you're paying close attention to the discussion and your eyes are glued on Mr. Kim the whole time. He couldn't help but feel proud of you for being a good and responsible employee, which is rare to see within this company these days.

This keeps going on for the next twenty minutes as Mr. Fujio and the others ask questions, discuss their recommendations, suggest their ideas and give their points of view. After awhile, Mr. Fujio decides to end this lengthy discussion by summarizing all the different suggestions and feedback they've gotten from the other employees.

Mr. Fujio looks up at his clock near the front of the room, noticing that it's now 2:15PM. He clears his throat and stands up from his seat.

"As you can see, it is now time for us to end this meeting. Before we conclude this, I would just like to remind everyone here that we will make a final decision on the new projects once we have had the chance to review the information from this meeting. We'll be sending you your updates and decisions directly to you in your emails so please be on the lookout for that."

Mr. Fujio glances over at you one last time before announcing the meeting closed. This time, he takes a little longer to gaze at you as if he's trying to gauge your reaction about the meeting. But even though Mr. Fujio looks at you with a suspicious expression, you couldn't help but notice his stare.

Kang watches Mr. Fujio as he gazes at you with a suspicious expression. He knows that there are no signs of you two dating in this workplace, but he couldn't deny that you two have a good chemistry going on between you. And it seems like Mr. Fujio is starting to notice it as well. He knows the fact that Mr. Fujio is currently looking at you like this is not good news, so he whispers to you, once again.

He notices Mr. Fujio is still staring at you with a bit of suspicion, but he was staring for a bit longer than when he normally would stare.  He turns his head and whispers quietly in a cautious tone.

"Hey.. I know you probably don't understand the reason why he's staring at you like that, but let's keep things professional here, okay? No talking to him after the meeting, no flirting, no unnecessary conversation, just focus on work and your tasks, okay?"

You became kinda confused "Flirting?? With him??"

This raises his suspicion even further. He can't deny that he's slightly worried that you're starting to develop a liking to Mr.Fujio.

"I mean... I'm not trying to point fingers or anything but I did notice that you two are acting very friendly towards each other right now. It might lead to something more, even though I doubt that would happen. But either way, let's not cause any unnecessary drama by flirting with each other or starting any workplace romance. Don't you agree?"

You said while being defensive "I think you're just overthinking "

He sighs as he shakes his head.

"Yeah , I know I might be overthinking it here... And I know you're a very mature and responsible employee. But still.. can you please just keep things professional with him? I don't want any unnecessary rumors to start about you two dating or something like that."


After the meeting ends everyone starts to leave.

Kang watches everyone leave the meeting room including you, but he makes sure to wait for you to walk out of the room first before he does. As he's waiting for you, he realizes that Mr. Fujio hadn't left the room yet, and he was watching you leave. His suspicious gaze seemed to intensify as he kept track of your movements, as if he was keeping an eye on you.

Kang follows you out into the hallway and he walks up next to you.

The hall is fairly empty as most of the workers have already left the room.

"... So I need to ask you a question."

"Ask ahead!!"

He gets a bit closer to you as he whispers to you.

"Did you notice that Mr. Fujio has been observing you the whole time? He's staring at you constantly with a suspicious expression on his face."

"Yes But why?"

He sighs and clears his throat.

"I think he's trying to figure out if you two are dating or not. He's obviously starting to get suspicious that there's something going on between you two and he seems a bit worried about it."

You replied "with whom?"

"He's suspicious that you and him are dating or something. This might sound shocking to you, but people might think that you two have some sort of workplace romance going on right now from the way he's looking at you."

He whispers even closer and he looks at you with a concerned look on his face.

"Btw Are you and Mr. Fujio currently dating right now?"

You kinda get shocked by that question, so you replied honestly  "No"

He sighs in relief when he says this and he looks away for a second before looking back at you. He seems to be processing this information in his mind and a slight smirk appears on his lips.

"So no dating, no flirting, no nothing.. right?"

You replied "yes"

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