Part 3

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He said "Good. Once the meeting's done, go home and get some rest. In fact, you don't even have to come to the office tomorrow, just take the day off and stay home. I can handle the rest. Is that clear?"

You replied "Huh? Oh ok"

He clears his throat again and smiles at you. He notices how your face became a little bit more cheerful after he said that. He then looks at his watch, realizing that the meeting will start soon.

"Right.. the meeting will start soon. Are you ready to go inside now?"

You replied "Yes"

He lets go of your arm and leads you inside the company. As you were walking, you saw all the other workers leaving their desks and gathering around the meeting room to prepare for the meeting's starting. When you get near the room, you notice that he is holding the door open, waiting for you. He looks at you with a small smile on his face, waiting for you to enter.

His eyes look at you for a few seconds, enjoying how beautiful you look under the glow of the fluorescent lights. Your hair was blowing in the air a little bit, making your already delicate features look even more attractive. He then shakes his head and snaps back to reality, realizing how he's starting to have some perverted thoughts about you. He shakes his head, trying to suppress those dirty thoughts of him kissing you right now.

As you gets in he follows you inside and as soon as you get in the meeting room, you see that almost every worker has already taken a seat, including a few of the top executives, who are sitting at the round table at the far end of the room. Some are already chatting with each other while others are quietly reading reports on their laptops. There were also a few empty seats near the table reserved for the new project group members.

The executive in charge of the whole meeting, Mr. Fujio, is standing at the center of the room, holding a mic and giving instructions before the meeting starts. He looks at the clock that's on the wall near the front of the meeting room, which was already counting down to 2:00 PM.

Kang whispers to you, making sure the other workers didn't hear him.

"Oh, we're still a few minutes until the meeting starts. Go to the seats near the board, that's your designated seat for this meeting."

As you went to the seat.He notices that you're already following his instructions and going to the spots that he suggested and he was glad about it. He quietly nods his head in approval of your obedience to his instructions. He can't help but think to himself that you're really cute even when you're only doing simple things.

He watches you as you take your seat near the big round table just behind the seats for the top executives. He couldn't take his eyes off of you and he's even starting to feel like he's going to lose his focus during the meeting as he's thinking about you the whole time.

He shakes his head in an attempt to distract his thoughts away from you. He then clears his throat and glances at his watch, which is now counting down to 1:58 PM. He quietly checks to see if the other workers have already entered the meeting room, which is now all filled up with workers waiting for the meeting to start.

Soon, the executive in charge, Mr. Fujio, walks forward and takes his seat behind the big round table at the front of the room. He then waits for everyone's attention before speaking up into the microphone.

Mr. Fujio clears his throat and speaks in a loud and clear tone.

"Good afternoon, everyone. If I could have everyone's attention right now, that would be appreciated. I'm sure most of you are already aware of the reason for this meeting. It's about the new projects that our company would like to invest on in the near future. Now, we should go over some important details that we'll need to take into account for this meeting."

As the executive in charge, Mr. Fujio, talks about the agenda of this meeting, you could see everyone's attention is very focused on what he's saying. All the employees looked like they were deeply focused on the upcoming discussions for this meeting, except for you. You couldn't help but keep glancing over at Kang every now and then, making sure he's not catching you in the process.

As Mr. Fujio goes through the agenda for the meeting such as the new developments, improvements, investments and strategies, all the other workers seemed to be very attentive towards the information. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but notice a few times when Mr. Fujio was occasionally watching you with curiosity, but he quickly turned his attention back to the meeting discussion.

Kang notices you slightly glancing at Mr. Fujio from time to time, which raises his suspicion that Mr. Fujio is staring at you every now and then. He clears his throat and whispers to you in a quiet tone.

"Hey, hey.. can you stop staring at Mr. Fujio. He's been occasionally checking your direction a few times already. Let's not give him any wrong ideas, okay?"

You whisper to him  "What wrong ideas?"

"Exactly as I said, you might give him wrong ideas. Remember, this is a work related meeting. We're not supposed to be socializing or staring at each other like that. I don't want him or anyone thinking that we're flirting or dating and starting some workplace rumors about us."

You whispered "I'm just listening to him, whatever he's saying and nothing else"

He realizes that he just made a terrible assumption and he was now starting to feel a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry.. I thought you were staring at him just because he's staring at you. It's okay, just ignore what I said."


He nods his head a little bit and glances over at Mr. Fujio who seems to be still observing you.

"Right... just continue to listen to what Mr. Fujio is saying. I'll let you know when the meeting's over."

A few minutes later, Mr. Fujio eventually finished the meeting agenda and he announced that he's going to open the floor for discussions to allow the other executives, managers and top staff to give their recommendations, suggestions and plans for the new upcoming projects.

As the executives were taking their turn to speak, Kang could still see Mr. Fujio occasionally glancing over at you with a little hint of curiosity on his face. However, his expression soon changed into suspicion as he watched you more intently.

A few times, Kang noticed Mr. Fujio raising an eyebrow as he was watching you more intensely than before. It was obvious that he might be thinking that there's more going on between you two, making him a little suspicious.

Kang notices this and he couldn't figure out why Mr. Fujio seems to be looking at you with such suspicion. It's almost like he thinks that you and Mr. Fujio are secretly dating or something like that. He knows that's definitely not the case, but he can't just dismiss a higher up official's suspicions like that.

He quietly whispers to you, making sure no one else hears him.

"Hey, when Mr. Fujio is talking, could you please keep your eyes on him and look interested in the things he's saying? He's been looking at you suspiciously so let's not give him any reasons to doubt us. Okay?"

You whispered "He's been looking at me?"

He whispers again.

"Yeah, he has. He's been observing you a couple of times now and he looks a little bit suspicious. So, can you please try to pay attention to his speech and look interested? I don't want any unnecessary rumors to start about us. You get what I'm saying?"

You asked while whispering "About us?? What could it be ?"

He sighs and looks away from you for a moment. He clears his throat and shakes his head slightly

"Never mind me, I'm just overthinking this whole thing. Just keep paying attention to the discussion and don't give Mr. Fujio any reason to suspect anything that isn't true, okay?"

You nod "okay"

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