Careful what you wish for piggy

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The next morning I was woken up by loud thunder crashing. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, the room was dark. I reached to grab my phone to answer some emails and I noticed my hands and fingers felt so did my forearms. I reached my new sausage fingers to my face and felt big chubby cheeks. I moved my head to look down and I was met with my blankets up very high, I removed my blanket to be met with two giant breasts that I couldn't see over.
"What the fuck?"
I moved my arms and they felt super heavy, not only are they heavy but my upper arms were jiggling when I moved them.
"What is going on?"
I questioned myself. Maybe I was dreaming. I slowly sat up in bed and got a better view. My legs were sprawled out far but thighs still touching and my feet were big and swollen. My legs had tripled in size since the night before. My ass spread out around me and sat me up higher than usual, sitting on top of my ass were giant love handles that were perfectly round. I had big rolls with deep crevices on my sides, and the best part is that I finally had a belly. Not one but two! My body was so fat and my belly was so big that it was cut in half by a big large crease, the upper part of my belly below my breasts was large and round and the lower part was thick and doughy, it rested between my gigantic legs. Looking at my body in this state began to turn me on. Forcing my new body up to the edge of my bed was a workout, once I reached the edge my bed sunk in a lot and I could hear it creaking loudly.

I forced myself up and it took a moment to get used to standing, I had to keep my legs further apart because they're so big and fat; my pussy was also very fat, jiggling with every step I made

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I forced myself up and it took a moment to get used to standing, I had to keep my legs further apart because they're so big and fat; my pussy was also very fat, jiggling with every step I made. I waddled over to my closet to look for something to wear, I found some sweatpants that defined every bit of cellulite on my body. They were so tight my pussy was bulging out, I had to use my double belly to cover it up. I found an XXL t shirt and put it on. It was snug around my fat arms, showed off all my new rolls and my big belly didn't even fit in it. I didn't care. I look sexy, I've always wanted to be a big piggy like this! I went to the kitchen to get something to eat when I realized I needed to go food shopping. If I went in public would people notice how much weight I gained overnight? I made my way to my scale to have a look. 402.3 lbs. YES! The thought of becoming 500 turned me on. I don't care what people think, I need to get to 500 and be the cow I've always wanted to be.

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