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In the quiet town of Mandela County, nestled in the heart of Wisconsin, an ordinary night was about to turn extraordinary. The sky above shimmered with stars, casting a serene glow over the peaceful landscape. Unbeknownst to the residents, a celestial event was set to unfold.

Far beyond the Earth's atmosphere, a mysterious figure hurtled through space like a shooting star. As it descended towards the planet, the figure's form blurred against the backdrop of the cosmic canvas. The speed was tremendous, and the trajectory seemed to be heading straight for Mandela County.

In the outskirts of the town, a luminous streak streaked across the night sky, catching the attention of those who happened to glance upwards. The celestial body's descent intensified, leaving a dazzling trail in its wake. As it approached the Earth, the figure seemed to gain consciousness, aware of its imminent collision with the surface.


With a resounding crash, the celestial being struck the ground, causing a shockwave that rippled through the quiet landscape. The impact left a deep crater in its wake, surrounded by startled wildlife and curious onlookers who had felt the tremor.

In the midst of the wreckage, the figure lay still for a few moments. Then, with a subtle movement, it began to stir.

Who is she?

It was revealed to be a young female teen wearing a white cybersuit that protected her from crash-landing. "𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐡... 𝐎𝐅𝐅." She commanded.


The suit, from bottom to top, began retracting within its armor until it had slid between her headphones.

She gasped and coughed for air as she took in a deep breath of the cold night. The girl sighed and groaned in annoyance as she took off her headphones. She looked at the top of her prop, and she sighed, seeing that one of her antennas had gone missing.

"...You've got to be kidding me. Now I can't go back...!" She groaned, puffing her cheeks as she wrapped the electronic around her neck. The girl looked at the night sky where she came before trying to stand up. "Wait... how the hell did you get here, Clean Bubbles?" She questioned to herself, rubbing her skull from the throbbing pain.

You might think that would've been an odd name for a child like her.

It is.

So deal with it.GOT IT!?

Good. Good to know.

Now back to the story--

Her vision momentarily flashed as she witness what had happened before she fell from space.


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