A2-06: Stars (Pt.1)

Start from the beginning

. . .ohh, did they now.

You put on a stretched smile, your eyes darting to the floor. "Got it, I should've guessed."
Moons' watched you for a moment, his nails clicking together, oh delightful. "-Not in the daycare with us, of course. Somewhere with the glamrocks, if I were to guess." He clarified, and you couldn't help but burn with embarassment as you realized how your expression was read, not that it was too off, though.

Moon let you enter the daycare before him, the workers immediately turning to notice you, Worker C speaking up first. "Ooh, look at you, responsible! At least we're bumped back up to a trio for today." "She's not being sarcastic-" Worker B followed up, "-Things can get way awkward one-on-one with a bit of Moon sprinkled in."

"Oh please, I never wanted to have you both crowding here as well." When you looked up at Moon after he spoke, you were able to catch a 'bzzt!' spark, which flickered his eyes to a temporary white, Moon went still. "I'll be back," He hissed, glancing over at you, your eyes narrowing as he pressed his nail against your forehead, "-Don't, move."
A puff of air left you in response, "I'm not leaving, Moon. Hell if I have anywhere else to go." Though it only seemed to do so much, as he still eyed you for a moment, before finally leaving the way you both arrived.

The workers turned to you, "He's been in a quiet-like hate stance when it comes to the Glamrocks, lately," B informed you, a frown dotting his expression, "I don't know about Freddy, if so, not until recently, but Moons' behavior hasn't actually been. . . Bad. They're just scared another incident will happen like. . .Bonnie, or Eclipse. Since it caused them money."
You knew there was a Bonnie here, obviously. . .but not anything named Eclipse.
Normally you wouldn't have questioned it, but how similar their name was to Sun and Moon. . .You'd ask later.

"Why are you telling me?" You chose instead, lucky for you they didn't seem too affected by the question.
Worker B, continud. "Let's just say. . . We both find a sort of haven when it comes to the glamrocks and, I'm sure you wouldn't enjoy them getting rid of Moon," C butted in, finishing for him, "-We can't, but maybe you can talk to Moon? I mean, there has to be something we could stop in with to make sure peace stays in the daycare-"
Your expression hardened. This felt like nasty deja-vu.

"Sun asked my something like that before. . ." You sighed, thinking for a moment, "I honestly believe he behaved the best when I wasn't trying to convince him of anything but- I'll see if I can do anything. Don't. . .don't expect too much of course."
They both decided they were content with that answer.
And you decided maybe having more workers here wasn't terrible, especially if the first greet you had would be the worst of them.

"Hey word of advice while we're here—" Worker B started, yet got cut off by C, "-not about the animatronics! Clearly you got that covered, if anything we'd need tips but-"
Pft. Yeah, absolutely not. Also, quite a switch up compared to yesterday.
"Right. . ." Worker B continued, "-Anywho, just keep in mind when talking to A, she's. . ." "A Kissass." C finished, "-Yeah. That. I wouldn't listen to too much of anything she says, I think the only reason Moon keeps her around is since she's such a. . .I don't want to say snitch. But a snitch."

Your expression soured, as you took a seat at the desk, bringing your legs up on the chair, as you hugged your knees close. "The only reason?" You asked, and C nodded quickly, "She's even all. . . Weird, whenever the Aria girl comes to drop something off." C elaborated, but Worker B head in to actually answer your question, "I would guess so, he looks pretty annoyed otherwise, even Sun."

A heavy breath of relief left your lungs, you were just lucky nobody noticed—then again, maybe they did— "Thanks for catching me up. . . But really, if Sun and Moon had anything I needed to know, I'm sure we'll end up having a conversation about it eventually." "You put a lot of trust in them." C said slowly, and you felt your face warm up slowly, an awkward smile on your face, "I'm just- going off experience! Besides, I've never had to worry about missing too much with them, they normally inform me ahead a time-" You paused looking around, "-Exceptions being, spending time with them." You added, after all, it's not like they told you they were going to lock you in the plex with them temporarily. Who would.

You felt some sort of tingle on the back of your neck, maybe it was goosebumps, or your skin trying to tell you to turn around, which you didn't even need to, once you glanced up, you noticed Moon standing right over you, staring straight back. "Spending time with...?" More than the question itself, you more hated that you couldn't read his tone.

Your gaze quickly darted to the other workers, who were giving you smiles of: 'We did not notice, swear.' But you couldn't look at them too long, not that you noticed, but as you looked over at them, Moons' smile faltered, if you both were alone you wouldn't be looking over at them for any signal of the sort.
"What was it?" You finally asked, happy that your point was a little proved after he answered. "People are coming in, to try and get the building running again."

Your mouth twitched a bit, later on once you thought back on it, you felt ashamed you looked upset. "Even after. . ." Moon continued, your whole body flinching once you felt him press his faceplate into the nape of your neck, even considering everyone you met, Sun was the only other who ever did that.
Also this was Moon.
"Stay here."

"I-" You paused, drawing your lips into a tight line, "If you want me to- I can try for a few extra hours. . ."
It's not like you could say no, you've done all of this to try and get back on their good side like you were before, and sine you got lucky with them opening up almost right away. . .


Hours passed steadily, only a couple at a time, the workers and you engaged in constant conversation, though it was mandated by you-know-who.
It's not like Moon was left out, after all, he did this to get your attention on him.
Not on those workers.
Moon was sure he could've gotten a bit more understanding of you. . ., if theses two idiots were responsible enough to just go home.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Your expression twitched into a face closer to discomfort, and you shook your head for a moment. "No, no- I'm fine. I can last."
After all, if Guy wanted you to lose weight so badly, that probably said something about you. You were able to wait till you got home for a small snack, you aren't an animal.

"It's noon; It would be, at the very least, 4 hours since you've last eaten."
The caretaking pizazz.

You chewed lightly on the inside of your cheek, you didn't exactly know how much longer you'd be here today, and maybe you weren't entirely on the best terms when it came to a growling stomach.
That's embarrassing.
Moons' following silence was the final push in letting you cave in, "Okay. Maybe a small bite of something."

"Good, good. . ." He purred quietly, "It's a shame the kitchen won't be taking orders. . . For now, we still have the snacks that was meant for today."
The others at the desk almost said something, hinted by opening mouths, but the second Moons smile snapped into a grin, and the low humming of his machinery went to a halt, they took the jist, shutting themselves up.

You followed Moon across the daycare quietly, you felt like some sort of lost dog, but let's push that thought to the back and bury it under your pride. . .
Seeing the boxes, almost made a nostalgic sigh escape your lips, yet Moon placing his hand lightly on your stomach, quickly redirected your attention, as you stopped walking. "You should know, Y/n, I think you're being. . . Rather unfair." He didn't sound at all upset, just informative. Moon tilted his head down towards you, "If you'll be spending so much time with Sun, maybe you could think about getting here earlier, and staying later, you did come back here for us after all, didn't you?"

You let out a sharp inhaling, though trying to keep your expression neutral as you knew he wasn't observing closely. "I can. . .try. No promises but- as long as it doesn't upset Sun."
Moon leaned closer to your level, yet nonetheless still towering over you, "and you'd rather stay on his side?" "No-! I- it's. . . ? It'd be safer to find moves that you both would appreciate."

Moon gaze softened a bit, but you couldn't tell which part he was interested in. "In that case, do this for me."
Tricky bastard.
He presented you a small fake bow, eyeing you for only a moment, sliding his thumb up the side of your neck, before resting under your jaw, tilting your head up to face him. "Make it up to me now, or then. Up to you."

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