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It's being a while now that I'm trying to talk to Joe and convince him that we, sooner than later, would have to make Ellies existence public.
You cannot expect to be able to a hide a child for that long, Lilly has needs, and she deserves to be able to feel normal and to experience things like go outside and play, to go to the beach, to have friends, and go to a school, all of that in the presence of a parent not only of caretakers.
Joe is being the worst about it since we discovered I was pregnant, he just simply denies that and he wants to keep her recluse or send her to live with his parents in the English countryside where no one would be able to find out who she is. We then got to the point where I had enough and now were only speaking trough our lawyers.

'Taylor, I'm sorry to bother you but.. this was forwarded to me, I'm already working on it and nothing will be released but, someone, somehow got the hang of the info that you and Joe were fighting over a possible child.' those are the words I'm greeted with, as soon as Tree enters the room I'm in. I let out a big sigh, my hands on my forehead.

'See why this was the stupidest idea someone could ever have? Why would you want to hide a person, let alone your own child!? "
"He will not suffer, not one bit of backlash about this dumb decision that I was forced to make. I never wanted that for her -or us-, but people will assume and judge one ME!" I say as I pace through the room.
"I don't want my child to regret me when she's older and read this articles they make up. I've had it with it Tree, I swear to God that I do. I don't care what it takes, she's my child for Gods sake!  I know my rights and I AM her mother, she'll live as I see fit as."
Right away I type something to my lawyer, asking for a meeting, I also call my mom to come with me for support.

One hour later I'm at the back porch of my house in Nashville, filling in my mom and lawyer about the situation. We agree to set a meeting with Joe and his lawyer for the next day so we can discuss in a civil way about my decision and concerns. Let's just hope this goes well for mine and Willow's sake.

The next day I wake up at nine a.m with some taps on my face, I try to roll over but I feel this tiny body making me stop.
I open my eyes and see my baby smiling at me, I reach for her and hold her tight in my arms "I love you so so much peanut." I look at her and as she reaches for me to snuggle in my arms, I smile down at her tiny gesture "Mommy loves you to moon and the Saturn, always."
Ellie then looks up with her big smile and says with her little voice. " You're my favorite mommy of the whole entire world." I smile and leave a few pecks on her baby cheeks.
"Can we go to the park today? You and me, not Molly this time. I missed you lots mommy."
My heart aches with my little ones request, I hate to deny her those kind of moments, the moments that she lingered to have as any regular child would, but specially because with the tour my schedule was very tight and that was nothing she had experienced before.
I frown with her request and with that action her beautiful smile fades, she already knew what I was going to say.
I reach for her tiny hands on a way to comfort her "Baby you know that mommy loves you right? I promise that very, very soon we'll be able to go to as many parks and playgrounds that you wish for ok? But for now we'll have as much as fun in our own playground in the backyard." I leave a peck on her forehead and she smiles at me.
I could see the hope on her eyes and that was the final confirmation that I had to fight for my daughter, and I'll make sure that she have all that she deserves.

After playing with Ellie for the whole morning we had lunch together and now she was finally napping while Molly was watching her. I left for the meeting with her father and our lawyers at my mom's house. I didn't want to have Ellie witness any of it in case it gets ugly and that's why I thought it would be better to not hold this meeting at my house. Kirk was driving me there so I took the time to text Travis.

Tay: Hey Trav! Im heading to my mom's now. Joe will meet us there.
Tay: I hope everything goes ok and that he gets my point this time... Its so horrible not to able to take my kid anywhere with me bc we're 'hiding' her.
Tay: I should've never had agreed with that

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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