-Chapter Twenty-Eight- King

Comincia dall'inizio

And, with a faintly bewildered smile, the man left the throne room, following his wife and the Saporians that had them so brilliantly fooled.

Y/n looked down at the wand in her hand.

"Hey." Varian asked softly. Y/n looked up into his icy blue eyes, filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

She sighed.

"Yeah. Of course." she lied.

"Okay." Varian smiled, although the worry didn't leave his eyes. "I, um... I guess we should go with them."

"I'll be there in a minute." Y/n answered. "I just... need a second, if that's okay."

"Sure." he agreed. "Yeah, no worries. We'll be out here."

Y/n smiled at him as he left, but the smile faded a moment as soon as he was gone.

She turned her gaze to Clementine, the only Saporian left in the room.

Clementine let out a long, cackling laugh as soon as the door closed.

"Oh, finally!" she cried. "Generations of Separatists, and we finally did it!"

Y/n forced a smile onto her face. "Everything you wanted, right?"

The older woman laughed again. "You'd better believe it."

Clementine reached out to Y/n, holding her hand out expectantly. Y/n blinked at her, confused.

"The wand, Princess."

"Oh. Right."

She gave one more searching look to the wand. It felt... it felt like it was made for her. Despite how awful its power was, she didn't want to give it up. And yet at the same time, she couldn't get away from it fast enough.

She flipped her grip on the wand and extended it to Clementine, hilt first.

The woman reached out to take it.

The second her hand made contact with the wood, a burst of pink erupted from the gemstone on the end. Pink lightning raced from the stone and surrounded Clementine, and the woman let out a shout of surprise and pain.

Y/n, however, still holding onto the wand, was unharmed.

The lightning dissipated, and Clementine looked up at Y/n furiously. "What's wrong with you, girl?"

She blinked, shocked. "No, I- I didn't do that! Here! Take it!"

She threw the wand to the floor, clattering on the tile.

Clementine looked up in annoyance, before reaching down to pick up the wand.

The pink light burst out again, and lightning streaked from the wood and up Clementine's arm.

"What in the Dark Kingdom was that?" she asked angrily.

Y/n knelt down hesitantly and placed her hand on the wand's hilt.


She picked it up and tossed it from hand to hand. The pink stone seemed to glow brighter, but she remained unharmed.

"Congratulations, Princess." Clementine spat. "Looks like it chose you."

She turned on her heel and stalked from the room.

"Wait, come back! I don't want this thing!" Y/n called after her, but the woman was gone.

Y/n sighed and looked down at the artifact in her hand, panic replaced with confusion, giving way to a gnawing emptiness.

Forget {Varian x Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora