{∘☼‹✧◦I Wonder Why?◦✧›☼∘}

Start from the beginning

"Well she seems to be getting along with Sera well." DogDay said. "Told ya they'd be fine!" Hoppy replied, punching his shoulder lightly.

"I have no idea why you were so worried about this." Crabby chuckled, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "I was not worried." DogDay scoffed, putting his hands on his hips. "I just didn't know if a new person who's 20 feet tall would freak Hopesong out or not."

"Suuure." Crabby replied as she and Hoppy shared a knowing look.

"I can hear you all, y'know?" Sera said, turning her head to DogDay as Hopesong giggled. Crabby stifled a laugh as DogDay sputtered out an answer. "W-well uh-" He stumbled over his words for a moment before sighing, "Sorry Sera.." he said. She chuckled, "It's alright. Now, what did you want to ask hun?" She turned back to Hopesong and the others continued their conversation.

After a while DogDay decided that they should get going and Hopesong waved at Sera, "Bye Gigi!" (another word for grandma :]) Hopesong shouted back to Sera, with one hand waving in the air while the other was being held by DogDay. Sera paused before she laughed, "Bye sweetheart." she replied, waving back at Hopesong.

Hopesong was humming to herself as they walked back to the PlayHouse and DogDay looked at her, "Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah! Gigi was suuuper nice! And also all the animal facts she knew were so cool!" Hopesong gave DogDay a smile and he chuckled, "Told you you'd like her. But also, did she say you could call her that?" He looked down at her and she nodded, "Yeah! I asked her and she said it was ok." DogDay chuckled again and ruffled her hair, "Well that's good to hear."


Crabby was sitting by herself underneath the small bit of shade the school roof gave with a book in her hands. The others were all gathered together playing with the kids. She looked up every once in a while to see what was happening. She had noticed that Hopesong wasn't with the others but shrugged it off as she was just playing with another group of kids somewhere else.

She turned her attention back to her book and the outside world faded away for a moment before she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Kickin if it's you trying to make me watch some dumb trick that you're attempting again I swear—" she looked up but paused when she saw Hopesong, "—Oh, hey there Peanut."

"Hi Auntie Crabby." Hopesong replied with a smile. "Whatcha need?" Crabby asked, closing her book and grabbing it with her tail before placing it on the ground next to her.

"I was just wondering," Hopesong tapped her chin as she sat down next to Crabby. "How come you're the only one who likes to be around Uncle CatNap?" She looked up at Crabby who looked back at her with a raised brow.

"Why do you ask that?" Crabby leaned forward, resting her head in her hands as she looked at Hopesong. "Well, it's just that papa always tells me to not get too close to him, or at least not to be alone with him." Hopesong looked from the ground to Crabby. She hummed and thought of an answer.

"Welllll, I guess it's because he's my brother. Biologically..sorta." She sighed before she continued, "I think it's just because we understand each other the best. DogDay seems to think he's going to do something terrible at any moment, and Bubba thinks he's confusing, but I think he thinks that about me as well though." She looked off to the group where they could both see all the critters still hanging out with the kids while CatNap stayed off to the side.

"But it thought that you said something like 'all of them are like your younger siblings'?" Hopesong said, a confused look on her face. Crabby turned her gaze back to Hopesong and chuckled, "I do. That's why I said 'biologically'."

"Ohhhh, ok." Hopesong nodded as her wings twitched behind her.
"Is that all you were wanting to know?" Crabby asked, picking up her book again. Hopesong shook her head, "Nope. One thing left!" She replied with a giggle. Crabby chuckled, "Alright then, what is it?"

"What are you reading?" Hopesong pointed at the book Crabby was now holding and the cat glanced at it. "Oh, an astrology book. Constellations, myths, facts. All that good stuff."

"Ooo! Can I see?" Hopesong looked up at Crabby as she chuckled, "Sure, I don't see why not."

The two then spent the next hour talking about the stars and constellations, and Hopesong learned that something Crabby would love to see outside of the PlayCare for once would be to see the moon and stars.

"Pictures don't do it justice for me. I'd much rather see them in person if I could." Crabby hummed. "Maybe we could see them if we could ever see go outside?" Hopesong replied with a hum. Crabby chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Sure Peanut, if we ever get to, we'll go look at the stars together."


(A/N: and here's the floof! Hope it turned out alright. Oh! And one last thing before ya go!)

(Art that I sketched up from Sora's one shot! Specifically the time after the events with Hoppy and Crabby lol x3)

(Art that I sketched up from Sora's one shot! Specifically the time after the events with Hoppy and Crabby lol x3)

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(But anywaysss hope you have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!)

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