{∘☼‹✧◦I Wonder Why?◦✧›☼∘}

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(A/N: Sora_Storytime made some little one-shots with my OC so I wanted to make some of my own as well :D. Hopesong belongs to Sora so go check 'em out!)




"Ok, Hopesong. Are you ready to meet Sera?" DogDay asked as he looked down at the little pegasus walking beside him. Hopesong hadn't met the siren yet and she was nervous to say the least. She had heard good things about her from the others but she had also read books with sirens in them and they sounded spooky, and frankly kind of mean, to her.

"Yeah, but..what if she's scary? Or mean?" Hopesong whispered the last part as her wings twitched nervously behind her and DogDay chuckled. "Don't worry, Sera's really nice. She's not scary like the sirens you read about." He ruffled her hair and she giggled. "If you say so papa."

The other critters (besides CatNap) had decided to come along as well and Hopesong could hear them chatting behind her and DogDay. If the other critters and the kids weren't scared, why should she be?

"And here are the pools!" She looked up at DogDay as he spoke and she saw a large room with various ocean themed things painted on the walls and ceiling. Hopesong took in all the details of the room before looking at three pools near the walls.

"Sera! We've got someone you should meet!" DogDay went over to the pools as Hopesong followed behind him. The others stayed by the doors. After a moment DogDay turned to the others. "Maybe she's sleeping?" he was cut off when the splashing of water sounded from the largest pool.

"DogDay?" a large light blue skinned woman with dark turquoise hair covering her right eye and flowing around her dripping with water said, looking at the orange hound. "Hi Sera." he said as he waved at her. "Woah.." Hopesong breathed, taking in how large the new toy was. "Oh, who's this?" she asked, looking down at the pegasus. "This is Hopesong!" DogDay said, "She was brought into the PlayCare a few days ago.

"Well it is lovely to meet you dear. I'm Sera, but I'm pretty sure DogDay already told you." Sera said, leaning down to be more at eye level with Hopesong, with her arms propped on the floor next to the pool. Hopesong waved at her. "Yeah he did, but nice to meet you too." She replied.

"I take it you've read some stories with sirens?" Sera asked, making Hopesong nod while she fidgeted with her hands. Sera chuckled, "Well don't worry about me trying to hypnotize anyone. I'm just here to try and help the kids have some play time in a new environment."

Hopesong giggled before she replied, "That's cool. Do a lot of the kids like to swim?" Hopesong asked, looking up at Sera. She hummed before she answered, "Most of them. But any that don't still seem to like to come with. I guess they like hearing me and Reed talk about ocean animals." Sera chuckled and Hopesong tilted her head, "Who's Reed?" she asked.

"One of the scientists." DogDay said, making Hopesong raise a brow. "I thought the scientists didn't talk to the kids?" She looked from DogDay to Sera, who shrugged with a small smile on her face. "He likes being around the kids actually. Says that's the main reason he even works here." Hopesong nodded before walking forward to be next to Sera's arm.

"What are those things?" She asked looking up at the fish painted on the ceilings. She had seen and heard about fishes before but these seemed like a special kind of fish. "Those are Koi fish!" Sera answered. The rest of the critters gathered around Sera's other side as she talked to Hopesong about the various animals painted on the walls and ceiling.

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