{∘☼‹✧◦The Siren and the Scientist◦✧›☼∘}

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(A/N: Another OC that I made who I wanted to write about lol)




[salvaged recordings of the notes of 1240]

"Experiment-1240, Seraphina the Siren, is meant to teach the kids how to swim and about sea life. There is no toy for her, even though she was part of the smiling critters line, I guess Mr. Ludwig wanted something new for the kids? We may [ REDACTED ].
But besides that, Dr. Reed Thatcher was the scientist who was assigned to her.
Maria Caddel was the one we used for 1240. She was born with a heart defect that would most likely result in her dying from 40 to 45.
1240 didn't show any signs of aggression to the workers but she is stubborn and will not follow orders most of the time. When 1240 and Thatcher are together though, she is more likely to speak and do what he asks."

"That is all we have for 1240. [ REDACTED ] signing off."



"Are you ready, Dr. Thatcher?"

A female scientist wearing a long white coat turned to the man behind her, who was gripping a clipboard with various papers in his hands.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah I think so." He nodded slightly and she nodded back before opening the door to the large room with a deep pool of water inside. It was quiet in the room and the reflection of the water decorated the ceiling. Reed looked around the room seeing that the walls were still white like all the other rooms but the reflection of the water made them seem blue.

"1240 tends to try and hide from us so we put a collar around her neck that will shock her. We've learned that using that tends to bring her up to the surface." The woman held out a small black remote to Reed. "This is the main remote, you'll probably need it. But me and one other scientist also have one so if you wimp out of using force we can do it for you."

"You..? Uh ok then.." He took the remote and she walked back to the door, closing it behind her and then walking to the observation room. He looked at the glass on the wall before looking down at the papers on his hand. They were filled with messily scribbled notes that looked like they were written in a hurry. Things like '20ft', 'Given a voice box but won't talk', 'Stays below water (installed shock collar)'.

Reed had never seen experiment 1240 before so he didn't know what the '20ft' could've meant but whatever. He sighed, looking back at the glass again seeing the impatient looks of the other scientists before walking over to the pool.

The water that had fallen over the side wavered when he stepped in the small pools, and he felt the sides of his shoes getting hit by the water as he walked. He kneeled down next to the side of the dip in the ground and looked down into the murky water seeing a darkened figure sitting on the floor of the pool.

"Hello?" He called out, watching the figure turn its head up to him. The figure then moved and swam up to the surface, quickly becoming much larger than Reed had first thought it was. The water rippled as the top of its head emerged from below.

"Oh-" Reed noticed the size of the experiment then looked at her one blue eye, as the other was covered with her hair. "Hello." He said with a wavering voice, waving his hand at her. She furrowed her brows at him and he cleared his throat. "Uh, I'm Reed Thatcher, and you are?" He continued to sit on one knee as he looked at her.
"...They gave me the name Seraphina.." She spoke in a quiet voice, warbled by the water as bubbles came up to the surface.

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