{∘☼‹✧◦Story Behind The Scars◦✧›☼∘}

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Cassi was sitting on the ground patching up her jacket after the sleeve had gotten torn. DogDay was watching her as Crabby slept laying behind the two, her tail and ears twitching every so often. DogDay was glancing at the scar over Cassi's right eye, as she had her hair tied into a low bun, revealing her eyes, which was a rare occurrence.

"You've been staring at me for the past 20 minutes, DogDay." Cassi said, not looking up from the jacket settled on her leg.

"O-oh, I'm sorry Angel." DogDay sputtered, and Cassi chuckled softly, looking up at him. "Eh, it's alright. But what's on your mind?" She finished the last stitch in the sleeve and cut the string, tying it off.

"Oh, it's nothing, Angel—" DogDay started, waving his hand in front of his face before Cassi used her own hand to push his away from his face. "I know you're curious about something. Just ask it if you want." She shrugged, starting to pack the sewing needle away.

"I..was just wondering..." he paused, rubbing the back of his neck. "What happened to your eye?" He looked over at her as she paused with the needle still in her hand. He saw this and immediately wished he could take back his words. "Y-you don't have to answer if you'd rather not! I was just—"

"It was Huggy," Cassi muttered, "And then Mommy made it worse." She sighed and leaned back against Crabby's side, as the cat continued to sleep.

"Oh...What happened?" DogDay laid his head on top of his arms looking up at Cassi as she stared off into space.

"Well, when I first arrived at the factory, I didn't see anything too wrong with the place. It was mostly just run down and eerie." She crossed her arms over her chest before she continued. "That was until I traveled further into the place. My guts were screaming at me to leave, but I didn't listen, I just wanted to get to the bottom of the reason for the letter being sent to me. But then I got to the place where Huggy was lurking and he started chasing me. I got cornered and he basically raked whatever claws he had over my eye. The pain was there but with all that adrenaline coursing through me I hardly felt it in the moment." She placed a hand over the scars and sighed,

"After I got out of the vents I used a crate to block him off but he ended up falling into the abyss below." She pulled one knee to her chest and rested her arm on it. DogDay looked up at her as she was quiet for a moment. "I wish I hadn't. Killed him, I mean." She looked down at the ground before feeling DogDay resting his head on her stomach, "I am sorry that happened Angel." He said quietly. She placed a hand on his head, "It's alright. It's not your fault."

"I hope you don't mind me asking this as well, but how did Mommy make it worse?" He looked up at her and she huffed, "Well, I had been able to still see out of this eye," She placed her hand over her right eye to make her point, "But she once I made her mad she had caused some glass to fly around so..." She trailed off and DogDay blinked at her before he understood,

"Oh...That sounds like it hurt." He said, nuzzling his head further into the fabric of her shirt.

"Yeah, it did. But it's over now and I'm fine...ish." she rubbed the back of her neck with a small chuckle. He nodded,

"Yeah, I guess so." he mumbled. "But, I just wanted to say," he started as Cassi looked down at him, "I still think that you look nice." He finished. Cassi paused then chuckled, rubbing his head.

"Thanks bud."


{∘☼‹✧◦one-shots and art◦✧›☼∘} Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu