xiv - in which harry gets jealous

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"I can't believe that Cedric Diggory's really going to put his name in the Goblet!" Ron muttered ruthlessly, his eyes following the young man who was striding up to the Goblet of Fire. The flames burned hungrily as Cedric dropped a slip of paper in.

The Hufflepuffs all clapped loudly, drowning out Ron's complaining. Valerie smiled gallantly, then it turned to a frown when she caught Ron looking at her. "Sorry if I can't cheer on a fellow Hogwarts student," she mumbled.

"You can, Val," Harry said, putting a hand on her shoulder. He had a bit of a far away look on his eyes.

The twins strode up to the Gryffindor table, huge smiles gracing their faces. "Guess who just brewed an ageing potion?" George said, waving a small flask on his hand, and pointing to Fred, who was holding up an identical one.

"Let me guess, you?" Hermione sighed. She slammed her book shut. "Don't you think Dumbledore might have thought of that?"

"It's so dim-witted, it'll work," Fred said to Hermione, tapping her on the head. Hermione fumed and reached up to grab his hand, Valerie had beaten her to it. She tightened her grip on Fred's wrist and then twisted it, earning a yelp of pain from him.

"The Goblet's not stupid, idiots!" Valerie reprimanded Fred and George, finally releasing Fred. He rubbed his wrist.

"You'll see," George grinned. "It'll work, and then who'll be talking?"

The twins confidently strode up to the space around the goblet. They paused outside of the barrier, then raised their arms and intertwined them. "Bottoms up!"

"Didn't I tell them it wouldn't work?" Ron chuckled, walking to the dorms with the rest of the group. Neville was also in step with them, clutching his books tight to his chest.

"We told them," Hermione rolled her eyes, gesturing to herself and Valerie. Valerie wasn't really paying attention, but she nodded all the same.

Cedric, who had been walking with his friends, leaned in close to Valerie from behind and said, "You're pretty funny."

Valerie nodded instinctively, before snapping out of her reverie and stopping straight in her tracks, staring dumbfoundedly into his eyes.

"W — what?" Valerie sputtered out.

"I said you're pretty funny," Cedric repeated. He smiled at her. "You know, I think I'd like to get to know you better."

"A — as friends?" She asked, then mentally slapped herself. As friends? Are you serious? You might as well have said you like him.

"Yeah, if you'd like," Cedric said, his expression turning a bit downcast. He soon perked up, though. "Well, I've got to get back. See you later," he walked on with his friends, waving shyly at her.

Harry felt a hot coil of jealousy, and his hands went into fists at his sides. Hermione, Ron, and Neville walked on, with Hermione ushering the others forward. "Harry, come on!" she urged, trying to grab his arm.

He nodded numbly and let Hermione pull him and Valerie back to the dorms, consumed by

thoughts of Valerie and Cedric together.

It just wouldn't work, he thought. They wouldn't work together. But why am I thinking about her like that? She's like a sister to me, a friend. A friend.

She's just a friend.

In short, Harry was terrified of his own feelings.

An Unbreakable Vow ~ Harry PotterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon