xxi - in which valerie catches feelings

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The grounds of Hogwarts in the winter were crisp and clean. It was beautiful watching the snow fall around you, the little flakes brushing your face. It was amazing, the feeling you got when you pulled on your sweater, striped with your house colours, and tied your boots, shrugged on your robes, and opened the doors wide to greet the cold winter air.

The roses were in full bloom now, the whiteness of them almost blending in with the snow. You could see groups of students making snow wizards, complete with the little sticks for a wand in their hands.

At this time of year you could see the fairies flying around the trees, weaving through the scenery.

Valerie smiled and looked out the window, making sure to tighten her scarf and clasp her locket around her neck. Her cheeks were rosy with excitement.

She met Hermione outside. Neville and Ginny were also with her, although they were talking amongst themselves. Hermione waved at Valerie and gestured for her to join them.

Then the boys walked in. Ever since Ron had seen Harry's fight with the dragon, they had made up again, and the group was complete. Valerie smiled as she watched Ron leading Harry to the girls and Neville with an arm around Harry's shoulders.

Harry half-turned to give a little wave to Valerie. She quickly followed them, and soon was clutching her winter robes tight around her body to keep out the cold. She could see that everyone else was doing the same.

"Bloody hell, it's cold!" Ron shivered, dropping his arm from Harry's shoulders to pull his knitted gloves out.

"What are we even out here for?" Neville complained, pulling his cap on his head.

"Because it's a snow day, and that means no classes!" Hermione complained. "I think the professors wanted us to take this time to plan for the Yule Ball as well," she added, almost as an afterthought.

"I've had a couple of people that have already asked me," Harry mentioned, and Valerie felt herself stiffen up. She didn't know why, but she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"And —"

"I said no to all of them. I feel like I still haven't found one I want to go with. I suppose they only like me now because I'm a champion," Harry said before Valerie could finish.

Hermione let out a huff. "All right, then, big head."

"Well it's true, isn't it? Anyway, all the girls are asking me, too. I just turned down Haven Evergreen because her hair was way too shiny. I mean, it was like her hair would have lit up the entire room," said Ron, rubbing the back of his neck.

Hermione was positively fuming. She grabbed Ron by the ear.

"Ow! Ow!" Ron complained, trying to free himself from Hermione's grasp. "What was that for?"

"Ronald Weasley, you arrogant, selfish —"

"What did I do?"

Valerie could see Harry edging his way closer to her. A little thrill went down her spine. He leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"They're at it again, will they ever stop?"

"That's Ron and Hermione for you," Valerie whispered back.

She swore that she could feel Harry's hand nudging her own. Though she bet Harry thought nothing of it, she felt a blush stain her cheeks.

Valerie just let the moment happen, feeling a bit relieved when he grabbed hold of her hand.

Ron and Hermione had moved away, Neville trudging behind them. Ginny seemed to have found a quiet Ravenclaw girl to talk to. Nobody had noticed what a stupendous thing had happened.

Did he suspect? Did he know of the growing feelings that --- no, he must not.

Then a voice jerked Valerie out of her thoughts.

"Hey, Faire!"

Harry's hand instantly dropped from hers. Her head snapped to the voice. It was Cedric Diggory.

He smiled and waved his hand, almost like he was beckoning for her to come. She was conflicted, for some reason.

Wasn't this her crush? This was Cedric Diggory.

Before Valerie headed back towards Cedric, she turned around one more time to look at Harry's face.

"We'll catch up later," she called over her shoulder as she walked away.

"What's up?" Valerie asked Cedric awkwardly, not really sure how to start a conversation.

"I wanted to ask you something. It's about the Yule Ball coming up," he answered, a small smile growing on his face. He didn't look like he normally did, utterly confident.

In fact, Valerie thought he looked rather like a small little child who was afraid to ask for ice cream. She knew what was coming next, or, she guessed.

"Not — right now, Diggory," she stopped him. "I'm really busy. Maybe later?"

Cedric looked a bit crushed. He looked vulnerable at this moment. But then Valerie thought about Harry watching them. She knew that she shouldn't keep putting Cedric off, or be entertaining thoughts about Harry when he never thought about her.

She thought about him all the time.

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