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baddies of the BAU😻


elle: i  busted when i read it


victoria: manifesting some happy songs🕯️🕯️ (it's not gonna happen bc it's literally gracie abrams)

thong wearer: pls stfu🥰

victoria: derek do me a favor

thong wearer: what

victoria: jump out of a window 😇

thong wearer: no

7 hours later

victoria: lol i need y'all's help

elle: what's up

victoria: the sky tf

elle: what do u need help w vicky

victoria: okay 1 i need a photographer

victoria: 2 should me and my tiny family go to the beach for my pregnancy pictures

elle: yes

garcia: i am a photographer

garcia: i swear that i am good

victoria: okay what r u doing this weekend

garcia: for u nothing

victoria: bet we are going to the beach

garcia: oh yeah 😎

3 hours later

victoria: guys i wish i had a enemy so i could fall in love w him and be w him forever

victoria: oh wait

victoria: that alr happened 😜

elle: wait y'all actually hated each other

victoria: elle😭

victoria: hon

victoria: i hated him for like 5 yrs before i started liking him

victoria; mind you the only reason i hated him was bc he was attractive

elle: what

garcia: WOAH WHAT?

thong wearer: how did i not know this????????

milf eater: are me and derek bad profilers??????

thong wearer: do u think they were doing it before we knew

victoria: oh no we were

victoria: we were dating like 5 months before u guys knew

milf eater; oh so u want me to kms

thong wearer: so u want me to tell myself i'm a failure and i'm a bad profiler

victoria: so can u guys stfu before i kms😘

lmao i started writing this a couple days ago but fell asleep half way thru writing it😇

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