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baddies of the BAU😻

victoria: hey hotch

victoria: pls don't be mad at me

dilf; What?

dilf: Come to my office if you need to talk to me.

victoria: yes sir

milf eater; are you okay vicky

victoria: i'm fine i just need to talk to hotch

elle: ur not okay

victoria; i am i'm just taking off

victoria; i won't be here tomorrow

victoria: neither will soencer

thong wearer: 👀🤨🤨🤨

victoria: we are going somewhere with my family.

garcia: i'm watching you

dilf: Garcia, don't stalk Victoria or Spencer tomorrow.

dilf: Leave them alone for a day.

dilf: They need it.

lover boy: Vic what did you tell him?

victoria: erm everything he kinda has to know?

lover boy; Okay good. I was gonna tell him everything.

milf: victoria. old office. now.

victoria: wtf okay

milf eater: WHAT IS GOING ON?????


garcia: SAME

the next day

victoria: i think this might be the best day of my life.

elle: i thought you were spending time with family?

victoria: i am it's SO fun

elle; i can feel the sarcasm through the phone vicky

victoria: it's not that fun

elle: is it  the best day of your life still

victoria: no

milf eater: VICKY

victoria: what...

milf eater: idk

victoria: i love brooklynn nine-nine it's such a great show

victoria: there playing it on the tv

garcia: i love that show

garcia: i watch it everyday

garcia: now tell me what's going on

garcia: why are you at the hospital

dilf: Garcia. I told you to stop.

one hour later

victoria: if you wanna know my stupid older brother decided to burn himself and omg it was so bad. i could feel it 🤮

lover boy: It was disgusting. I didn't even wanna go to the hospital

victoria: it's okay neither did i

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