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baddies of the BAU😻

victoria: i bought a kayak

victoria: and uhm i kinda need help with getting it into my car

italian stallion: Where are you? Me and Aaron are together so we will be there soon.

victoria: i'll send it to you🙏🙏

derek: why did you buy a kayak

victoria: bc i wanted to duh

victoria: i'm standing by my car like 🧍‍♀️🛶 rn

pest: That's a cano.

victoria: ik they don't have a kayak emoji 🙄

elle: V are you not hungover😭

victoria: i have a tiny headache

victoria: did some grocery shopping bought a kayak going home and going to sleep

10 minutes later

dilf: Uh why is-

victoria: don't say anything or i will actually kill my self

italian stallion: Our lips are sealed

victoria: good:)

milf: dude emily is still asleep bro it's 2 pm

victoria: i kinda forgot she went home w u

victoria: what did y'all do last night🤨

milf: sleep

derek: like we actually believe u

pest: Last night when i was over there Wills stuff was getting put into boxes!

milf: SPENCER.

victoria: idk guys im gonna forguve spencer for everything he's said if he keeps acting like this🧍‍♀️

pest: I won't forgive you.

victoria: fuck u

victoria: don't even respond to that cause ik what ur gonna say🙄🙄

milf eater: let me borrow ur paddle thingy so i can kill someone w it

victoria: omg we can put the body in the lake

milf: no body no crime

elle: featuring the BAU

garcia: good thing my daddy made me get my boating license when i was 15🥳

victoria: and i've cleaned enough houses to know how to cover up a scene 😉

garcia: good thing estes sisters gonna swear she was w me

victoria: SHE WAS W ME DUDE

dilf: Um

victoria: i'll put it on in your truck before you leave 🙄

derek: damn your still putting the kayak in your car

victoria: no they had to put it in hotchs truck then rossi took us out to lunch

derek: where is my invite hello?

victoria: you literally didn't help me

derek: i didn't feel like driving

milf eater: bye😭

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