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Y/N's pov:
After being thrown out of my own home by Maggie, I decided I'd go and try to find something to do. I steer clear of Andrea, not really wanting to look at her for a while. So, I walk past the RV where she and Dale are chatting. I think about going into the RV, but decide against it, after all, I wouldn't want to impede on their conversation.
In the distance from the RV, I see Daryl by his own makeshift fire. I let out a sigh and walk over towards his own little camp. He pokes the fire with a stick, pushing around the wood inside of it. I try to be quiet enough to sneak up on him, but a few leaves crunch beneath my feet. Daryl pops his head up from the fire and looks at me, a weird look on his face.
I find a log nearby and pull it over to be across from Daryl. I make it stand upright so I can sit down on it, I do just that. I pull my bow back from my shoulders and place it on the ground next to my stump. Next, I untie the holster from my hip and place it on top of my bow.
"The hell you want?" Daryl mumbles out, I shake my head.
"Maggie's takin' care of Beth. Figured I'd walk around and talk to some people. Wanted to talk to Dale first, but he was talkin' to Andrea, and there's no way I want to see her right now. Especially after what she did." I reply, looking down at the crackling embers of the fire.
The silence between Daryl and me is somewhat bearable, yet I feel his eyes looking over at me.
"What are you really doin' here?" Daryl asks suddenly, catching my attention. I look up at him to see him whittling a stick.
"I don't know if I'm being honest. I guess I thought squirrel was still on the table." I say, earning a scoff from Daryl
"Ain't no squirrel left for you." Daryl retorts, I feel myself nod.
I stand up from the stump and bend over to grab my bow and arrow holster. I turn towards the woods and walk in that direction.
"Hell you goin'?" Daryl asks, giving me a concerned look.
"To get us some squirrel." I state simply, turning to look at him.
Turning back, I hear him mumble something under his breath and then a sigh. His feet follow after me, only for him to be walking right beside me shortly after. Daryl doesn't say anything to me, we just walk in silence with our bows along our shoulders. I look down at the ground looking for small paw prints in the dirt, or any sign of any animal being close by. The woods are filled with sounds of animals chirping, leaves shuffling along the ground. I feel myself stop when I notice something strange on the ground. It appears to be tiny paw prints, maybe belonging to a rabbit of sorts.
I hold up a fist so Daryl knows to stop moving, and he actually does so. I pull my bow from my shoulders quietly, along with taking an arrow from my holster. I knock the arrow onto the string and hold my bow close to my body, my fingers on my right hand holding the string. My left hand holds onto the wooden base of my bow with a loose grip. I scan around the wooded area and hear something to my left, what sounds to be nibbling on something. So I turn to my left and hold up my bow, arrow in place. I look up to see a small squirrel eating a nut on top of a tree branch. I pull back my string, my grip firmly on it. I use the scope attached to my bow to lock onto my target. Before the squirrel can even take another bite out of the nut, I let go of the string, hitting the squirrel right between its eyes.
Daryl lets out a low whistle as I walk over towards my caught food, seemingly shocked at my skill. I lean down to pick up the squirrel, only for something from above me to fall on my head. I look up to see that it's raining, the water droplets dousing me in rain. I turn around and look at Daryl, only to laugh at the sour look on his face. I clutch the squirrel to my side and drop my bow, spinning around in a circle as I try to get water in my mouth. I stick out my tongue to catch as much as possible, only for Daryl to let out a soft chuckle.
"Alright darlin'. We should head back before it gets too bad." Daryl states as I stop spinning.
I nod my head and bend back down to pick up my bow, then stand up straight once more. I follow after Daryl with the squirrel in my grasp. The paw prints I once followed to get here now gone from the rain, making it much more difficult to get back home. Daryl looks down on the ground while I survey the area, keeping an eye out for any walkers. Daryl suddenly stops and holds up a fist, and I stop as well.  Daryl grabs his crossbow and aims up at a tree, that's when I spot two squirrels on the same branch. I find it kind of cute until I realize what they're doing. I feel my face flush with embarrassment.
     Daryl pulls the crossbows trigger and the squirrels let out a squeak before falling to the ground, dead on arrival. Daryl walks over to the dead squirrels and picks his arrow up that's attached to the two humping squirrels. He takes them off his arrow and sling them onto the string around his torso. Stuffing his arrow back into his crossbow, he turns back around and walks back to me. He appears to have a faint dusting of pink on his cheeks, but he quickly shakes it off.
"C'mon." Daryl mumbles, earning a nod from me.
     We attempt to walk back to the house, but can't seem to find our footprints in the mud. I look up at the sky to see the sun is starting to set, darkness will take over the woods the moment the sun is down.
"The sun's goin' down. We need to get back to the farm, and quick." I state, Daryl grunts and nods his head.
    I walk ahead of him and try my best to remember what I used to do when I was little. That's when I remember. I look down at the trees and any rocks on the ground I can find. Daryl gives me a look.
"The hell you doin'?" Daryl asks, I turn to look at him.
"Back when Maggie and I were kids we'd play hide and seek. Sometimes we'd get lost out here for hours, that is until I realized that the moss that grew onto the trees and rocks all faced towards the farm." I explain, finally spotting some green moss on the left side of a rock.
"An' this always worked?" Daryl asks, I shake my hand in a "so so" manner.
"The farm should be this way. If we get back before the sun goes down, we'll be good. If we don't...well, I don't got a flashlight." I state. Daryl nods his head and follows after me.
      I see a clearing in the trees and I run towards it, only to stop when I spot the farm in the distance. Daryl is soon by my side again, and we walk over towards his own campsite. I throw the squirrel I had shot onto the ground, taking the arrow out of the dead animal. Daryl throws his on the ground beside mine, quickly going to sit down underneath the tree above his site. I let out a sigh and go to sit down, only to realize the tree wasn't covering me whatsoever. Grunting, I pick up the stump and plop it somewhere the rain doesn't hit.
    I sit down beside Daryl and pick up my squirrel, along with grabbing my knife from my belt. I look down at the squirrel as I stab it, slicing it down its belly and along its spine. I pull off the squirrel's fur and throw it somewhere beside me. I notice Daryl is doing the same, except much faster.
"You're really good at that." I state, earning a huff from the man.
    I stop what I'm doing to watch him skillfully cut open one of his two squirrels. He removes the meat from the first one and throws what's left over behind him.
"What you starin' at?" Daryl suddenly asks, only for me to look away.
"N-nothing. I've just never seen someone do it that skillfully before. Back at college, most of the kids were too grossed out to do any of this. It's refreshing to see someone not be squeamish." I state simply, earning a nod from Daryl.
      I finish up my squirrel at my own pace, throwing whatever isn't necessary to my side. I stand up, a smile on my face and I go to find something that won't catch on fire. Not really finding anything however, I choose to just use an old metal arrow of mine that I can't use anymore. Stabbing the squirrel on the arrow, I bend down to try and blow on the embers of the dying fire. I feel Daryl look at me, but I smile happily when I get the fire started back up. Taking some wood and sticks from the ground, I throw them onto the fire. Going to sit back down on my stump, I roast my squirrel over the fire.
"You said you never had squirrel." Daryl says after a few minutes. I look over at him to see him staring into the fire. I feel my face flush.
"I uh...I was lying." I say, looking at the squirrel as it cooks.
"But why?" He asks, I shrug my shoulders.
"Why does anybody do anything?" I try to joke, but Daryl doesn't laugh. I let out a sigh.
"Okay, fine. I think it was because of you, actually. You're insufferable often, but yet you have these nuggets of being generous. I notice you don't do it often, maybe only to Carol. I just like being a part of the generous side. So sue me." I say, chuckling lightly.
"I ain't used to bein' generous." Daryl admits, I take my eyes off my squirrel to look over at him.
"Then why are you now?" I mutter, earning a sigh from Daryl.
"Dunno. Only certain people bring it outta me." He says simply, shrugging his shoulders.
"So...I should feel lucky?" I ask, looking back down at my almost finished squirrel.
"Hell naw. You're stuck in a world like this one, away from college. Now I never wanted to go, told I was too stupid or somethin'. I could only dream of what it was like though. Free food, free living space." Daryl lists off. I shake my head.
"I'm oddly happy I'm not at college anymore, if I'm being honest. I was away from Beth, Maggie, daddy. I missed them terribly. I'm not happy with how things turned out, with walkers and whatnot. But I'm happy I'm here now." I say, smiling at the thought.
"Happy you're here with me eatin' squirrel stead of that fancy crap?" Daryl asks, I chuckle and nod my head.
"Yeah, yeah I am." I say earnestly.
    I look at my squirrel and pull it away from the fire, the meat on it looking nice and crispy. Daryl looks over at me as I eat, and I can't help but feel self conscious. Daryl takes his squirrel out of the fire and begins to eat away at it. I stare, completely shocked that the food doesn't burn the inside of his mouth. Daryl turns to me, looking somewhat self conscious too.
"What?" Daryl asks, mouth full of squirrel. I chuckle at him.
    I pull the squirrel away from my mouth and chew, soon swallowing the food in my mouth.
"How do you just....not care?" I ask, Daryl quirks a brow.
"What d'you mean?" He asks, now swallowing his own food.
"I just mean, how do you not care about hurting yourself? How do you not care what others think of you?" I ask, earning a frown from the man.
"I ain't never said I didn't care." Daryl states, I nod at this.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just wish I could be that way too." I say, earning a head shake from Daryl.
"Naw, you don't. I don't care cause I got no one to care about. Whenever It seems I do care, I lose 'em. Simple as that." Daryl explains, I let out a sigh.
"So...you don't care about me?" I ask, feeling brave enough to ask. Daryl almost chokes on his food at my question.
     He shoots me a bewildered look. He chews his food slower than he did before, and that's when I realize I shouldn't have asked that.
"Actually, never mind. Dumb question." I try to wave it off.
"I care." Daryl almost whispers once he's done chewing. I feel myself  stiffen at this. Debating on acting like I didn't hear it, or if I should say I did, I choose to go with the latter option.
"That's nice..." I say awkwardly, earning a weird look from Daryl.
"Sorry." I state, suddenly feeling my stomach tighten. I look down at my shoes, embarrassed of being so awkward.
"It's fine. It's funny." Daryl says, earning a scoff from me.
"What's funny?" I ask, feeling confident once more.
"You. You go 'round with this sad and awkward look. When you're mad though, damn you blow up like a firecracker." Daryl explains, causing me to chuckle.
"Yeah, I wasn't always so awkward and shy. Wasn't til high school did I become that way." I explain, looking down sadly.
"Where'd the firecracker attitude come from?" Daryl asks, taking another bite of the squirrel.
"Dunno. Always had it I think. Just never knew it." I explain, earning a nod from Daryl.
     I take one more bite of my squirrel, looking around, only to notice the rain has stopped for now.
"I should prolly head back home. It seems to be gettin' late. Plus, it's gettin' cold out." I say, beginning to stand.
"Naw, you can stay the night over in my tent. I can sleep outside of it." Daryl explains, I sit back down.
"I don't want to put you out Daryl. It's your tent. I can just find a place to sleep at the house." I say, earning a look from Daryl.
"You ain't got your bed?" He asks. I sigh.
"No, Beth is sleeping in my room for the night. I needed the glass in her room to be cleaned up, didn't want her doin' anything stupid." I explain.
"Ah." Daryl says simply.
"You're not puttin' me out. I promise." Daryl says, almost as if he's pleading.
    I look over at Daryl and sigh, nodding my head.
"Okay. But I needta grab some clothes from the house." I say, only for Daryl to shake his head.
"Naw, I got clothes." Daryl says, standing up.
     He places his squirrel on the log he was sitting on and walks over to his tent. I'm tempted to follow, but the feel of small raindrops falling onto my head grabs my attention. I step back and go back out in the rain, a smile on my face. I open my mouth again and close my eyes, twirling around as the rain pelts down on me. Hands grab my waist and I open my eyes with a squeal. Only to look and see Daryl holding me, a small smile on his face.
"You're soaking wet." Daryl says, grabbing my hand and pulling towards his tent.
     I just chuckle as he sits me down by the fire, my teeth chattering. I wrap my arms around my shoulders, Daryl letting me go and walking back towards his tent. I decide to follow him this time, too bored to just sit around. I walk up to his tent and hear him shuffling around in there, somewhat concerned. I unzip his tent to see him fumbling about trying to shove everything back into his duffel bag. I smile and walk into his tent, offering to help.
"Let me help." I say, walking forward to hold his bag shut so he can zip it closed.
     He grunts as he attempts to close it, only for him to let out a sigh when he finally manages. I chuckle and hold onto my shoulders again, feeling a chill run up my spine. Daryl must notice this as he grabs clothes that he had placed beside his duffel bag and hands them over to me. I offer him a smile.
"Thank you, Daryl." I say, nodding at him.
"Course." Daryl mumbles, turning to look away from me, biting away at his thumb.
"You gonna let me change, or..." I begin, trying to hint.
"Oh. Yeah. Sorry." Daryl mumbles, exiting his tent.
     I just chuckle and wait for the zipper to signal he closed the tent. Once it sounds off, I begin to strip off my clothes. First my top, quickly pulling on a button up flannel, though I button up only a few buttons, leaving some cleavage. I debate taking off my pants, and while I do see a pair of men's shorts left out for me, I decide to keep on my pants. After all, I need to save some part to the imagination. I chuckle at this, earning a huff from outside.
"Sorry. You can come in now." I say.
     The zipper to the tent opens up and Daryl walks in, only to stop when he catches a glimpse of me. A blush dusts his tanned cheeks ever so slightly. He quickly brushes it off and walks over towards his little cot. He picks up the shorts I chose not to wear and opens up the duffle bag again. He throws the shorts into the bag and fails to zip it shut again. I chuckle at this and help him once more, this time closing it much sooner.
"There we go." I say, a smile on my face.
Daryl chooses to say nothing, just picks up the duffel bag and plopping it on the ground.
"So..." I begin, not knowing what to do.
"Take the bed. I'll sleep outside." Daryl says, beginning to walk away.
"You said I wouldn't be puttin' you out. At least stay in here with me." I offer, nodding at him in approval.
"Naw, a girl like you needs your space." Daryl tries, I just shake my head no.
"A girl like me needs a strong man to protect her." I try, partially joking. Daryl shudders at my statement.
"Fine. You get the bed." Daryl orders, only for it to be my turn to shudder.
"You on the floor?" I ask, only for him to nod.
I go and sit on the bed, untying my shoe laces and pulling my shoes off. I hear shuffling from in front of me and I see Daryl taking off his vest. I look at his muscular shoulders and biceps, I feel myself blush. I think he feels me staring because he looks up at me and grunts.
"Nothin'." I state, looking back down at my feet.
"Ya like what you see?" Daryl asks, I can basically hear the smirk in his question.
"In your dreams." I retort, causing him to snort.
"You'd be surprised by what's in my dreams." Daryl mumbles, causing me to laugh at the look he gives me when he realizes what he just said. I quirk an eyebrow.
"Ooooh! Who do you dream about?" I ask, making Daryl blush.
"Ain't never said I dreamt of anyone." Daryl says, shooting me a look.
"I think you dooo~" I tease, going to poke his cheek. He swats my finger away.
"Leave me alone." Daryl states, causing me to laugh.
"You're such a softy! You like someone!" I yell, only for him to move over to me and cup my mouth with his rough hands.
"Ain't never said I liked anyone. You're talkin' out your ass." Daryl says, glaring me in the eyes.
I lick the palm of his hand and he pulls it away, a disgusted look on his face.
"Oh, c'mon. You know that's not the grossest thing to touch your hand." I joke, rolling my eyes.
He looks at me in disbelief, a smile on his face.
"You're right." Daryl says.
"So...it's Carol, yeah?" I tease, looking at him. He shakes his head no.
"Naw." He says, looking down, seeming almost shy.
"Okay, okay. I'll drop it." I say, giving up.
It's silent in the tent and I begin to lay down, but I stop when I hear Daryl mumble something.
"It's you..." Daryl whispers.
I'm starstruck, my jaw opens up wide and I pause. Not knowing what to do or say.
"Daryl..." I begin, but he cuts me off.
"Y/N. Drop it." Daryl warns, but I shake my head no.
"Daryl, do you remember earlier today when I mentioned I'd been avoiding you?" I ask, going to lay down. I hear him grunt.
"Well, y'see, Maggie had been on my case about talkin' to you. Bout a week ago, when Randall first got 'ere. It got me thinkin'. I think you're one of the most frustrating people I've ever met, and I've met a lotta people back at school. Yet, I find myself thinking about you. How you piss me off so much, I do not know. Why I've been thinking about you almost everyday, I do not know. You interest me Daryl, and not many people have ever made me feel that before. I just dunno what it is about you, why I sometimes choose to spend time with you rather than protect my family." I gush out, turning to look over at a now shirtless Daryl.
He doesn't look at me, doesn't say anything. I let out a sigh and turn around to face the opposite side of the tent. I almost feel like crying, Daryl's silence hurts my chest.
"Goodnight." I mumble, sniffling.
I hear movement, along with the rain that still patters on the tent, and then it's darker in the tent. It's then that I realize Daryl turned his lamp off. I hear more shuffling and the cot I'm on creaks under the weight of who I'm guessing was Daryl. He lays down beside me and wraps his arm around my waist. I feel myself smile at this. I roll over and look over at Daryl, a smile on my face.
"Thank you." I say, wrapping my left arm around his shoulder.
"Course." Daryl mumbles, moving his head towards the nook of my neck.
I move my head down and kiss his forehead, hearing a sigh leave Daryl's lips. I close my eyes and let out a sigh myself, keeping in a chuckle when I hear Daryl's snores from beside me. With the sound of the rain falling onto the tent, it lulls me into a deep sleep, a smile on my face.

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